Chapter 128: Karin VS Iruka! The collision of Water Release and Fire Release!

"To... to fight with a Chunin?" Inside the entire classroom, all the students were looking at each other.

Shikamaru had a "not beyond expectation" expression.

He sighed heavily, and whispered to Naruto and Chouji next to him helplessly: "This is definitely the best trick to kill our arrogance."

"It's over, it's over, it's over....."

Chouji felt that the chips were not fragrant anymore: "If we are going to fight with this Iruka-sensei, won't he beat us? Naruto, do you have any good ideas?"

Shikamaru was also quite curious to look at Naruto.

But he found that Naruto's face now didn't have their kind of expression with a bit of worry.

He found that Naruto looked eager to try.

Even a bit excited.

"Any ideas?" Naruto rubbed his nose with his thumb, confidently smiling, "The best way, of course, is to defeat Iruka-sensei fair and square!"

Although Naruto's voice wasn't loud, many people around him heard what he said.

Defeat Iruka-sensei...

That's too confident!

He's a Chunin!

"I wonder who's stronger, a Chunin from Konohagakure or a Chunin from Kirigakure." Haku, sitting behind Naruto, even his sitting posture was very "ladylike", and with his long black hair, he really looked like a girl. He muttered to himself, "At present, I should still find it quite difficult to deal with a Chunin..."

Haku is only nine years old this year, he's not the same Haku from five years later.

Haku's gaze fell on the back of Naruto's head.

Although he had never fought Naruto.

But Haku had witnessed Naruto's battle with Hoshigaki Kisame.

Naruto was able to spar with such a man for several rounds, even if Hoshigaki Kisame was lenient at the beginning, it couldn't deny that Naruto's strength was really very strong.

"It's not a battle between students?" Uchiha Sasuke was a little disappointed, he was still thinking about this opportunity to challenge Naruto, and then say to Naruto in a fair and square manner... Uzumaki Naruto, I think you look quite like a girl.

Then he looked at Iruka again.

"Fighting a Chunin is also good... it's just right to see how much gap there is between my recent special training results and a Chunin." Sasuke's mouth showed a hint of a smile.

He firmly believes that today...

He can make the surname "Uchiha" famous in the ninja school.

He can't let his brother down!

Clap! Clap! Clap!


Iruka clapped his hands to quiet the students in the class, he continued to smile and said, "In order to show some fairness, I will let you form a 1+1+1 combination. That is to say, each time you are three people against me."

Iruka thought for a moment, picked up a white chalk from the podium, and stuffed it into his pocket, "What you have to do is to take the chalk out of my pocket."

"You don't need to completely defeat me, as long as you can take it out, then you win. Whichever combination wins me, I will treat that combination to a bowl of ramen."

"Ichiraku Ramen! And I will order the best ramen, just to see if you can make my wallet shrink."

Iruka said and said, he made himself hungry first.

His words, however, made the group of students below eager to try.

They are not confident that they can defeat a Chunin.


If it's a combination with two other people.

And then three to one to fight a Chunin...

It's not necessarily impossible to defeat the opponent.

"Alright!" Iruka led the way, "I will take you directly to the small training ground in the school."


Ten minutes later.

School training ground.

The training ground in the ninja school is very small, it is said to be a training ground, but it is actually an open space, more like a large arena.

It's a circular flat square with a radius of twenty meters.

Iruka stood here with a smile, full of confidence, his eyes focused on his students in front of him.

Iruka didn't say much.

He got straight to the point, "Then let me, the main teacher, help you form a 1+1+1 combination. The first combination is Uzumaki Karin + Inuzuka Kiba + Akimichi Chouji!"

Iruka wouldn't let the Ino, Shika, Cho trio team up together, because that would be 1+1+1>3 combination.

"Isn't it embarrassing if things go wrong?"

"While sharpening the students' skills..."

It's also necessary to use a bit of intelligence.

"Eh? Me? First?" Chouji's expression was as if the sky had fallen. He stared blankly at Iruka, then looked to Naruto and Shikamaru for help. "Me, me, me... Why am I the first?"

