Chapter 213: The Moby Dick is complete! Can Tsunade heal Kimimaro?

In the following period, the temporary base of the Whitebeard Pirates welcomed one guest after another.

They brought varying amounts of money, some with 1.5 million ryos, others with several hundred thousand ryos.

The number of captives at the Whitebeard Pirates' temporary base visibly decreased.

In just five days, the number of captives in the temporary base...

...was down to the last three.

And these three people all came from the same ninja village... that is, Otogakure, founded by Orochimaru!

There was no choice...

After Orochimaru fled, he did not leave any ransom money.

As a result, Kimimaro and the other two unfortunate Otogakure ninjas are still tied up in the Whitebeard Pirates.

During this time, Sasuke gradually got used to the family atmosphere within the Whitebeard Pirates and accepted the kindness passed on to him by each family member.

He also learned to pass on his kindness to his family.

At the same time, Sasuke found that after acknowledging Whitebeard Pops as his father and becoming a member of the Whitebeard Pirates...

The surviving members of the Uchiha clan, who had previously isolated him, recently started talking to him.

Some even invited him to their homes.

If Sasuke didn't understand something in his ninja training, whether it was Uchiha Shisui or Hoshigaki Kisame, they would teach him, and they were very patient.

At this moment, Sasuke finally felt the true warmth of a "family".

This is what a family should look like.

Family members should care for each other, worry about each other, understand each other, support each other, and love each other.

In comparison, Sasuke felt that in his original family, apart from his mother, there was not a single normal family member.

Because his biological father was too strict and harsh, so harsh that Sasuke often doubted whether he was his biological son.

As for Uchiha Itachi...

Sasuke no longer has this brother in his heart.


Sasuke, Naruto, and Haku, the three little kids, finished their training for the day.

By this time, it was already getting dark.

Dragging their tired bodies, they went to find Kimimaro, who was tied up in a room, as soon as they returned to the Whitebeard Pirates' base.

Kimimaro was not tied up with the other two Otogakure ninjas, he had his own separate room, which had been specially reinforced.

"Hehe, are you hungry?"

Naruto held several large wooden skewers, each skewer had a grilled fish at one end, the grilled fish still had some residual heat, emitting a fragrant aroma with spices.

Gurgle gurgle...

Kimimaro was indeed hungry.

His stomach was growling.

Naruto smirked and said, "If you join the Whitebeard Pirates, I'll let you down and then give you these grilled fish to eat."

".....I can't betray Orochimaru-sama." Kimimaro forcibly suppressed his craving, his face showed little emotion, like a poker face.

Haku spoke in a ghostly tone, "But the Orochimaru-sama you speak of, he doesn't care about you anymore! Recently, ninjas from various villages have paid to redeem their ninjas, but only your Orochimaru-sama, without enough ransom, has vanished from the world."

Kimimaro had always been confined in the house.

He had felt the recent turmoil in Konohagakure, but he didn't know what exactly had happened.

Haku continued, "Perhaps in Orochimaru's eyes, you are not the most perfect reincarnation vessel... Maybe, he found a better reincarnation vessel than you!"

"And then..." Haku smiled faintly, "Our 'cold' Kaguya Kimimaro, not only became Orochimaru's abandoned pawn. As his pawn, he still thinks for Orochimaru.

"....." Kimimaro was choked by Haku's words for a while, and his mood inevitably fluctuated.

But Kimimaro still stubbornly said, "Even if Orochimaru-sama has a better vessel, he will not abandon me."

Sasuke, with his arms crossed over his chest, looked at the bound Kimimaro and commented, "This guy has been brainwashed, hasn't he?"

"Perhaps, this is gratitude!" Naruto shrugged, "After all, he was saved by Orochimaru."

Naruto walked over and untied the steel rope that bound Kimimaro.

Kimimaro was stunned for a moment.

Naruto stuffed a few skewers of grilled fish into his arms.

