Chapter 142: Naruto's Infectious Power! Don't Insult My Friends!

Two seconds before Shikamaru's panicked shout, Naruto's Observation Haki suddenly felt a very ominous premonition.

Every cell in his body sent a danger signal, and the deadly crisis seemed to come from all directions.

Naruto was so startled that all the hairs on his body stood up.

He had never felt this kind of crisis before.

This crisis made Naruto feel suffocated!

At the same time as Shikamaru's voice rang out, Naruto directly shouted at Kurama inside his body: "Big Fox!"

D"I know, stinky brat!" The Nine-Tails' displeased tone came, and the rampaging Nine-Tails chakra was even more majestic than before.

Naruto was not only covered with a layer of Nine-Tails chakra on his body, his whole person was in a state of being on four tails, and his form... looked more like a small monster covered in red.

It was also at the moment of Naruto's transformation.


The deafening roar of the explosion sounded underfoot, and the ground seemed to be covered with one explosive after another.

The continuous explosions set off waves of air, and the buildings on the entire street could not withstand the power of the explosion, began to collapse, and turned into a large piece of architectural ruins.

The ground underfoot was arched high by the violent explosion.

A large amount of soil, gravel, and bricks were thrown out violently.

The trees on the side of the street were directly blown to pieces by the explosives.

Accompanied by the screams of horror from the civilians living on this street.

The whole scene was like the end of the world.

The huge movement even attracted the attention of the entire Konohagakure village.


"Damn... Damn it! Are we late?" Kisame looked at the street in front of him that had fallen into a sea of explosive fire, the red blood streaks in his eyes were even more serious, and his expression was unprecedentedly ugly: "This must be at least a hundred explosives!"

"Konohagakure trash, how could they let such a dangerous guy sneak into the village?" Kisame gritted his teeth immediately.

He didn't care how dangerous the explosion of hundreds of explosives would be, Kisame rushed in without hesitation.

Because, inside are his three family members.

"No matter who the bastard is, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!!!"

Feeling the layers of air waves coming from the explosive explosion.

Kisame decisively made hand seals.

"Water Release. Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave!!!" Kisame spat out an astonishing amount of water from his mouth, and he was trying his best to control the flow speed of these waters to make the water flow slower.

Because, the purpose of his using this Ninjutsu is to limit the power of these explosive explosions. Not to use this Ninjutsu to kill three family members who may not have died.

The Water Release Ninjutsu used by Kisame's amazing chakra volume directly turned the entire street into a giant lake.

An elliptical water ball enveloped the entire street.

The explosives that had not yet exploded were directly suppressed by the Water Release Ninjutsu, the thick smoke raised high was squeezed out by the water flow, and the fire caused by the explosion was even extinguished by the Water Release Ninjutsu.

The picture inside began to appear.

"This is...."

Kisame's eyes widened a bit.

In Kisame's line of sight, he could see Naruto, who was close to half-tailed beast transformation, with chakra energy spreading all over his body.

Each chakra energy band is connected to a person.

Chakra wraps everyone up.

It can be clearly seen that all the people wrapped in the tailed beast chakra are not in any serious trouble.

Naruto, who is close to half-tailed beast transformation....

Looks even unscathed.


Kisame took a deep breath.


The thing he was worried about did not happen.

The ugly expression on his face also involuntarily showed a few smiles, and he said with some emotion: "You're quite capable! Naruto! You really deserve to be the division leader approved by Pops!"

At the same time.

Naruto, who had saved everyone on the entire street to the limit with the power of the Nine-Tails, was panting heavily.

Because, his spirit just now was extremely tense

If it was even half a second later, there would definitely be heavy casualties!

Whether it's his family, his friends, or the civilians living on this street in Konohagakure, at least half of them would be killed or injured.

On his body, there are more than thirty chakra energy bands.

To protect everyone.

But Naruto's rough breath hadn't panted for a few seconds, and he suddenly felt a choking sensation, and was shocked to find that he was wrapped in a ball of water.

Naruto quickly held his breath and looked back as if he felt something.....

