Chapter 246: Whitebeard: The matter of Teach will never happen in the new Whitebeard

Pirate Crew!

Although Uzumaki Fuushi was already very tired, she had to quickly take out a few test tubes from her bosom, which were filled with crimson liquid.

This was all blood drawn from her body early this morning.

Uzumaki Fuushi pried open Nii Yugito's mouth.

It was clear to see that Yugito's lips had turned severely pale, and her life force was rapidly fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blood from the Uzumaki clan flowed into her mouth, down her throat into her abdomen, and was quickly absorbed and digested by her body's instinct.

Yugito, whose lips were severely pale, visibly regained a bit of color, but not much.

Although the blood of the Uzumaki clan does have a strong healing power, the life force of Yugito, who had been stripped of the tailed beast inside her, was fading too fast.

So fast that this amount of blood was simply not enough.

"Kakashi-san, please ask Shizune to bring a set of blood transfusion equipment quickly!"

Seeing that Yugito's condition was a bit off, she immediately turned to Kakashi and said, "I want to transfer the blood from my body to hers."

Kakashi immediately did as he was told, and soon Shizune rushed over in a hurry.

A simple set of medical blood transfusion equipment was first connected to Uzumaki Fuushi.

Then it was connected to the unconscious Yugito.

As time passed second by second, about half a minute later, Yugito's pale expression finally showed a bit of rosiness.

A life that was originally like a candle in the wind, ready to be extinguished at any moment, was suddenly reignited.

The blood of the Uzumaki clan is just that miraculous.

Moreover, there is no need to check what blood type the other person is.

"...That's enough."

Uzumaki Fuushi's face also turned a bit pale, after all, she had just consumed so much chakra, and now she was losing a bit too much blood in a short time.

After removing the blood transfusion equipment, she used a simple hemostasis Ninjutsu for the wound on her body that was pricked by the blood transfusion needle.

Then, Uzumaki Fuushi said to Shizune, "Shizune-san, could you please help check her condition?"

"Alright." Shizune nodded, she carefully checked the physical condition of Yugito who was lying in the wooden bathtub.

She frowned and gave Yugito a few more medical Ninjutsu.

Then Shizune checked again.

Shizune withdrew her hand and said to everyone, "Her life force is enough to sustain her life, but she is very weak now and needs some time to recover."

"When she wakes up, you can give her some simple liquid food, and then start eating some nutritious things, she should be able to recover in about a week."

With the operation of the Whitebeard Pirate Crew, Yugito's life was saved.

And there was nothing serious.

The pain of being stripped of the tailed beast didn't last long.

Just a few seconds after that.

She passed out.

This might also be considered a blessing in disguise, otherwise, if one had to endure such pain for several minutes, it would be unbearable for anyone.

In the end, everyone's eyes focused on Karin.

The reason for choosing Karin is that the Whitebeard Pirate Crew doesn't know much about Jinchuriki, and they are not very skilled at transferring tailed beasts.

For safety reasons, for the time being, there doesn't seem to be anyone more suitable than Karin to be the temporary "container" for the Two-Tails.

If it were to be Sasuke, or Uchiha Izumi, or Shisui... that would be a bit risky.

By then, maybe not only the tailed beast couldn't be transferred.

But it might also cost two lives.

In the future, if it is found that the Two-Tails and Karin are not very compatible, then the tailed beast can be transferred to someone else.

After all, with the experience of one successful operation, the Whitebeard Pirates also had enough confidence when conducting the second operation.

Unconsciously, the existence of the Tailed Beasts placed here in the Whitebeard Pirates has become as plug-and-play as the Sharingan.

Indeed, the essence of the ninja world is still plug-and-play.

"Karin, how are you feeling?" Uzumaki Fuushi asked his daughter with a concerned tone, "Do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"...It seems to be gone." Karin shook her head slightly. Apart from some pain during the transfer process, she felt nothing strange after the transfer was completed.

"Ha, it seems to be a success!" Kisame revealed a smile, but this smile, combined with his face and his mouth full of sharp teeth, didn't look very good, "From today onwards, the Whitebeard Pirates will have two Tailed Beasts."

One is the Nine-Tails, and the other is the Two-Tails.

Indeed, they are two Tailed Beasts.

"Karin, Karin, can you communicate with the Tailed Beast inside you?" Naruto came over curiously and asked.

"Let me try..." Karin tried to immerse her consciousness and soul in a seal space that had just been constructed.

The next second, she found that the image in front of her had changed drastically.

Her mother, Naruto, and Kakashi...

All disappeared with this change.

Karin found herself in a very spacious enclosed space. She looked around and found a very large cage not far in front of her.

Inside the cage was a giant beast lying down. The beast was about ten to twenty meters high, with dark blue flames wrapped around its body.

It was also at this moment that the eyes of the Two-Tails, Matatabi, cast their gaze over, and the eyes of the Jinchuriki and the Tailed Beast collided in mid-air.

Matatabi's big eyes looked at the little girl of the Uzumaki clan in front of him, and it couldn't help but sigh, "The way you guys work is somewhat different from that of the ninjas."

