Chapter 218: Uzumaki Naruto: Does the Third Hokage dare to refute Pops? 

The next four duels lasted a full two hours.

Because among the remaining eight people... seven are ninjas from Kirigakure Village, and one is a ninja from Konohagakure Village.

Their common point is that everyone's level is not much different

They can't crush the "enemy" instantly..

This led to these four duels, eight people are almost evenly matched, each duel lasted at least half an hour.

It also allowed the spectators, especially those civilians in Konohagakure Village, to have a good eye addiction.

In the end.

Among the fourteen candidates... the ones who stood out are: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Izumi, Haku, Inuzuka Hana, Kawagawa Tetsuki, Ebi Arashi, Sakuragi Sakaki.

There are two "Kusagakure Village" Genin.

Two Konohagakure Village Genin.

Three Kirigakure Village Genin.

But the third round of the Chunin Exam did not end because of the advancement of seven people, because the ultimate goal of the third round of the exam is to decide a unique winner.

But because seven people are an odd number, they must draw lots to take a bye.


Naruto looked at the blank piece of paper in his hand and muttered, "Why am I so lucky at this time?"

Then, Naruto leaned over to Haku, looked at the paper in Haku's hand, and said, "Haku, should we swap?"

"Cough cough!" A Jonin examiner from Konohagakure coughed a few times behind Naruto, "The drawn papers cannot be exchanged at will. Uzumaki Naruto, the Chunin exam also needs to follow some rules."

"Can't exchange? So stingy." Naruto muttered.

But he didn't make it difficult for the examiner.

Naruto put his hands behind his head, and said to Haku and Uchiha Izumi, "Then I'll watch you guys fight another round with Sasuke!"

On the side.

Inuzuka Hana, who looked a bit embarrassed, had a crying face, "Why am I not the one who gets a free draw? I just finished a battle, and have to start a new one, can't I rest for a while?"

The Jonin examiner from Konohagakure glanced at her.

He said expressionlessly, "On the real battlefield of the ninja world, your enemies won't give you time to rest. Most of the time... just after you've dealt with a wave of enemies, another wave comes."

"The original intention of the third round of the Chunin exam is to let you get the experience of a little war in the Ninja world. If we give you time to rest, it would be better to change the content of the exam."

Inuzuka Hana was speechless.


About ten minutes passed.

The match began!

The first battle was quite dramatic, because it was Inuzuka Hana vs Uchiha Izumi!

These two girls were classmates when they were in ninja school. They were promoted to Genin in the same year, and after being promoted to Genin, they were assigned to the same guiding Jonin.

A series of coincidences made them become a pair of good girlfriends.

The day after the Uchiha clan was annihilated, Inuzuka Hana specifically found Uchiha Izumi and comforted her.

You know, at that time, many people in the village didn't want to get involved with the Uchiha clan.

To avoid attracting Uchiha Itachi, the madman.

It can be seen that the friendship between the two of them is indeed not shallow.

Seeing the words displayed on the big screen, Inuzuka Hana's crying face became even harder to hold back.

"I'm fighting Izumi?"

Inuzuka Hana couldn't help but look at Uchiha Izumi.

She is very clear about how terrifying this girlfriend of hers is.

Even if she and three ninja dogs go together...

She is not Izumi's opponent!

But there's no way... since she was arranged to fight Uchiha Izumi, Inuzuka Hana could only take a deep breath, take her three ninja dogs, and walk back to the stage.

Uchiha Izumi also walked slowly on the arena.

The two people and three dogs were ten meters apart.

They faced each other.

"Izumi, don't beat me too badly!" Inuzuka Hana was almost in tears, "Please, please don't hit my face!"

"Don't belittle yourself, Hana."

Izumi smiled slightly, "I know you are also very strong!"

Inuzuka Hana's mouth twitched, "If I were strong, I wouldn't be so nervous..."

"Woof woof woof!" x3

"Start!!!" With a loud shout from the Konohagakure examiner.

The pair of girlfriends who had just formed a confrontation immediately met with swords.

Inuzuka Hana knew very well that she was unlikely to be Izumi's opponent.

So Inuzuka Hana chose to take the initiative.

Seize the initiative of the attack.

Strive for a glimmer of opportunity!

She didn't probe Uchiha Izumi, because both sides knew each other well, there was no need to probe.