"This teacher is not ordinary cunning!" Shikamaru commented, "If the three of us, Ino, Shika, Chi, unite and use family secret techniques, we might have a chance. But, he separated us, and that's troublesome."

"Don't worry, Chouji!"

Naruto patted Chouji's shoulder and encouraged him, "Karin is really strong!"

Inuzuka Kiba at the back sighed in resignation. "Why are there two dragging us down..."

He held the small puppy-form Akamaru.

And muttered to himself, "If it were with Uchiha Sasuke, that arrogant guy, and just throw in random trash, maybe we could defeat this arrogant teacher. Although I say this, I still stepped forward."

"Hey!" Inuzuka Kiba said to the composed Karin and the nervously conflicted Chouji, "Later on, as long as you two don't drag me down, leave the rest to me and Akamaru!"

"...Really a show-off guy," Shikamaru commented as he watched the trio approach.

At the same time, on the training ground.

Iruka formed a confrontation seal and said to Uzumaki Karin, Akimichi Chouji, and Inuzuka Kiba, "This is the ninja confrontation seal. Just mimic what I do."

"Such a hassle..." Inuzuka Kiba, holding the small puppy Akamaru, formed a confrontation seal with one hand.

Chouji, temporarily handing over the chips to Naruto, nervously formed a confrontation seal.

Karin was the calmest; she even formed the confrontation seal before Iruka spoke, making Iruka raise an eyebrow.

'This kid from the Whitebeard Pirates is definitely not simple!' Iruka thought cautiously about Karin.

He felt he had to be careful with Karin.

A Chunin from Konohagakure being cautious about a seven-eight-year-old kid sounds a bit ridiculous and embarrassing, 

But Karin's background is very special.

She comes from the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Begin!" The moment Iruka spoke, Inuzuka Kiba launched the first attack, throwing Akamaru towards Iruka.

Although Akamaru was just a small puppy, it opened its mouth wide, revealing not-so-sharp milk teeth.

Seemingly wanting to bite Iruka's groin.

Iruka, with a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, calmly avoided Akamaru's attack while marveling at the "fierce" nature of these ninja children. At this moment, he noticed from the corner of his eye that the small puppy's mouth contained a small ball.

Akamaru bit down hard!


Smoke instantly filled the air.

"Fell for it!" A voice echoed from the smoke. "Iruka-sensei, I remember your position, but you don't know where I am! I don't need the help of the other two; I can handle it alone!"

Relying on memory, Kiba charged forward, aiming for a low leg sweep.


The one screaming wasn't Iruka.

It was Kiba himself.

As the smoke gradually cleared, Kiba was shocked to find that he had kicked a very sturdy wooden stake!

A large hand suddenly pressed down on Kiba's head.

"Inuzuka Kiba, lacking teamwork, blindly arrogant, too much personal heroism, loves to show off." Iruka made a sharp assessment and effortlessly lifted Kiba up.

He effortlessly threw Kiba aside.

"Inuzuka Kiba, eliminated!"

"Ouch!" Kiba fell on a solid ground about five or six meters away, and his knee accidentally started bleeding.

This scene stunned many.

"Akimichi Chouji, too soft-natured, lacking the will to fight." Iruka instantly appeared behind the dumbfounded Chouji. When Chouji heard the voice and turned around hastily, Iruka kicked him in the buttocks without hesitation.

The foot's sensation was excellent; Iruka thought it might be because this kid named Chouji had too much flesh on his buttocks.

"Akimichi Chouji, eliminated."

"Uzumaki Karin, disregarding teammates being attacked, indifferent, also lacking team spirit." Iruka's voice echoed on the training ground, and he instantly appeared behind Karin.

Facing a little girl, he didn't kick Karin in the buttocks. Instead, he aimed to strike the back of Karin's neck.


"Hiss!" Iruka suddenly took a sharp breath, feeling the pain of his hand hitting a hard object, causing his arm to instinctively shake.