Karin didn't quite understand what this Tailed Beast was saying?

Matatabi seemed to see her confusion and explained, "If a ninja village captures a Jinchuriki from an outside village, they will strip the Tailed Beast from the Jinchuriki's body and then they won't care about the life or death of the Jinchuriki."

"But you are different from those ninjas in this respect, you actually care about the life and death of an enemy. Your style is vastly different from those ninjas."

Karin suddenly understood.

She adjusted the red-framed glasses on her face and revealed a smile, "Because we are not ninjas, we are pirates, we are the Whitebeard Pirates. Capturing Tailed Beasts is only for the purpose of enhancing our own strength, not a means to kill others."

Then, Karin curiously looked at the Two-Tails, Matatabi, in front of her, "By the way, we forcibly stripped you from that Kumogakure Jinchuriki, aren't you angry?"

"There's nothing to be angry about, I've lived so long, I've seen too many things." Matatabi's Tailed Beast thinking is different from humans.

Karin muttered, "I feel that your character is completely different from the big fox inside Naruto! Naruto said that the big fox inside him has a very bad character, likes to swear, and is very uncultured."

"But I feel that you are very polite, you will not refuse to communicate with the Jinchuriki, and even the sound of your voice is quite gentle."

Karin was amazed.

"Because the characters of different Tailed Beasts are different."

Matatabi responded, "Kurama is not as violent and bad as you imagine, as long as you praise it more, compliment it... Don't look at it with a stinky face on the surface, but praise it from your heart."

No one knows a Tailed Beast better than another Tailed Beast.

Over the years, each of the Tailed Beasts has come to understand each other's personalities quite well.

"Descendant of the Uzumaki clan, your chakra attribute and my abilities are not very compatible, you may need to switch to another Jinchuriki."

Matatabi's personality is indeed so good that it doesn't seem like a Tailed Beast. It even took the initiative to remind Karin: "If you want to become a Jinchuriki, it's best to capture the Three-Tails. Your chakra is of water and earth attributes, it is the Tailed Beast that is most compatible with you."

"Of course, if you want to focus on the Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques in the future, you might also want to capture the One-Tail."

The well-intentioned reminder from Matatabi left Karin stunned.

For some reason, she heard a hint of cunning and slyness in Matatabi's relatively friendly tone.

Could it be that Matatabi felt a bit uncomfortable about being captured, and then encouraged the Whitebeard Pirate Crew to capture all the remaining Tailed Beasts, so that... all Tailed Beasts would be treated equally?

"Could it be that, as a Tailed Beast, you don't find it annoying to switch Jinchuriki back and forth?" Karin asked curiously.

Matatabi responded: "If it's that kind of rough transfer method... it does make the Tailed Beasts quite angry. Because this not only causes the Jinchuriki to die, but also makes the Tailed Beasts feel very painful."

Karin probably understood...

The way other ninja villages strip or transfer Tailed Beasts not only tortures the Jinchuriki, but also tortures the Tailed Beasts.

So the Tailed Beasts would be very irritable, and even develop hatred towards humans, eventually leading to disasters.

But the Uzumaki clan, which is very good at this aspect, has a way to painlessly strip and transfer the Tailed Beasts.

For the Tailed Beasts, it's as if nothing happened, and suddenly the person helping them changes.

Oh, strictly speaking, it's not that nothing happened.

Because Matatabi was beaten up by Whitebeard a few days ago.

The Tailed Beast Bomb exploded inside its body, almost killing Matatabi.

Karin's soul consciousness quickly detached from the sealing space.

Then, the figure of her mother reappeared in front of her.

Facing the concerned expressions in front of her, Karin nodded slightly and said, "I can communicate with the Tailed Beast, and it told me some things."

Karin told everyone what she and Matatabi had talked about.

Hearing this, Naruto couldn't help but stroke his chin.

In his heart, Naruto said to Kurama: "So all I need to do is compliment you, the big fox, and you'll be very happy?"

"Stupid brat! That's just that big cat talking nonsense!" For some reason, Kurama's tone seemed a bit defensive.

It was as if something had been pointed out by a single word.

"Is Karin not very compatible with the Two-Tails?" Shisui analyzed calmly: "The ability of the Two-Tails, besides the very powerful Tailed Beast Bomb, should be fire, right?"

The ones in the Whitebeard Pirate Crew who are best at Fire Release are probably only the Uchiha clan.

But Karin has just accepted the Tailed Beast transfer technique.

If it happens again...

She definitely needs to let Karin rest for a while first.

Just then, a commotion came from the deck outside the cabin, causing everyone in the cabin to look at each other.

"It should be those sailors, they seem to be saying something." Kakashi listened carefully: "If I'm not mistaken... Moby Dick should have arrived at the Land of Thunder."

People need to stop and rest when they walk, but ships don't.

After a long journey of more than half a month, Moby Dick finally sailed from the coast of the Land of Fire to the coast of the Land of Thunder.

Uzumaki Fuushi and Shizune stayed behind to take care of the unconscious Nii Yugito.

The rest of the people came to the deck.

