Chapter 220: Whitebeard Interested in Tailed Beasts! Genin Fight, Earth Shattering 

The massive tailed beast chakra from Kurama spread out from the sealing space and poured into Naruto's meridians.

Compared to Kurama's own vast chakra...

It just borrowed a bit of power for Naruto, and all the veins in Naruto's body were "swollen".

A bit of tailed beast power is a billion for humans.

The power of the tailed beast chakra seeps out of the skin.

Even on Naruto's body surface, it began to emerge, the rolling orange-red chakra was visible to the naked eye.

Under the fluctuation of the tailed beast chakra, Naruto's hair began to slowly flutter.

Some of the human features on his body were affected by this power.

Naruto's ten fingernails began to become sharp.

A pair of normal eyes were transformed into a pair of vertical pupils.

With a bit of the ferocity of a beast.

The three whisker marks on his cheeks became clearer, and even the four fangs grew a little longer.

Two tails formed by chakra sprouted from Naruto's tailbone.

The orange-red chakra coat has wrapped Naruto's entire body.

The two tails stirred the surrounding air, causing the air to twist and vibrate.

The ground under Naruto's feet began to crack inch by inch, and even some small stones, under the influence of the tailed beast chakra, slowly floated up.

A wicked and cold power enveloped the entire final venue.

Making everyone present feel a chill.

Also at this moment, whether it was the Konohagakure civilians in the audience, or the Konohagakure ninjas, or the foreign village ninjas, ninja school students, or Sarutobi Hiruzen on the high platform.

The shocked look on their faces all looked so consistent.

"Is this... the chakra of the Nine-Tails?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's face changed, the scene of the Nine-Tails chaos a few years ago was vivid in his mind, he instinctively thought Naruto was out of control.

But the next second he found that Naruto's state was unprecedentedly normal.

Although Naruto burst out with chakra that didn't belong to him, such a chakra was both evil and cold, but Naruto showed no signs of losing his sanity, nor any signs of losing control.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widened a bit, and he immediately thought of a possibility that shocked him: "Can Naruto perfectly borrow the power of the tailed beast?"

The last one who could perfectly borrow the power of the Nine-Tails was Kushina, Naruto's mother.

Doesn't this mean...

Has Naruto now become a perfect Jinchuriki?

"No, not a perfect Jinchuriki."

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly shook his head, because he found that there were only two tails behind Naruto, and the Nine-Tails had nine tails.

According to his understanding of Jinchuriki, a perfect Jinchuriki can transform into the true form of the tailed beast, but Naruto did not transform into the true form of the Nine-Tails.

This shouldn't be a perfect Jinchuriki

Sarutobi Hiruzen was heartbroken.

Such a talented child, who can also borrow the power of the Nine-Tails... just handed over to the Whitebeard Pirates, and has nothing to do with Konohagakure.

For a moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen wondered if he was a sinner of Konohagakure.

The Fourth Hokage's child and the Nine-Tails were all given to the Whitebeard Pirates. No Hokage could have done this, right?

Of course, for someone like him, such a thought only flashed through his mind for a second before he dismissed it.

"Gurarararararara... Is it the power of that strange fox again? The sudden surge in strength is really astonishing!"

Whitebeard couldn't help but marvel, "The Nine-Tails" fox is very powerful, there's no such outrageous creature on the sea.

It's said that there are nine such "Tailed Beasts" in the entire Shinobi world. Can the Whitebeard Pirates snatch them all?

Whitebeard still remembers that the Mizukage of Kirigakure Village is also a Jinchuriki, who can transform into a very ugly giant turtle.

That giant turtle should also be a Tailed Beast.

"How does it feel that compared to this fox... that turtle is so weak?" Whitebeard wondered, "Aren't they all Tailed Beasts?"

Whitebeard suddenly became very interested in the "Tailed Beasts".

If Whitebeard could keep all nine Tailed Beasts, could he distribute the Tailed Beasts to his childrens?

Would his childrens, who possess the power of the Tailed Beasts, quickly grow into pirates who can hold their own?

Whitebeard thought this was quite feasible.

But how to find those Tailed Beasts?

Speaking of which, that giant turtle was blown up by him using the power of the Devil Fruit and Haki. Has the Shinobi world lost a Tailed Beast?

Whitebeard couldn't help but fall into thought.

"This is!!!" Hyuga Neji's pupils contracted. In his Byakugan vision, Naruto seemed to have turned into a terrifying giant beast.