The hesitation and nervous expression on Inuzuka Hana's face dissipated.

What replaced it was the perseverance and determination that a ninja should have.

She immediately whispered: "Pill No.1! Pill No.2! Pill No.3!"

Inuzuka Hana took out three soldier pills from her Ninja Tools bag.

Although the third round of the Chunin Exam prohibits the use of banned drugs, obviously, soldier pills are not considered banned drugs.

All three of her ninja dogs swallowed a soldier pill.

In just a second, the size of the three ninja dogs began to grow larger and larger.

They actually became almost as big as three war horses!

"Ninja Art·Four Legs Technique!"

Inuzuka Hana's limbs each surged with a visible ball of chakra, and she lay on the ground on all fours like an animal.

"Ninja Art·Beast Mimicry!"

With a "bang", Inuzuka Hana instantly split into three.

Her three clones became almost identical to the ninja dogs.

The three Inuzuka Hana and the three ninja dogs stood side by side, opened their dog mouths and spoke human words: "Izumi, this is a Ninjutsu I secretly created! I know you have seen many of my Ninjutsu and have ways to crack them, but you have definitely not seen this Ninjutsu!"

"I named this Ninjutsu—'Inuzuka Style Secret Technique·Meat Grinder Six Consecutive Shots'!"


The limbs of the six "ninja dogs" simultaneously kicked the ground and rushed towards Uchiha Izumi. During the fierce sprint, the six "ninja dogs" twisted their bodies together, like six huge drills, wherever they went, they were invincible!

The crazy spinning stirred up a torrent of airflow, even tearing the ground under their feet!

The arena was also stirred up by the six "ninja dogs".

Let Uchiha Izumi's long hair keep fluttering.

"You're too slow, Hana. Although it is indeed a Ninjutsu I have never seen before, in front of my eyes, all actions are slowed down."

Uchiha Izumi's Three Tomoe Sharingan activated.

Ever since awakening the Three Tomoe Sharingan, she always felt that the amount of chakra in her body had surged a lot.

In the past, even if she opened a single Tomoe Sharingan, she would be exhausted once.

Now even if she activates the Three Tomoe Sharingan, for Uchiha Izumi, she can open it several times a day!

And in her sight, whether it is Inuzuka Hana's ninja dog, or the ninja dog that Inuzuka Hana has become...

The speed has slowed to an extreme.

Just a glance, she saw a lot of flaws.

Also realized that this new Ninjutsu developed by her best friend is not mature.

Uchiha Izumi quickly jumped backwards and upwards, she did not pull out the Ninja Sword, but quickly sealed with both hands: "Fire Release·Phoenix Fire Claw Red!!!"

When she spit out a ball of flame from her mouth, she quickly took out a full six Kunai from the Ninja Tools bag.

And without hesitation, she threw the Kunai at the spouting flames.

Kunai and flames merged into one.

The Kunai wrapped in surging flames went straight to Inuzuka Hana and her ninja dogs!

Uchiha Izumi's actions did not stop.

When she landed on the ground, the action of sealing in her hand changed.

"Fire Release·Great Fire Annihilation!!!"

This time, what she spit out from her mouth was not a ball of flame.

But a terrifying sea of fire that was surging and majestic!

The six flame Kunai flying out of the "Phoenix Fire Claw Red" Ninjutsu, accurately hit Inuzuka Hana and her ninja dogs.

First there were two "bangs", and the two clones of Inuzuka Hana turned into smoke and disappeared.

Then came the screams of the ninja dogs.

The three ninja dogs that were spinning crazily, at the same time hurriedly stopped the spinning action, three Kunai hit their bodies.

The flames entwined on the Kunai even burned their fur.

Scared the three ninja dogs who were not very old, they hurriedly rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

The last Kunai also scratched Inuzuka Hana's body.

The kunai gently scratched her arm.

Taking away a clot of blood at the same time, it also cauterized her wound.

In the blink of an eye, only Inuzuka Hana was left.

And, the next second, what greeted her was Uchiha Izumi's "Fire Release: Fire Annihilation"!

Inuzuka Hana, who was charging recklessly, couldn't dodge at all and crashed headlong into the surging sea of fire.

Inuzuka Hana didn't crash into Uchiha Izumi in the center of the sea of fire as she wished, but instead crashed into the edge of the stage, knocking out a large hole in the edge wall.

