Chapter 255: The power of vibration destroys the world! "Sasori" captured by the pirate


In Sasori's life, there were only two times when he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

The first time was when he met Whitebeard in the Land of Fire.

The second time was when he met Whitebeard in the Land of Thunder.

For the former, he could argue that he was not well prepared and lacked information about Whitebeard.

For the latter, he didn't know from which direction to defend himself, nor did he know from which angle to save his dignity.

Because, Sasori believes that he now has some information about Whitebeard, and he has also made sufficient preparations to deal with Whitebeard.

But even so, he still felt a sense of terror and crisis.

Watching the overwhelming vibration wave approaching, the alarm bell in Sasori's heart had been sounded to the extreme.

He actually felt powerless to reverse the situation!

In Sasori's line of sight, the shock wave from Whitebeard's casual punch turned everything in its path, even the ground, into dust!

The air and the scene in front of him were distorted to an extreme!

Although Uchiha Itachi was standing behind Sasori, the sense of crisis he felt was almost identical to Sasori's.

The red Susano'o protecting him did not give Uchiha Itachi any sense of security.

But compared to Sasori who was stunned in place, Itachi's reaction and response were faster.

The originally skeletal red Susano'o visibly appeared with pieces of armor, covering the skeleton's body.

Layers of "flesh" also appeared on the skeleton's bones, making Susano'o's appearance fuller.

This also severely depleted Uchiha Itachi's already scarce pupil power.

He hasn't really fought with Whitebeard yet.

And he already felt weak.

Susano'o's arms crossed again, facing such a terrifying force of vibration, Uchiha Itachi couldn't even think of how to fight hard, so he could only defend passively.

This stirred up ripples in Itachi's heart.

Why does he still feel this sense of crisis against Whitebeard even though he has two Mangekyou Sharingan?

He was a little confused.

He also didn't understand.

Just like he didn't understand why Kotoamatsukami didn't work on Whitebeard.

Also in a hurry, the shock wave like a hundred-meter tsunami had already collided with the giant puppet!

Sasori's "masterpiece" that he was proud of, at the moment of collision with the power of Quake-Quake-Fruit, the giant puppet's amazing defensive body, appeared with shocking cracks!

Yes, no matter how amazing the defense of the puppet is, it still seems powerless against the terrifying power of Quake-Quake-Fruit.

The force of vibration instantly destroyed all the precise structure inside the puppet, and the cracks appearing on the surface of the giant puppet became larger and larger.

Until the giant puppet exploded with a loud noise.

It was directly shattered!

Pieces of parts and fragments splashed out in all directions.

Including Sasori hiding inside the giant puppet.

His body was also crushed into pieces by the force of vibration!

Whether it's the giant puppet outside or Sasori's original body, they are all not living things, because he has long made himself into an alternative "immortal body".

As long as his "regeneration core" is not destroyed, Sasori can survive in different puppets with a long life.

Also at this moment, the "regeneration core" protected by a special black box, also flew out with the broken fragments of the puppet.

Sasori didn't even have time to make any response.

He met the same end as last time!

The so-called super defensive power of the giant puppet, even one-tenth of the power of Quake-Quake-Fruit can't weaken, the shock wave like a landslide and tsunami, blinked and collided with Susano'o's body.

Uchiha Itachi's pupils have shrunk to the size of a pinhole.

Because he watched as the armor pieces on the crossed arms of Susano'o were exploded on the spot by the force of vibration!

This is definitely a shocking destructive power far beyond Mangekyou Sharingan!

The flesh on Susano'o's arms, gathered by pupil power and chakra, was instantly disintegrated by the force of vibration, and it turned back into a skeleton shape.

What Uchiha Itachi found hard to believe was that Whitebeard's punch was ten times stronger than the previous one!

The skeletal arms of Susano'o began to show dense and fine cracks, which began to spread along the arm to the body of Susano'o.

At this moment, what surged in Uchiha Itachi's heart was no longer a sense of crisis, but a premonition of death!

In this critical moment, he only had time to put his hands together, one second six seals.

Only to hear a loud explosion, the extremely large half-body Susano'o was blasted on the spot by the power of the Quake-Quake Fruit!

Even if this is an incomplete Susano'o, the destructive power shown by the Quake-Quake Fruit is enough to make everyone dumbfounded.

"Ninjutsu·Crow Replacement Stream!"

Uchiha Itachi completed all twelve seals in the shortest time.

When the terrifying vibration wave was about to fall on him, Uchiha Itachi's body suddenly turned into dozens of crows.

Each crow was flying towards the back, the flapping wings seemed to be about to fan out sparks.

Yes, he ran away!

And it was the fastest escape in his life, even the potential was stimulated by the crisis of death.

These crows tried to race with the vibration wave punched out by Whitebeard, but the next second there were more than a dozen crows that were blasted on the spot, bones and feathers were all shaken into powder.

After the second second, more than a dozen crows turned into fragments of powder and drifted away.


Biwa Juzo was also hit head-on by the vibration wave, the Kubikiribocho he used to block in front of him was shattered on the spot, and his body uncontrollably flew backwards.