Looking around, there was a surge of evil chakra.

This was the first time Neji saw Naruto in his half-Tailed Beast form. Seeing Naruto in this form, he felt like he was suffocating.

If he fought Naruto, he would definitely not be his opponent!

"The demon fox... It's the Nine-Tails demon fox..." Mizuki's eyes were filled with terror, and he was sweating profusely.

"...Naruto!" Iruka's eyes widened.

His parents died on the night of the Nine-Tails' chaos.

His feelings for Naruto were very complicated.

Seeing Naruto use the power of the Nine-Tails, did Iruka harbor hatred in his heart?

Naturally, he did.

But he found... his hatred was not directed at Naruto, but purely at the monster inside Naruto.

Iruka knew very well how terrifying this monster was. He swallowed hard, "Naruto, is he okay like this?"

"No problem!" From the side, Uzumaki Karin's voice rang out, "Slthough Naruto and the Nine-Tails' relationship are not good, it is not too bad either."

Karin continued, "Naruto will definitely be able to control this power."

"Gulp--" Shikamaru also swallowed, "Isn't this too exaggerated? Is he really the same age as us?"

Hyuga Hiashi's eyes narrowed, "Half-Tailed Beast transformation? Two tails? And Uzumaki Naruto can still keep his sanity. This child is really not simple, as expected of Fourth Hokage's son."

"Hey hey hey, are you kidding me?" Yamanaka Inoichi's stiff face finally couldn't hold back, "This kid used the power of the Nine-Tails? This is just the Chunin Exam!"

Nara Shikaku pondered, "There's no movement from Hokage-sama. It seems... Hokage-sama must have also discovered that Uzumaki Naruto can control the power of the Tailed Beast."

"Naruto, you little brat, you're too reckless!" At the edge of the finals arena, Jiraiya appeared out of nowhere.

Jiraiya muttered, "I just came over to watch the excitement, and you gave me such a 'surprise'!"

Jiraiya's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Because he remembered, if the power of the Tailed Beast was used too frequently.

Would it loosen the seal of the Tailed Beast?


"What an astonishing pressure." On the stage, Uchiha Izumi and Haku stood together, the two standing in a straight line.

Izumi had already clenched her Ninja Sword, her pair of Sharingan, all widened a bit.

The terrifying chakra fluctuations that erupted from Naruto blew her clothes and hair dancing.

Uchiha Izumi was quite tongue-tied: "Is this the power of the Nine-Tails? It's so strong! And it's really outrageous!"

"Sister Izumi, when Naruto enters the semi-Tailed Beast state, his power, speed, reaction, perception... will all be amplified several times. Moreover, it becomes more powerful with the increase in the number of tails."

Haku, who understood Naruto's semi-Tailed Beast state better, explained: "In this form, although Naruto can maintain his sanity, he will tend to have a kind of beast-like wildness."

"That is to say, Naruto's next attack will become very straightforward, and he will not adopt some exquisite techniques."

"...Is that so?" Izumi nodded. Clear.

It was also at this moment, Naruto moved!

With a "bang", a round cloud of dust emerged from the ground, and the ground under his feet was shattered by Naruto.

Naruto's figure disappeared instantly.

"Be careful!" The first to react was Uchiha Izumi.

Under her Three Tomoe Sharingan's super dynamic vision, Naruto's trajectory was captured by her.

She saw Naruto, like a hunting fox, rushing towards them on all fours.

Uchiha Izumi first pushed Haku away, and then she also dodged to the side.

After dodging Naruto's pounce, Uchiha Izumi quickly formed seals: "Fire Release·Phoenix Fire Jutsu!!!"

Haku also immediately reacted, what was unbelievable was that he was forming seals with both hands.

The seals formed by the two hands were completely different!

"Ice Release·Freezing Capsule!!!" Haku spat out a small ice ball.

"Ice Release·Ice Binding Feet!!!" Suddenly a layer of frost climbed up under Naruto's feet, and in the blink of an eye, Naruto's two feet were frozen into two ice cubes.

The ice ball spat out from his mouth landed on Naruto.

The ice ball emitted an extremely cold chill, and instantly froze Naruto's entire body into an ice sculpture.

Uchiha Izumi's "Phoenix Fire Jutsu" also followed closely.

Five groups of flames all fell on the ice sculpture that trapped Naruto.

Immediately there were five booming noises.

The flames exploded.