"This is..." Iruka's eyes widened suddenly. "Substitution Jutsu? When did she set up the Substitution Jutsu?"

He realized that he had hit a wooden stake!


"Substitution Jutsu?" Shikamaru, who was about to go help Chouji get up, saw this scene from the corner of his eye and was very surprised. "Naruto, your 'family' actually knows the Substitution Jutsu?"

Although the three -body Jutsu is a very basic Ninjutsu, everyone is still seven or eight years old, and it's rare for ninja children to learn the three -body Jutsu at this age.

"This girl..." Inuzuka Kiba, limping with a sore knee, stared wide-eyed at Karin. "Is she this powerful?"

"Naruto didn't lie to me..." Chouji, nursing his sore buttocks, stared in astonishment at Karin. "Karin is really amazing!"

"Her name is... Uzumaki Karin?" Sasuke clenched his fist because he hadn't fully learned the Substitution Jutsu yet. Although he had learned the Substitution Jutsu within the clan, he was not very proficient.

"But this is just a Ninjutsu that can't attack!" Sasuke quickly breathed a sigh of relief. "Although I haven't mastered the Substitution Jutsu, I have mastered the Great Fireball Jutsu!"


"Karin, you surprised me" Iruka, back to his senses from shock, turned to Karin. "You should be one of the more powerful students in this class."

"Naruto and Haku are much better than me." Karin politely replied, "Iruka-sensei, I take this match seriously, so please be careful."

This politeness of Karin was learned from her mother. Karin then pulled out an iron Kunai from her trouser leg.

Seeing such a sharp Ninja tool, Iruka's eyelids twitched slightly.

Whoosh... Karin's petite body erupted with astonishing speed, so fast that it made Iruka's heart tighten slightly.


The sound of metal colliding with metal suddenly rang out. Iruka also instantly drew out a Kunai.

"She is only seven years old, but her strength is comparable to an adult!" Iruka was surprised, feeling that Karin's strength might be a bit greater than that of a normal adult.

Karin changed her movements, and the Kunai went straight for Iruka's thigh.

Iruka blocked it again.

In a short ten seconds, the two Kunai clashed more than a dozen times, making the movements look dazzling and confusing, leaving a group of kids stunned.

Soon, seizing an opportunity, Karin quickly pulled out two Shuriken. She used one hand to block Iruka's Kunai and the other to throw the two Shuriken, forcing Iruka to dodge backward.

Karin tossed the Kunai upward.

Her little face showed a serious expression.

Her hands quickly formed seals.

"Water Release: Water Wave!!!" Karin opened her mouth and spewed out a stream of water with astonishing impact. The jet of water that shot out had a diameter of more than a meter.

"What?!" Iruka, who had just dodged two shurikens, saw the stream of water close at hand and his breath hitched.

Iruka didn't have time to think much, he also quickly formed a seal.

"Fire Release: Flowing Fire Jutsu!!!"

The fire stream spewing from his mouth collided fiercely with the water stream spewed out by Karin in mid-air, and steam spread in all directions, but the temperature of the steam was not as high as when Kisame and Guy were fighting.

Fire, water splashes, steam...

Spread all over the practice field!

A kunai that had been thrown high into the air by Karin earlier began to fall downwards, and it was falling directly towards the top of Iruka's head, who was spewing flames, in a beautiful arc.

Iruka vaguely sensed something was wrong.

He heard the whistling sound of the kunai.

Iruka, who decisively withdrew his Ninjutsu, took a step back, only to see a kunai deeply embedded in the ground where he had been standing before.

Iruka was sweating coldly.

"She really is a very powerful kid." Iruka had to admit that Karin's strength far exceeded that of many of her peers: "I didn't expect that I would have to get serious at this time, I can't lose to my own students!"

Iruka bit a kunai, and his hands began to form seals: "Ninjutsu..."

"Iruka-sensei, I admit defeat."

Iruka: "..."

Karin patted the dust off her body and smiled: "The Ninjutsu collision just now has let me know the gap with Chunin. I will practice hard and keep up with Iruka-sensei's pace."