Every bone in his body broke inch by inch, his skin burst open one by one, and blood spurted out from all over his body like it was free.

Biwa Juzo was shocked on the spot, and in the last second when his consciousness crashed, he only had such a grateful thought - thanks to Whitebeard-sama for holding back.

Biwa Juzo didn't think his mortal body could match Sasori's giant puppet, let alone his muscles and blood could match Susano'o.

He knew that he didn't die on the spot, it was definitely Whitebeard-sama, who deliberately spared his life.

It seems that giving advance notice to the Whitebeard Pirates and showing loyalty to the Whitebeard Pirates is useful.

Otherwise, he would definitely have become a pile of broken meat now!

Even so, Biwa Juzo's body still couldn't bear the power of Whitebeard's restraint.

He suffered an unprecedented heavy blow on the spot.

His body, like a broken sack, flew out a full hundreds of meters, and he even directly hit the crows transformed by Uchiha Itachi in mid-air.

The subsequent vibration aftershocks, although no longer have the power of vibration, still have a very strong impact.

Biwa Juzo's body, which was about to fall to the ground, was once again knocked out.

A large number of scattered fleeing crows also died one by one.

Looking around, the scene in front of him was already a mess.

At least a thousand meters in front of Whitebeard, the area suffered a great deal of damage.

There were ferocious cracks all over the ground, and some low mountains in front were shattered by the power of vibration.

If you have to describe the scene in front of you more vividly, it's like a flat glass being heavily thrown on the ground.

The shattered glass, overlapped with the scene in front of you, absolutely has no sense of disharmony.

Even if the power of vibration has stopped, the raging wind is still howling, making everyone on the scene a little unstable.

The scene has completely quieted down.

Whether it's Whitebeard's sons and daughters, or the five unlucky Anbu from Kumogakure Village, or Orochimaru who narrowly escaped a disaster...

None of them took the initiative to speak.

All of them stared at the scene in front of them with extremely shocked eyes.

Everyone was speechless for a long time.

"Gurarararara! Kisame, southeast direction, 1300 meters, bring that interesting thing over." After Whitebeard's Observation Haki swept over, his voice with a hearty laugh was the first to break this kind of silence.

"Interesting thing?" Kisame came back to his senses from the shock.

Although he didn't know what it was, he would naturally obey Pops' command unconditionally.

Kisame immediately moved, with a teleportation, his body disappeared.

"Pops, Uchiha Itachi... is he already dead?" Uchiha Izumi couldn't help but swallow, she asked with a bit of shock and a bit of complex curiosity.

"Gurarararara... that Uchiha kid is still alive!" Whitebeard grinned, he looked at his silly daughter, "As your Pops, how could I compete with you silly kids for the opportunity to take revenge?"

Whitebeard punched Uchiha Itachi and Sasori because the two of them provoked him, the Emperor of the Sea.

He didn't kill Uchiha Itachi because if he really used that kind of power, Biwa Juzo might be killed along with him.

Moreover, keeping Uchiha Itachi can make his three silly sons and daughter have more motivation to become stronger.

This kind of relatives naturally do not deserve to live in this world.

But Whitebeard won't do it for his sons and daughters.

He will let Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Izumi do it themselves.

Only in this way can the silly children have a clear mind!

Silly children need their own experience.

They also need their own adventures.

If he interferes too much with their affairs. 

How can they grow to be independent?

"Indeed, a person like Whitebeard, is the most intolerant of people challenging his dignity." Tsunade retracted her shocked gaze, she murmured with a sigh, "It's just this destructive power... isn't it a bit too exaggerated?"

She felt that Whitebeard definitely didn't use all his strength.

Because the punch Whitebeard gave to Manda in Konohagakure Village before was even more exaggerated than now.

"...What a ridiculously strong man!" Orochimaru's fingertips were trembling slightly, if he switched positions with Sasori, Orochimaru didn't know if he can keep his body intact!

If Orochimaru said he didn't covet Whitebeard's powerful power, that's impossible.

If he had such a powerful force, would he still need to rely on the Akatsuki to protect him?

Is he still worried about being chased by Jiraiya all the time?

But Orochimaru knows better, such a powerful existence like Whitebeard, is already unique in the ninja world.

If time goes back many years ago, perhaps there are two people who can be on the same level with Whitebeard.

These two people are Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

But now, both of these people have left the world.

As for the Akatsuki, the guy who claims to be "Uchiha Madara"?

Orochimaru doesn't think that guy is Uchiha Madara.

He's just a clown who borrows other people's fame and makes a show of strength.

Perhaps only those who are ignorant...

Would believe such nonsense from him.

Five Anbu ninjas from Kumogakure Village fell into silence one after another, they were still thinking about how to escape from this place and send the information back to the village.

After all, they only had a few little kids from the Whitebeard Pirates around them.

Although they were all seriously injured, dealing with a few "weak" little kids shouldn't be a problem, right?