"Wait!" Uchiha Izumi's pupils shrank: "It didn't work!"

Because when the flames dissipated, she found that the two tails behind Naruto were twisted together like a shield.

That is to say, all the fireballs of her "Phoenix Fire Jutsu" were blocked?

Crack-- The ice that froze Naruto began to show cracks.

The next second, the layer of frost on Naruto shattered.

Naruto slowly turned around, the smile on his face was very strange.

There was a bit of Naruto's confident sunshine.

And there was a bit of eerie coldness.

"Be careful! Izumi! Haku!" After Naruto reminded them, he actually clasped his hands together, and in the semi-Tailed Beast state, Naruto began to form seals quickly.

Haku's eyes widened, he was shocked: "Could it be that Naruto has already become familiar with the semi-Tailed Beast state?"

Haku remembered that Naruto was easily influenced by the Nine-Tails the first few times he used the power of the Nine-Tails, and even he can't use Ninjutsu smoothly,

But this time, Naruto was obviously different from the previous times.

He seemed to have exposed a wrong piece of information to Uchiha Izumi!

"Wind Release·Wind Cutting Technique!!!" Under the terrifying blessing of the Nine-Tails' chakra, the wind blade that Naruto spat out was outrageously large!

The wind blade has spread from one end of the stage to the other.

Uchiha Izumi's hair stood on end as she forcefully slapped the ground with both palms: "Earth Release: Earth Flow Wall!!!"

Haku did exactly the same: "Ice Release: Great Ice Wall!!!"

Suddenly, a ten-meter-high earthen wall and an eight-meter-high ice wall overlapped and fused together.

The resulting wall was five to six meters thick!

At that moment, Naruto's "Wind Cutter Technique" landed on this solid wall.


The solid wall was instantly cut in half horizontally!

Fortunately, Izumi and Haku quickly squatted down behind the wall, otherwise... they would definitely be affected.

The exaggerated "Wind Cutter Technique" didn't lose its momentum and hit the wall at the edge of the arena.

Bang bang bang--

The people in the audience felt their chairs and the ground start to shake violently.

Fortunately, this Ninjutsu had already been weakened by Izumi and Haku.

Even so, the wind blade still left a shocking gap a meter deep in the wall at the edge of the arena.

Like a swordsman's strike on the high seas!

"You go left, I go right!"

Uchiha Izumi immediately said.


Haku responded.

Izumi quickly moved to Naruto's right side, she took a deep breath, her Three Tomoe Sharingan slowly rotated: "This is the Sharingan Body Flicker Jutsu that Brother Shisui taught me, it's my first time using it in actual combat!"

Suddenly, Uchiha Izumi's figure split into two, two into four, four into eight... and so on.

Until there were hundreds of her!

Haku had already moved to Naruto's left side, he held a Kunai in his left hand, a Kunai in his right hand, and even bit a Kunai in his mouth.

What was even more surprising was that each Kunai was tied with an Explosive Tag, and the Explosive Tags were slowly burning.

Haku threw the Kunai in his left and right hands upwards, clasped his hands together, squeezed out the remaining chakra in his body, and quickly formed seals: "Ice Release: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death!!!"

He used this Ninjutsu again, but this time the scale was not so large.

Dozens of ice needles flew out.

In the process of flying, the ice needles collided with the two Kunai that Haku had thrown, taking the Kunai with them.

Haku then took the Kunai out of his mouth, and suddenly slapped the ground with both hands.

Sharp ice surged from the center of his palms.

A hole was drilled in the ground.

On the other side, hundreds of Uchiha Izumi, each holding a Ninja Sword, attacked Naruto. Each move, each technique, was aimed directly at Naruto's weak points.

Naruto dodged an incoming Ninja Sword and punched at one of the "Uchiha Izumi", but his punch hit thin air.

Even though Naruto's Observation Haki felt that Uchiha Izumi was right there, it turned out that this was not Uchiha Izumi's real body.

This made Naruto pause for a moment.

Ice needles and Kunai were also flying from another direction at the same time, Naruto immediately sensed a vague sense of crisis.

He raised his hand to block his left side, and the two chakra tails behind him also stretched to the left.

Dozens of ice needles fell on Naruto's tail and arm.

But they were actually deflected.

It wasn't until two Kunai with Explosive Tags appeared in the corner of Naruto's eye.

Naruto's pupils shrank.

It turned out that the crisis sensed by Observation Haki was not these ice needles, but these two Explosive Tags.