Seeing Kisame's figure

"Tsk, it seems I've overdone it." Kisame withdrew the Water Release Ninjutsu, the water ball covering the entire street suddenly burst open, and a large amount of water rushed towards the other streets.

Konohagakure village's water measures simply couldn't handle so much water.

Many houses nearby were flooded up to more than a meter high.

The surrounding residents only felt that there was a violent explosion.

And then suddenly there was a flood.

They were so scared that they didn't dare to go out and watch the excitement, they hurriedly ran up to the second floor of their homes, so as not to be washed away by the surging water.

At this time, Naruto also withdrew the Nine-Tails chakra and returned to normal.

But suddenly his legs softened, and he almost fall down, because the Nine-Tails chakra has a very unique corrosive nature.

Fortunately, Naruto's physical strength is very strong.

Otherwise, he would have fallen directly.

Naruto took a deep breath, steadied his slightly soft legs, and silently said in his heart: 'Thank you, big fox.

Because Naruto knew that with his control over the Nine-Tails chakra, he couldn't save everyone in an instant.

Naruto knew that the big fox had helped a little in the dark.

"Tsk! I didn't intend to help you! I didn't even want to save those humans!" Kurama spoke disdainfully: "I just simply don't like the Mangekyou Sharingan. That guy claims to be Uchiha Madara... is he worthy of being called Madara?"

"The Uchiha Madara that I have seen is not such a cowaed guy who hide behind the mask! I don't know where that brat came from, he has a Mangekyou Sharingan, and he's pretending to be Uchiha Madara!"

Kurama felt that no one in the entire ninja world knew Uchiha Madara better than him. Back then... the feeling of being controlled by that man is still vivid!

Like the mysterious masked man who hide his face, Kurama is sure that he is definitely not Uchiha Madara.

Where did Uchiha Madara get his dual personality?

He wouldn't use such a shady trick!

"Naruto, are you okay?" At this time, Kisame came to Naruto's side and said: "When Hinata went to notify the Konohagakure ninjas, I happened to meet her and then I rushed over."

After explaining, Kisame was murderous. His surging killing intent seemed to make the gravel on the ground tremble slightly: "Naruto, who exactly did it to you?"

"Akatsuki!" Naruto took a breath, his little face was a bit embarrassed after the fight: "It's the masked man from the Akatsuki organization! There's also a very strange guy, I don't know who he is, he should be the masked man's companion, they all ran away."

Even if the hasty battle only lasted for more than a minute, but the enemy's strength was so strong... Naruto felt that this more than a minute was like an hour.

His body is not particularly tired.

But mentally quite tired.

"....Akatsuki?" After hearing this, Kisame's killing intent was even stronger.

Because Kisame also knew that the Land of Water would become like that, it was because the Akatsuki organization was causing trouble inside.

If it weren't for the guy with the Sharingan in the Akatsuki organization, who controlled their Fourth Mizukage...

The Land of Water would not be so poor.

Kirigakure Village would not be so deformed.

The policy of blood mist would not continue.

"That masked man appeared again?" Kisame sneered: "That's really good luck for him! If he ran a few seconds late, I would definitely make him leave his head here!"

On the other side.

"It was Naruto who saved us, and Kisame also came."side

Haku, clutching his painfully aching ribs, let out a slight sigh of relief. He looked around at the mess everywhere and shook his head helplessly: "The words that the masked man said when he left really made me relax. I didn't expect that what he said was just a psychological tactic."

"Using words to make us relax, and then detonating a bunch of explosives! If it weren't for Naruto, even if we were lucky enough not to be killed by the explosives, we would have to lie in the hospital for a year and a half."

".....I'm still far from being a qualified ninja!" Haku couldn't help but sigh bitterly.

At this time, Hyuga Neji couldn't say a word.

Neji considers himself a natural genius of the Hyuga clan.

His deceased father also thought so.

In the ninja school, he had even challenged the seniors of the sixth grade a year ago and defeated them strongly, being called the first genius of the ninja school.

But at this moment, Neji found that his title of "first genius of the ninja school" became especially ridiculous.

Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Karin.


These three people are not simple!