When they all stood on the deck and looked forward... sure enough, what appeared in front of them was a towering mountain range!

"Is this the Land of Thunder? What a strange country!" Naruto ran to the bow of Moby Dick, he looked into the distance and muttered, "Why is there only such a small area by the sea, and then there are mountains?"

In Naruto's line of sight, there was only a small beach in front.

On the beach, there was a port that was not very large, but the scale was okay.

You could vaguely see some ships docked at the port.

There were also some scattered buildings.

Apart from that, there was no more flat land.

Behind the beach and the port, there were towering mountains.

The shortest mountain was probably over a hundred meters high, and the tallest might be over a thousand meters.

When you looked up at the mountain, you couldn't even see what the top of the mountain looked like because the top of the mountain was covered by thick clouds.

"I heard that most people in the Land of Thunder live on the top of the mountain, so you can't see many buildings because their buildings are basically built on the top of each mountain." Kakashi also came over and explained on the side.

"Living on the top of the mountain?" Naruto was amazed, "Isn't that too inconvenient?"

Suddenly, a dull footstep sounded from behind everyone.

Looking back, they found that it was Whitebeard who came over.

"Gurararararara! We're here?" Whitebeard also stood on the bow of Moby Dick, and then he looked at Naruto and the others, "Did you get that big cat?"

Naruto nodded and replied, "Pops, the Two-Tails has been stripped from the Kumogakure ninja and temporarily sealed in Karin's body."

"But Karin said she and this Two-Tails are not very compatible, we might have to transfer the Two-Tails to another person later, and Karin also strongly agrees with this."

Hearing this, Whitebeard showed a smile.

"Gurarararararara! This is what a family is!" He let out such a sigh.

Because when Naruto said this, Whitebeard thought of Blackbeard.

If the Tailed Beasts are compared to Devil Fruits, what is happening on the Whitebeard Pirates at this moment does make Whitebeard feel somewhat familiar.

But the process and the result are completely different from before.

In the final analysis, ambitious people like Blackbeard Teach who stop at nothing do not exist in the new Whitebeard Pirates.

This is also because Whitebeard has always deliberately avoided accepting sons like Teach.

He doesn't want the things that happened before to happen again.

The Emperor of the Sea must not repeat the same mistakes!



Land of Thunder.

At the port.

A blonde female ninja stood in front of a shop at the port, her cold face had no extra expression, her skin as white as snow was quite rare even in the Land of Thunder.

Although the Land of Thunder is not lacking in people with very white skin, people with skin as white as hers are indeed not many.

Her hairstyle was straight shoulder-length hair cut at an angle, and her blue-green eyes were like two crystal clear gems.

She exuded a sense of coldness, like an iceberg standing here.

This kind of feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away made her, even though she was very beautiful, not many people dared to strike up a conversation with her.

Samui held an ice stick in her hand, and looked up at the shopkeeper without expression.

Although she didn't say a word, the shopkeeper still understood what she meant.

The shopkeeper swallowed secretly, trying hard to move her gaze away from some abyssal ravine, "10...10 ryo."

Samui paid the money, extended her tender tongue, and gently licked the popsicle in her hand.

Even this action of licking the popsicle seemed rather cold, and her face didn't show much enjoyment of the food.

When she turned to leave, one could still see a short Ninja Sword strapped to her back.

Both the scabbard and the handle were red.

The reason Samui was here was because of the Fourth Raikage's order for her to meet the returning Jinchuriki here.

"Wow... such a big ship! Look over there! There's a huge ship coming!"

"Hisss! How long is this ship? It must be several hundred meters long, right?"

"If it stands up, wouldn't it be as high as a mountain?"

"What kind of ship is this? A merchant ship? Where did it come from?"

"Is there a flag hanging on the ship? What's the symbol on it?"

"I can't see it clearly!"

Just as Samui had just put the popsicle in her mouth, she noticed a commotion coming from the port.

Samui turned her head to look in that direction, her eyebrows slowly furrowing.

Because she also saw a large ship heading this way.

If she remembered correctly, with the shipbuilding technology of the Land of Thunder, they couldn't build such a large ship.

Is it a merchant ship from another country?

This isn't a particularly important port, why would a large merchant ship of this level come here?

Samui sensed that something was wrong, casually threw away the popsicle in her hand, and lightly stepped on it to crush it.

She reached into her bosom and pulled out a very small monocular telescope, the handle of the telescope was still somewhat warm.

The lens of the telescope moved onto the mast of Moby Dick.

And it kept moving up along the mast until it landed on a flag fluttering in the wind at the top.

It was a flag with a black background and white drawing.

"...What is this?"

Samui felt that the pattern on the flag looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

"Skull... crescent beard... crossbones..."

Samui's pupils suddenly contracted in her beautiful eyes.

She remembered why it looked familiar.

Because the Whitebeard Pirate Crew had already become famous in the ninja world, some information about the Whitebeard Pirate Crew had also spread throughout the ninja world.

The iconic pirate flag of the Whitebeard Pirate Crew.

It was also remembered by many people in the ninja world.

"Whitebeard Pirate Crew?"



(End of this chapter)

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