"You look sickly, don't starve yourself." Naruto grinned at Kimimaro, "If you change your mind one day, the Whitebeard Pirates are always welcoming you!"

".....Thank you." Kimimaro politely thanked Naruto.

Regardless of his image, he grabbed a skewer of grilled fish and began to devour it.

For Kimimaro, who possesses the "Shikotsumyaku" Kekkei Genkai, the problem of fish bones does not exist.

He even gnawed the fish bones hard.

Swallowed directly into his stomach.

Consider it as calcium supplement.

This made Naruto and the others dumbfounded.

Those who didn't know would think that Naruto and the others had been "abusing" Kimimaro these days.

In fact, Naruto never starved Kimimaro for a meal.

Three meals a day, none were missing.

Kimimaro seemed to see the surprise of the three, he was wolfing down while explaining, "Without medication to suppress my illness, I can only supplement a large amount of nutrition through food, try to maintain the health of the body, and suppress the disease of the body as much as possible."

"Disease? Oh!" Naruto clapped his fists, he remembered, "The day you fought with us, I remember you had a disease, it seemed to be some kind of hereditary disease?"

"Mm....." Kimimaro nodded, "It's a very difficult to cure hereditary disease, even Orochimaru-sama can't find a cure, Orochimaru-sama doesn't have much clue about this."

"If one day, Orochimaru-sama finds a way to cure my family's hereditary disease, then I will be Orochimaru-sama's most perfect vessel."

When Kimimaro finished eating all the grilled fish.

He found a small white hand handing him a handkerchief.

Looking up.

He saw it was Haku.

"Thank you." Kimimaro took the handkerchief, wiped his hands, and wiped his mouth.

Just as he was preparing to return the handkerchief, suddenly Naruto's words made him stand still, "Kimimaro, let's cure your disease!"

Kimimaro was stunned, he turned his head and looked at Naruto in astonishment.

Naruto grinned, "I found that you are a very loyal person, if we cure your disease, you will definitely remember our kindness, right?"

In order to recruit Kimimaro into the Whitebeard Pirates, Naruto was even prepared to play the emotional card.

He openly told Kimimaro his intentions.

Naruto didn't even try to hide it.

Kimimaro was taken aback.

"You guys can't possibly find a cure." Kimimaro shook his head: "Even Orochimaru-sama, doesn't have....."

Before he could finish his sentence, his wrist was grabbed by Naruto.

Kimimaro found that Naruto's grip was very strong.

"You, you haven't even tried yet, how do you know we can't do it?"

Naruto laughed: "We are indeed not medical ninjas, we really don't know how to cure your disease, but, we know a very powerful medical ninja."

"In terms of medical skills, I feel she is definitely much better than your Orochimaru!"

Without saying anything, Naruto directly pulled Kimimaro outside.

He didn't continue to tie Kimimaro up with a rope.

He wasn't afraid of Kimimaro escaping from him.

Naruto had a hundred ways to catch the escaping Kimimaro.

"Kimimaro-kun, if your Orochimaru-sama really cares about you, with just the three of us kids watching you... why didn't he take the opportunity to defeat us and rescue you?"

Haku added with a smile: 

"Perhaps, your Orochimaru-sama, isn't even in Konohagakure village at the moment? He seems... not particularly concerned about you!"

"He doesn't seem very keen to rescue you!"

Kimimaro: "....."


After a while, inside a casino in Konohagakure village.

The casino that Tsunade often went to was destroyed in the battle five days ago, so she found another one.

Since Tsunade's identity had been exposed, the entire casino was bustling, all wanting to shear some wool from this big fat sheep.

"Tsu, Tsunade-sama." The person in charge of the casino rubbed his hands, looking at the gloomy-faced Tsunade in front of him: "Your chips are only three left, these three chips add up to less than a thousand ryos, you... do you want to exchange some more chips?"

"No, no more!" Shizune, who was next to Tsunade, holding the chubby Tonton, quickly answered for Tsunade.