But when they saw with their own eyes that Whitebeard's punch caused such a terrifying destruction, the five Anbu ninjas from Kumogakure Village immediately dispelled the idea of running away.

They also quickly discarded some bold ideas that came to mind.

Because, they just wanted to capture the little kids around them alive.

Then use this to threaten Whitebeard to let them go.

Now they realize that if they really do this, the end of the five of them might be even more miserable than the members of the Akatsuki!

"How can there be people who possess such earth-shattering power?"

A Kumogakure Anbu swallowed his saliva in the dark, he felt a bit dry and tongue-tied.

As an Anbu ninja, even if a mountain collapsed in front of him, he should remain calm.

But... the power that Whitebeard showed in their eyes was even more terrifying than a mountain collapsing.

The five of them, without any agreement, had the same thought in their minds - is their Fourth Raikage-sama a match for Whitebeard?

The Kumogakure Anbu recalled the strength of their own ninja world's Raikage-sama, and then recalled Whitebeard's earth-shattering punch.

They actually came to a conclusion that they all found incredible - Raikage-sama is most likely not a match for Whitebeard!

At least, Raikage-sama doesn't have the kind of Ninjutsu that can cause such a big destruction.

This doesn't mean they are not loyal enough to the Fourth Raikage.

But it is what it is.

They can't just distort the facts because they are loyal to the Fourth Raikage, can they?

"Cough... cough!" Sasuke, who was saved by Kisame earlier, was slowly waking up.

The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to try to stand up quickly and continue fighting with Uchiha Itachi.

But when the full view of the devastation appeared in his eyes, Sasuke's movements paused.

His somewhat embarrassed little face was full of astonished expressions, "What is this?"

"This is Pops making a move." The voice of Neji came from beside Sasuke.

It turns out that during the time Sasuke was unconscious, it was Neji who was protecting him.

Neji explained, "Your brother ran away in a very embarrassing manner when facing Pops."

Sasuke's little face was a bit dull.

That man was also so vulnerable when facing Pops?

"Sasuke, congratulations." Neji suddenly said something that Sasuke didn't understand.

Sasuke was a bit confused, he lost to that man, what is there to congratulate?

Neji explained again, "Your Sharingan now has two Tomoe."

Sasuke: "!!!"


A few scattered crows flew out two or three kilometers away, and then slowly gathered into half a human shape in mid-air.

0.5 of Uchiha Itachi, as if he had lost all his strength, fell from a height of five or six meters.

When his body fell to the ground, the ground below was stained with a pool of blood.

Then another bloody figure fell from the sky, coincidentally, it was hung on a branch of a tree.

Then, the hilt of the Kubikiribocho fell to the ground.

This is Biwa Juzo.

Two men in a very embarrassing state, only less than thirty meters apart, are all in a state of unconsciousness.

From the outside, the most miserable one is Uchiha Itachi.

Because his left arm has disappeared from his shoulder.

A quarter of his face was also missing, revealing broken teeth inside.

What's even more shocking is that his legs below the knees have disappeared.

Blood kept gushing out from the wound, and his face had turned pale as paper.

If Uchiha Itachi stays in this state for more than two minutes, he will surely not survive today.

Biwa Juzo, who was hung on a tree, also looked miserable, but compared to Uchiha Itachi who lost his arms and legs, Biwa Juzo was intact.

But his intact limbs were twisted in different degrees.

Obviously, his hands and feet had severe fractures.

Even the ribs in his body didn't know how many had broken.

The internal organs also suffered different degrees of damage.

Fortunately, it did not endanger his life.

Under this state, even if no one takes care of him, he will probably wake up after being unconscious for several hours.

"How miserable! Only two of the four people escaped, just like Obito's experience!" At this time, a White Zetsu drilled out of the ground.

White Zetsu first looked at Uchiha Itachi who was close at hand.

Then he turned his head to look at Biwa Juzo hanging on the tree.

The Akatsuki organization is related to a very important plan, every action in the organization, in fact, has White Zetsu secretly monitoring.

Even Nagato didn't know about this surveillance.

"Uchiha Itachi is a very important newcomer, his Mangekyou power can be said to be the absolute nemesis of the Tailed Beasts."

This White Zetsu said a few words expressionlessly: "As for the guy called Biwa Juzo, just save him by the way!"

A few seconds later, several more White Zetsus emerged from the ground.

The White Zetsus were clearly divided, some carefully held Uchiha Itachi, and some carefully held Biwa Juzo.


On the other side.

A small black box was embedded in the rock of the mountain, the surface of the black box suffered severe damage.

You can see a heart faintly beating inside.

Suddenly, the black box moved.

Several small puppet mechanical legs drilled out of the black box, the mechanical legs struggled hard, and finally struggled out of the rock.

But just as this black box wanted to continue moving...

A big foot suddenly stepped on it.

"Ha! Found you!" Kisame grinned, "You should not be something on Uchiha Itachi, or Biwa Juzo, right?"

"So, you should be the 'person' who controls the puppet? Why don't you speak now? Don't you want to speak?"

Sasori: "..."




(End of Chapter)

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