"Ouch! It's hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!!!"

Inuzuka Hana's Transformation Jutsu was forcibly dispelled, and she, who had returned to her human form, covered her head and screamed in shock.

Because her hair was on fire.

"Water Release: Water Palm Wave!"

Uchiha Izumi aimed at Inuzuka Hana's head with one hand, and a stream of water emerged from the palm of her hand and sprinkled on Inuzuka Hana's head. Izumi is not good at Water Release Ninjutsu, being able to use a Water Release Ninjutsu like a water gun is because she was anxious to save her girlfriend.

The burning hair of Inuzuka Hana was quickly extinguished by the water flow.

But the hair was burned by the flame for several seconds, and the original waist-length hair had been burned short by more than half.

"Darn it, did I lose so simply? Was my newly created Ninjutsu seen through like this? And, my hair!"

Inuzuka Hana rubbed her hot scalp.

Fortunately, the flame was extinguished in time, otherwise... hiss!

Inuzuka Hana couldn't help but shudder.

She didn't want to become a bald woman.

Then, Inuzuka Hana quickly looked at her three ninja dogs.

She found that the places where the ninja dogs were hit by the kunai were not vital parts.

The kunai didn't stab very deep.

Inuzuka Hana breathed a sigh of relief again, it seems that her girlfriend was very measured in her shots.

But after all, this is a battle, and it is inevitable to get hurt.

Inuzuka Hana didn't resent Uchiha Izumi, she was just annoyed that she was a little bad.

Just then.

A figure appeared in front of her, and a fair hand reached out.

Inuzuka Hana was taken aback, looked up, and found it was Uchiha Izumi.

Inuzuka Hana grabbed Izumi's palm.

Izumi pulled Inuzuka Hana up.

Uchiha Izumi asked with concern, "Hana, are you okay? Your hair, the wound on your arm..."

"Ah? Oh!" Inuzuka Hana waved her hand nonchalantly and said, "Although my arm hurts a bit, it can be healed by a medical ninja. As for my hair, it will grow back in half a year."

Inuzuka Hana thought for a while, she continued to speak to Uchiha Izumi, "Izumi, don't feel guilty at all, this is a battle between ninjas, getting hurt is a common thing for ninjas!"


Inuzuka Hana's embarrassed little face grinned, "You must give me some compensation, right? The food expenses for my Haimaru Brothers this month..."

"It's on me." Izumi smiled slightly, preempting what Inuzuka Hana wanted to say.


The Konohagakure examiner also shouted loudly at this time, "The winner of this round—'Uchiha Izumi' from Konohagakure Village!"


"My sister actually lost to this woman."

Inuzuka Kiba, who had taken all this in, found it hard to accept.

In Inuzuka Kiba's heart, his sister is a genius girl of the Inuzuka clan.

Whether it's his father or mother, or some of the elders in the family, they have all praised his sister for being excellent.

His father even said that his sister, Inuzuka Kiba, will definitely grow into a Jonin of Konohagakure Village one day.

When he was in the family, he was always the loser when he fought against his sister.

But Inuzuka Kiba didn't expect that his sister would lose so simply when she fought against Uchiha Izumi.

He hadn't even reacted yet.

And found that Inuzuka Hana had already lost.

"Because this is the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan! The guy who loves to show off, the Uchiha clan is not as easy to deal with as you think, it's normal for your sister to lose so quickly." Shikamaru's sharp tongue sounded from the side.

"Damn it!" Inuzuka Kiba gritted his teeth: "Isn't it just the Uchiha's Sharingan? One day, I will defeat an Uchiha to prove that our Inuzuka clan is not inferior to the Uchiha clan!"

"Three Tomoe Sharingan..." Hyuga Hiashi, who was sitting behind, the blue veins on the corner of his eyes gradually disappeared: "An Uchiha girl with high talent. Among the Uchiha clan today, besides Uchiha Shisui, she should be the strongest of the Uchiha, right?"

"She, probably awakened the Three Tomoe Sharingan that night." Kakashi murmured to himself: "Seeing Uchiha Itachi kill so many clan ninjas and civilians with his own eyes... Ah! Is this the curse entwined in this power?"

Kakashi sighed.

The price of awakening the Three Tomoe Sharingan is really too great.