"Exchange!" Tsunade snatched Tonton from Shizune's arms.

Then she put the bewildered Tonton on the gambling table.

Tsunade, with red eyes from gambling, gritted her teeth and said: "This little pig understands human speech, it can be sold for at least 500,000 ryos! The necklace around its neck is real pearls, it can also be worth at least 500,000 ryos! Its sense of smell is more sensitive than a dog's, this can also be worth 500,000 ryos!"

"All these add up to a total of 1.5 million ryos is not a problem, directly give me 1.5 million ryos of chips! Tonight, I'm going to turn your broken casino upside down!"

"Okay, okay! I'll exchange 1.5 million ryos of chips for Tsunade-sama!" The person in charge of the casino was immediately overjoyed, he didn't care what Tsunade-sama was mortgaging.

As long as Tsunade-sama was willing to borrow money.

Then he would lend as much as she wanted.

After all, this big fat sheep of the ninja world, she really does repay her debts!

It's precisely because of this that so many people call Tsunade a big fat sheep.

After all, her gambling luck is so bad, and she likes to borrow money to gamble.

Moreover, she also likes to borrow money at high interest rates.

The key is that Tsunade, as one of the three ninjas of Konohagakure, has the ability to repay her gambling debts.

Who doesn't like a big fat sheep?

"Ah! Tonton!" Shizune was dumbfounded, "Tsunade-sama, how could you mortgage Tonton to the casino?"

Tsunade waved her hand nonchalantly, she confidently patted her chest, "Don't worry! Give me ten minutes, and I'll win it back!"

But at this time, Tsunade was still in her youthful form, she had not returned to her original appearance.

Her palm could only pat on a flat highway with only two roadside trees.

Tsunade, who got a large amount of chips, got excited again.

"Come on!" Tsunade impatiently pushed a third of the chips to an area on the table, and said to the dealer, "Quickly roll the dice! I want to bet....."

But at this moment, a small hand reached out and moved the chips on the table to the side.

Just at the position of five 4 points.

Tsunade was stunned.

She turned her head in surprise and saw three familiar little devils.

These three familiar little brats also brought a strange little brats, ".....Naruto? How are you here?"

Naruto sat down next to Tsunade.

He turned his head and smiled at Tsunade, "Big sister Tsunade, I feel it's better to bet on five 4 points, this is my intuition."

Tsunade just wanted to let Naruto stop messing around, not to affect her luck tonight.....

But the next second, she suddenly thought that Naruto's luck seemed a bit against the sky.

After all, the last time she took Naruto to the casino.

She found that this little devil could win so much money from the casino with just a few chips.

What if..... this little devil still has this kind of luck this time?

Thinking of this, Tsunade hummed, "Then I'll trust you for a while, if I lose..." "Little brat, you have to pay me these 500,000 ryo!"

Then, she looked at the casino dealer, "What are you still dazed about?"

"Okay, okay!" The dealer reacted and hurriedly shook the dice in his hand, the five dice inside kept spinning in the dice cup.

After shaking for a full half minute, the dealer put the dice cup heavily on the flat table.

Tsunade's breathing gradually became rapid.

After all, it's 500,000 ryo.

She was muttering in her mouth, "Little brat, if I lose, it's your fault, not mine....."

As the dealer lifted the dice cup.

"Little brat, if I lose, it's....."

Tsunade was stunned, the dealer was stunned, Shizune was stunned.

Tonton, who was placed on the gambling table, was also stunned.

The casino manager was stunned.

Five bright red 4 points were presented in front of everyone present.

And on the table area covered by 500,000 ryo, you can clearly see that there is a line of small text printed on it..... If you win, you can get 10 times the chips.

"10 times.....5 million! 5 million!"

Tsunade was the first to scream excitedly, she grabbed Naruto and pulled him into her arms with her strange strength.

She held Naruto's head, puckered her lips, and kissed Naruto's forehead heavily.

She left a lipstick mark on Naruto's forehead.