Iruka: "..."

My Ninjutsu was just one seal short of being completed.

You're telling me you admit defeat?

Forcibly interrupting a Ninjutsu, Iruka's face was flushed, but at this time he could only forcibly endure the discomfort of his body, and tried to pull out a smile that was considered kind: "Karin, you are more excellent than I imagined, I take back my previous words."

"Thank you, Iruka-sensei." Karin voluntarily retreated back into the crowd, and now, no one dared to look down on her.

Many people looked at Karin with a bit of shock.

Who would have thought that Karin, who wore a pair of glasses and looked ordinary, could burst out with such amazing strength.

You know, whether it's Inuzuka Kiba from the Inuzuka clan...

Or Akimichi Chouji from the Akimichi clan...

They were all easily defeated by Iruka-sensei.

But Karin was able to fight back!

She even managed to hold on for several moves!

"Is she... is she also like me, a civilian ninja?" Sakura looked at Karin's figure, and she swallowed a mouthful of saliva in secret: "I... I still don't know anything, she actually knows Ninjutsu already? She's really amazing!"

...If you want to surpass our team leader, you have to surpass me, this team member first, right? Uchiha... Sasuke-chan!

Looking at Karin's figure, Sasuke's heart involuntarily blurted out such a sentence, this was what Karin had said to him.

"She's... she's so powerful?"

The image of Karin releasing Ninjutsu, no matter what, could not be waved away in Sasuke's mind.

"No! I'm better than her!"

Sasuke felt... if he used "Great Fireball Jutsu", and collided with Karin's "Water Wave"...

The winner would be him!

He is Uchiha!

"Naruto, your 'family member' is beyond my expectations!" Even Shikamaru, also with a shocked expression, sighed: "It seems that a certain show-off guy has lost face."

Kiba: "...."

"Karin! Karin!" Chouji, clutching his buttocks, ran over. After receiving the chips Naruto returned to him, he said with a joyful face, "You're so amazing! Really amazing!"

"Hahaha! Of course!" Naruto puffed out his chest, "Karin is one of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Karin was a bit embarrassed by the praise.

Although she didn't defeat Iruka, it was clear that her performance had won everyone's approval.

No one would underestimate her.

"Cough cough!" Iruka coughed, deciding to save some face for himself. He said to a group of kids, "Next group... Yamanaka Ino + Sarutobi Takeo + Haruno Sakura! You three, come and fight me."

In this group, the most formidable ones are undoubtedly Yamanaka Ino and Sarutobi Asuma, these two children from ninja clans.

Haruno Sakura, on the other hand, doesn't know Taijutsu or Ninjutsu at all.

These three against a Chunin.

The result is naturally quite tragic.

Ino ended up in a sorry state on the ground, with Sakura falling on top of her, the pair of good friends ended up in a miserable defeat playing a game of human pyramid.

Sarutobi Takeo hadn't reacted yet when Iruka knocked him on the head, causing him to clutch his head and cry out in pain.

Total defeat!

"You three need to work harder!" Iruka, having regained some face, finally showed a smile, "Next group... Aburame Shino, Nara Shikamaru, Haku!"

"You've split up Ino-Shika-Cho, you're too cunning, teacher." Shikamaru's world-weary face saw through everything.

Iruka didn't deny it, he smiled and pointed to his head, "After all... a ninja's battle also requires brains."

Aburame Shino didn't say a word, his presence was very low.

"It's my turn..." Haku is the oldest among these new students, others are seven or eight years old, only he is nine.

All three of them stood in front of Iruka.

Haku stood in the middle of the three.

To his left was Aburame Shino.

To his right was Nara Shikamaru.

"Iruka-sensei." Although Shikamaru didn't know how powerful Haku was, with Uzumaki Karin's precedent, he showed a smile, "The three of us together are quite a handful!"

"Ninjutsu. Shadow Imitation Jutsu!!!"

Shikamaru didn't even wait for Iruka to say start.

He just went straight into action.




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