Uzumaki Karin, although she did not participate in this battle, she was able to take care of him, 

who was injured at a critical moment, to avoid the attack and also find the right opportunity to heal him. From this side, it can be reflected that Uzumaki Karin is actually very strong, I'm afraid her strength is not below mine!

Haku, that Ice Release Kekkei Genkai is even more needless to say, although he was also injured by the mysterious masked man, but with his superb combat wisdom, he almost got the mysterious masked man. Haku, he is definitely not below me!

Uzumaki Naruto, Neji doesn't know how to evaluate Uzumaki Naruto. Because Neji found that this guy, who is a year younger than himself, is so strong that it is so shocking!

Is he... really a freshman in the ninja school?

Is he really a little devil who is younger than me?

Naruto's "Wind Release, Great Breakthrough", "Wind Release: Wind Cutting Jutsu", and that even more amazing weird orange-red chakra, and finally turned into a weird half-human half-beast monster...

All made Neji's soul greatly shocked.

Especially just now Neji was still opening his white eyes, he could clearly see the meridians in Naruto's body, and a kind of chakra that did not belong to Naruto emerged, that kind of chakra was extremely evil.

Just by looking at it with byakugan...

It made him feel like his hair was standing on end.

And when Naruto used this chakra to save himself, Neji's skin even touched this evil chakra.

"A monster in human form..." After being silent for several seconds, Neji could only utter this sentence.

The word "monster" has no derogatory meaning.

It's just a simple feeling.

It's also a simple shock.

"But..." Neji was a bit puzzled, why did Naruto want to save the civilians of Konohagakure village? Mainly if he stood in Naruto's position, from childhood to adulthood, the whole village isolated him and called him a "demon fox" of disaster.

For such a group of people, do I need to save them? If I were Uzumaki Naruto, Neji felt that he couldn't do it.

Being in such a fate of Uzumaki, how does Uzumaki Naruto... have this kind of heart?

Suddenly, he remembered what Haku had said.

....Fate is decided by powerful people!

Neji was stunned.

"Uzumaki Naruto..." Neji's eyes looked at Naruto's back, and he murmured: "Is this your way of breaking free from 'fate'!?"

About twenty or thirty meters behind Hyuga Neji.

Chouji had already been scared by the big scene just now, his hands were shaking. He took several deep breaths to steady his trembling body, then turned his head stiffly to look at Shikamaru: "Shika, Shikamaru... did we almost die just now?"

Chouji, Shikamaru... including everyone present, they all looked as if they had been fished out of the water, their bodies were all wet.

Of course, that's indeed the case.

No one could avoid Kisame's Ninjutsu.

Everyone on the entire street was affected.

"Probably?" Shikamaru couldn't tell whether the water on his face was ordinary water or sweat from fear.

He looked a little calmer than Chouji.

But only a little.

"Letting a group of ninja school students, whose average age is not more than 10 to experience such a big scene... it's really outrageous."

Shikamaru clenched the corner of his clothes tightly, squeezing out a lot of water, using this small movement to relieve the tension and fear in his heart.

At the moment when the Explosives were exploding continuously, Shikamaru felt that he was really going to die here.

"Just before I died, the regret in my heart was not that I didn't see my parents... but that I regretted not seeing Naruto sit on the position of Hokage with my own eyes..."

Shikamaru's whole body started to feel a bit numb.

Why would he have this kind of regret?

Is Uzumaki Naruto's infectious power so outrageous?

Was he influenced like this?


"What... what's going on? Why did the whole street suddenly explode, and how was it suddenly saved?" Some civilians on this street who were full of confusion, and those who were saved by Naruto, stood on the ground, all looking at each other, and they could clearly see the lingering fear on their faces.

For these civilians of Konohagakure village, feeling the Ninjutsu bombardment of ninjas at such a close distance is really too stimulating.

Especially Naruto's Wind Release, Obito's Explosive, Kisame's Water Release, the noise was like a local disaster.

"The one who saved us turned out to be that guy?" Many people looked at Naruto, who was known as the "demon fox", Naruto was still very famous in Konohagakure.

"Were we saved by the 'demon fox'?" Some people were dumbfounded: "The demon fox that symbolizes disaster, he actually saved us?"