Thinking of this, Kakashi couldn't help but touch the Three Tomoe Sharingan hidden in his forehead protector, he remembered a friend.

"So powerful..." Sasuke's wound has been bandaged by the medical ninja, he clenched his fist tightly: "If I were that Inuzuka Hana, I wouldn't be able to take these two moves either."

But Sasuke was not discouraged.

Because he thinks Uchiha Izumi can awaken the Three Tomoe Sharingan.

Why can't he?

One day he will also awaken the Three Tomoe!

Even awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan!

The concept of "Mangekyou Sharingan" was heard by Sasuke a few days ago from Uchiha Shisui.

He also knows that Uchiha Itachi has one of Shisui's Mangekyou Sharingan.

"Letting a child with Three Tomoe Sharingan be a Genin of Konohagakure is really a waste." Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered: "Just having Three Tomoe can be a special Jonin."

The problem is...

Uchiha Izumi has an inseparable relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates.

She is Whitebeard's adopted daughter!

This makes Sarutobi Hiruzen very headache!

What's so good about Whitebeard, Whitebeard doesn't even know Ninjutsu, he can't teach anyone Ninjutsu.

Why do the talented children in the village, one after another, recognize Whitebeard as their father?

Just because Whitebeard can protect them?

But isn't he, the Third Hokage, also able to protect them?


A few minutes later, Inuzuka Hana and her three injured ninja dogs were all taken away by Konohagakure medical ninjas.

The next one is the battle between Haku and a ninja from Kirigakure Village.

There is no suspense in this battle.

Because among the nine Genin of Kirigakure Village, the strongest is Chojuro.

But Chojuro has already been defeated by Naruto.

The remaining few Genin of Kirigakure Village are not bad, but they are a bit worse compared to Haku.

This battle ended very quickly.

Haku only took half a minute to defeat this Genin of Kirigakure Village, and even froze the opponent into an ice sculpture.

The medical ninja who ran over had no choice but to use Fire Release to melt the ice first, then carry away the frostbitten Kirigakure ninja.

The last match of the was an internal battle between two Kirigakure ninjas.

It ended with a narrow victory for "Sakuragi Sakaki".

At this moment, it was already noon.

Out of the fourteen Genin, only four remained: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Izumi, Haku, and Sakuragi Sakaki.

The Kirigakure Village Genin named Sakuragi Sakakifirst looked at Naruto in front of him, then at Izumi on his left, and finally at Haku on his right.

He couldn't help but swallow in fear.

"Examiner!" Sakuraki Kizashi was a bit scared: "I... I give up!"

"Hmm? Reason?" The Jonin examiner from Konohagakure frowned and asked: "Do you know... if you win one more match, you will enter the finals, and you have a high probability of winning the championship."

Sakuragi Sakaki was on the verge of tears.

The bloodthirsty aura of the Kirigakure Ninja had been worn down in the continuous battles.

He explained with helpless bitterness: "When I was fighting that person just now, the chakra in my body was already drained. You guys won't let me rest, how can I fight against the three genin?"

What he said was all true.

The consumption of two consecutive battles made him sweat a lot, and both his physical strength and chakra had decreased.

After pondering for two seconds, the Jonin examiner shouted loudly: "Kirigakure Village ' Sakuragi Sakaki' forfeits! Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Izumi, and Haku, the three of you draw lots..."

His words were interrupted before he could finish.

The one who interrupted him was Haku.

Haku showed a bit of a smile and said, "I think we don't need to draw lots for a bye, right?"

The Jonin examiner was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Haku suggested with a smile: "Why not let the three of us go up to the stage for a brawl?"

Uchiha Izumi was interested: "A brawl? Indeed, it's already noon, and we shouldn't waste too much time."

Naruto clapped his hands: "This proposal is very good! Uncle, let's go with this proposal!"

Jonin examiner: "...I, need to ask Hokage-sama."

If these three brats were just ordinary Genin, he wouldn't even say this, he would decisively reject their proposal.

But there's no helping it, who made these three brats' Pops is Whitebeard?

"Don't ask him!" Naruto pouted, showing no interest in the Third: "My Pops is Whitebeard! Do you think the Third Hokage will reject this proposal? Pops will definitely support us, do you think the Third Hokage dares to refute Pops?"

The Jonin examiner fell silent.

It seems.....






(End of the chapter)



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