Tsunade's face was full of excitement and joy, "Ahahaha! Good boy! Good! Uzumaki Naruto, I knew you little brat are very trustworthy! Ahahaha!!"

She quickly stuffed all her chips to Naruto, "Quick, quick, little brat, you help me gamble! If I win, I'll give you one..... um, cough! I'll give you a fifth!"

At this moment.

The casino manager suddenly had a bad premonition.

Until time passed minute by minute.

"Naruto..... good guy! You won again! Ahahaha! Good! 10 million!"

"Hiss! 20 million ryos!"

"29 million ryos!"

"32 million ryos!"



Tsunade has been playing casino for decades, but this is the first time she has left the casino holding so much cash. She could even see the gloomy face of the person in charge of the casino.

At this moment.

It was already late at night.

Shizune was carrying a large bag in her left hand and another large bag in her right hand, while Tonton was lying on Shizune's head.

Shizune was somewhat dreamy, Tsunade-sama used to go to the casino, usually for "charity".

Tsunade-sama is the kind of person who has a big appetite and owes a lot of money every day, the kind of person who has a bit of self-awareness.

Who would have thought...

This time there was a 180-degree turn.

Making the casino become a philanthropist.

Of course, Shizune also knew that the credit for this time was not on Tsunade-sama, but on a child named Uzumaki Naruto.

"Hahaha! Naruto, you little brat! You're amazing!" Tsunade, who had just left the casino, laughed very happily: "No wonder Whitebeard took you as his son, even I want to take you as my son."

"Big sister Tsunade, you had a good time gambling tonight, didn't you?" Naruto asked Tsunade with a smile.

"Hahahaha, I'm happy!" Tsunade laughed very heartily.

Naruto stated his purpose: "Then I want to ask big sister Tsunade for a favor, you definitely won't refuse, right?"

Tsunade was still immersed in the joy of just now.

She waved her hand nonchalantly: "Say it! Say it! I am the Sannin Tsunade, if you need any help, just say it, I will definitely help you!"

Naruto brought Kimimaro over and said to Tsunade: "I want big sister Tsunade to help cure Kimimaro."

"Hmm?" Tsunade looked down at this little brat with long hair, two very obvious red dots in the middle of his eyebrows, decent looks, but seemed a bit pale.

She found that these four little brats.

None of them looked bad.

"What kind of illness does Kimimaro have, that made you the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, to fuss over him?" Tsunade raised an eyebrow and asked.

Naruto said, "Kimimaro said... this is a unique hereditary disease of their clan Kekkei Genkai 'Shikotsumyaku'."

Tsunade: "!!!"

Kekkei Genkai?


Bloodline disease?

Tsunade frowned, feeling that Naruto's request was a bit tricky: "You little brat have given me a difficult problem!"


Meanwhile, at the temporary base of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Terumi Mei came to visit late at night.

Because, just now, a very special message came from Kirigakure Village, which made Terumi Mei sit up straight from the bed and hurriedly ran to the Whitebeard Pirates.

Before long.

Terumi Mei saw Whitebeard.

Although it was already late at night, this Whitebeard was still not resting, and his children were also not resting.

Terumi Mei also saw Hoshigaki Kisame here.

He was once one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village.


Kisame has become Whitebeard's son.

Terumi Mei even had a very strange thought... If she recognized Whitebeard as her father, would Whitebeard accept her as his daughter?

"Gurararararara! Is it you, little brat?" Whitebeard, holding a wine bowl, poured a sip of strong liquor into his mouth, then looked at Terumi Mei with a vacant gaze, "You little ninja from Kirigakure Village, do I still need to ask you what's the matter?"

Terumi Mei quickly retracted her thoughts.

"Whitebeard! A message came from Kirigakure. A shipyard manager named 'Yoichi' ran to Kirigakure Village. This person told the ninjas of Kirigakure Village... The 'Moby Dick' for the Whitebeard Pirates has been built!"

She said that to Whitebeard.




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