"...This." Some people were a bit embarrassed, because these people had once spread rumors about Naruto.

"Is it possible that this disaster was caused by the demon fox?" A very discordant voice suddenly sounded at this time.

A half-sized devil about ten years old said: "If it weren't for this demon fox, how could such a disaster happen?"

"That guy has always been the source of disaster!"

This guy's voice was very loud, not to mention the civilians nearby, even Naruto and Kisame, could hear what he was shouting.

Kisame's bloodshot eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked at Naruto and asked: "Do you want me to help you kill them, or do you want to kill them yourself?"

"There's no need to care about such a person." Naruto's mentality was calm: "Their dislike for me will not affect me at all. As long as they doesn't speak ill of Pops, or my family, or the Whitebeard Pirates, it doesn't matter."

"Hey, hey, hey, but this will make me very upset!" Kisame showed his fierce fangs, murderous: "Don't forget, you are also my family, you are being insulted by others... I wouldn't just sit back and watch, would I?"

His words made Naruto stand still, no one noticed that Kisame's words seemed to make some sense.

Just because he doesn't care, doesn't mean his family doesn't care.

Just like some things his family doesn't care about...

Doesn't mean he doesn't think about it.

However, at this moment, Kisame suddenly paused, because he found a little fat man, actually walked to the front of the insolent guy.

That is Chouji!

"Hey!" Chouji felt unprecedented anger, he raised his head, a pair of not big eyes stared straight at the guy in front of him, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "You! Now, immediately, right away! Apologize to Naruto!"

"Naruto, is not the demon fox you're talking about! He's not the disaster you're talking about! Naruto, he is the hero who saved everyone! Naruto, he is the future Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure in my heart!"

"Huh?" The half-sized kid in his teens looked down at Chouji, who was even smaller than him.

He reached out and poked Chouji's forehead hard.

"Apologize to that demon fox?" The half-sized devil disdained: "Don't joke around! What future Fifth Hokage? Little fatty, playing ninja is not the way you play! You're siding with the demon fox, could it be that you're also a demon fox? With your pig-like figure, why not call you a demon pig?"

But he didn't notice that the raging anger in Chouji's eyes was about to materialize.

The anger is gradually swallowing up his sanity.

For someone like Chouji, as long as he doesn't do anything that touches his bottom line, he will appear very kind and easy-going.

But once it touches Chouji's bottom line.

Chouji will be angrier than anyone else.

"I Don't! Allow! You! To! Insult! My! Friends!"

"Partial Multi-Size Jutsu!!!"

When fighting in the ninja school, Chouji dared not fight with the teacher; when facing the mysterious masked man, Chouji also dared not fight with him.

Knowing that ninjas who start with civilians will be severely punished, but this time Chouji still made a move, and without hesitation.

Chouji's hands became huge in the blink of an eye, just one hand's palm, it looked as big as an adult.

"Akimichi Secret Technique....."

"Multi-Size Push Hands!!!"

He was like a sumo wrestler fighting, his hands pushed forward violently, and his small body burst out with extraordinary strength.

"Puwa!!!" The half-sized kid who had picked on Chouji's reverse scale area several times was hit by a big hand on the spot.

The whole person flew backwards like a cannonball out of its chamber.

In mid-air, he vomited blood frantically, and the bones in his body were "crack", "crack" breaking.

Until he fell heavily two or three tens of meters away.

Lying on the ground, he "hummed" a few times.

He passed out on the spot.

"Huff...huff..." Chouji's eyes were unprecedentedly fierce and serious, he swept over a group of Konohagakure civilians: "Naruto, is not a demon fox! Not a disaster! Remember, he... is the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure!!"

"Chouji..." Naruto stared at Chouji, and suddenly showed a brilliant smile: "You are indeed my Hokage assistant!"

"...Chouji" Shikamaru's face was complicated, but he also showed a few smiles, he walked up and patted Chouji's shoulder: "Stupid Chouji, you are quite powerful, aren't you?"

"Ha, quite interesting Konohagakure little kid!"

Kisame was immediately interested: "You look like obedient kid, I didn't expect you to be more fierce than anyone else when making a move!"



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