Two explosions sounded at the same time, enveloping Naruto's body.

The next moment, an ice block drilled out from under Naruto's feet.

Inside the ice, there was a Kunai with Explosive Tags wrapped around it.


Another explosion sounded.

A small figure could be seen rushing out of the explosion's flames, seemingly blown into the air by the blast wave.

Seeing this, Uchiha Izumi, who was densely packed, jumped up instantly, and the Uchiha sword technique was fully displayed in her hands.

The shadows of the swords were heavy.

In a short moment, Naruto's body was slashed several times by the Ninja Sword, and many wounds appeared on his body. But what was unbelievable was... his wounds were visibly healing, even the places injured by the Explosive Tags.

Just as Uchiha Izumi was about to slash at Naruto's back.

Naruto, who was in mid-air, forcibly twisted his body.

He reached out and grabbed Uchiha Izumi's sword!

Izumi's pupils shrank slightly: "Sharingan Instant Body Technique... was it seen through by Observation Haki?"

"Sister Izumi, your Instant Body Technique is much worse than Shisui's! And I found that you have a habit of attacking, which is to like to attack from behind me."

Naruto grinned, the palm of his hand holding the sword blade, not only covered with Nine-Tails chakra, but also entwined with Armament Haki.


With a crisp sound, the Ninja Sword in Uchiha Izumi's hand was actually crushed by Naruto's single hand!

In a Chunin exam, Uchiha Izumi broke both Ninja Swords.

Izumi was startled.

Because she found that Naruto had already reached out to her. Although her Three Tomoe Sharingan saw through Naruto's trajectory.

But her body's reaction was not as fast as the Sharingan's.

Uchiha Izumi was grabbed by Naruto's arm.

Their bodies were falling rapidly.

Just as they were about to land, Naruto punched at Izumi.

This punch came very swiftly and powerfully.

Uchiha Izumi, who was grabbed by Naruto's arm, couldn't dodge at all!


Uchiha Izumi's actions finally caught up with her Sharingan's reaction, she hurriedly propped up her arm, and blocked Naruto's attack trajectory with her bent arm.

But the next moment, there was a crackling sound of fracture from her bent arm.

Her forearm was directly broken by Naruto's punch!

Uchiha Izumi groaned.

The pain came instantly.

Of course, this kind of injury is commonplace for the sons and daughters of Whitebeard.

They sometimes get more serious injuries during special training.

Fractures to them.

It's not even a minor injury.

Naruto's strong force threw Uchiha Izumi out completely.

Izumi's body fell heavily on the ground.

And rolled on the ground for more than a dozen circles.

When Naruto landed, suddenly, Haku's figure appeared behind him.

Haku jumped high, raised his foot and made a downward chop, a heavy foot smashed on Naruto's neck,

The extraordinary power made Naruto's legs involuntarily bend down.

Naruto grabbed Haku's ankle with one hand, and smashed Haku down to the ground.

Fortunately, Haku reacted in time, hurriedly propped up the ground with both hands, and rolled several times to unload the force.

Taking advantage of this great opportunity, Naruto quickly formed seals with both hands, and shouted loudly: "Wind Release·Tornado Hurricane!!!"

This is a Ninjutsu that Naruto learned from the "Kakashi Version Wind Release Scroll Collection" given to him by Kakashi.

An invisible airflow began to gather at the center of the arena, spinning at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, a tornado was formed.

In just a few seconds, the tornado had grown to an unimaginable size, its powerful suction devouring everything around it.

All the sand, Kunai, Shuriken, ice cubes... in the arena were swept up by the tornado.

Even Uchiha Izumi and Haku were no exception.

They were directly swept into the tornado.

What was shocking was that the size of the tornado was still growing, with no sign of stopping! In just ten seconds, it had evolved into the scale of a small natural disaster.

It even began to affect the people in the audience!

"Wooooaaaaaa!!!" A civilian from Konohagakure screamed, hastily grabbing the chair under his butt.

Because the suction of the tornado was constantly pulling him up.

His feet were already off the ground.

Even his wig was sucked away.

"Naruto, this guy, is too reckless!" Shikamaru was scared and quickly hugged Chouji.

But soon, he found that Chouji's body was actually floating.

Shikamaru was sweating coldly.

He hurriedly said, "Chouji! Multi-Size Technique! Use the Multi-Size Jutsu!"




(End of the chapter)



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