Chapter 300: The Seven-Tailed Jinchuriki "Fu"! The Pirate Crew has arrived! Takigakure

Village is cowering!

The Land of Waterfall is a small country in the world of shinobi.

It is located between the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire, serving as a buffer zone between these two major countries.

Such small countries can be considered the most unfortunate in the world of shinobi.

Because if a battle breaks out between the two major countries, they generally wouldn't use their own territories as the battlefield, but rather the small countries in the buffer zone.

In other words, if one day the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth start a war, a not-so-small-scale war, then The Land of Waterfall could very likely become the battlefield of the two major countries.

There's no helping it, this is the sorrow of being a small country.

However, compared to other small countries, The Land of Waterfall is much better off.

Among the many small countries, its strength is second only to the Land of Rain.

Although the country is small, the strength of the Chunin in Takigakure Village is not weak, and there are quite a few ninjas at the Jonin level.

This led to the First Hokage Senju Hashirama, when distributing the nine tailed beasts, even a small country like Takigakure Village could be allocated a "Seven-Tails Chomei".

And this tailed beast has been owned by Takigakure Village until now.

"Seven-Tails, Seven-Tails, just talk to me... don't always ignore me! After all, I'm your Jinchuriki, right? You should at least acknowledge me!"

At this moment, inside Takigakure Village, a little girl with wheat-colored skin was mumbling to herself.

She seemed to want to communicate with the tailed beast inside her, but unfortunately, the tailed beast inside her did not respond to her.

The girl had blue hair and rare amber eyes, and she was about the same age as Naruto and Sasuke.

Seeing that the tailed beast inside her didn't pay attention to her, the girl didn't feel discouraged, but instead optimistically said, "Well... anyway, you'll talk to me one day, after all, we're one now!"

"Sooner or later, I will make a hundred friends! And you, you're one of my hundred friends!"

The girl's tone was firm and full of optimism and cheerfulness.

The girl's name is "Fu", without a surname, just a single name.

When she was very young, a Tailed Beast was implanted in her body.

Over the years, she has been training hard, hoping that one day, she can use the power of the Tailed Beast to protect the village.

But because she is still young, her strength has not yet reached that level. The bond with the Tailed Beast is also not deep.

Suddenly, two Jonin from Takigakure Village appeared next to Fu.

One of the Jonin reminded Fu, "Should we go back? We've been outside for half a day today, and it might be dangerous to stay any longer."

If it were normal times, it wouldn't matter how long the Jinchuriki of Takigakure Village stayed outside, after all, there were two Jonin guards watching over her.

But now it's different, because the tailed beast hunting operation of the Whitebeard Pirate Crew has spread throughout the entire shinobi world.

They worry that one day the Whitebeard Pirate Crew will appear in The Land of Waterfall.

If the village's Jinchuriki were to be kidnapped, it would be a huge blow to a small ninja village like Takigakure Village.

Speaking of which, Takigakure Village is actually quite tolerant towards Jinchuriki, not as abstract as Konohagakure and Sunagakure.

The ninjas in the village don't have too many prejudices against the tailed beast Jinchuriki.

Not to mention, the current Jinchuriki is a lively and cheerful little girl, so there's even less prejudice.

"Is it time to go back so soon?"

Fu mumbled, "Alright, alright, then…"

But before she could finish her sentence, a sharp noise suddenly came from not far away.

At the same moment, the three of them turned their heads to see a flare shooting up into the sky, its red tail flame clearly visible.

The expressions of the two Jonin guards with Fu changed instantly.

One of them was even more stunned, muttering, "A red flare? Isn't this the village's highest level of alert signal? What happened?"

The other Jonin next to him picked up Fu without looking back and ran towards the village, responding at the same time, "Don't worry about what's going on, protect the Jinchuriki first, we can't let anything happen to the Jinchuriki!"

Such a flare also alarmed everyone in Takigakure Village.

One by one, the ninjas of Takigakure Village looked up in astonishment towards the distance.

Among them, the current leader of Takigakure Village also suddenly stood up from his office chair and walked quickly to the window.

The leader of the village looked at the crimson flare in the distance and said in a deep voice, "Anbu!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three Anbu ninjas wearing masks from Takigakure Village appeared in an instant.

Although it's a small ninja village, there are still a dozen or so Anbu ninjas in Takigakure Village.

"Go and see what's going on. At the same time, notify all the ninjas in the village to respond to the highest alert immediately. Also, notify all the civilians in the village to take refuge underground immediately!"

The three Anbu ninjas nodded together and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Next to the village leader, a somewhat immature voice came, "Father, is it a very urgent situation?"

It was a black-haired boy.

The village leader nodded, his expression slightly heavy and his face very serious, "The last time Takigakure Village sounded a red flare, it was when a ninja named Kakuzu defected from the village."

He said to the boy next to him, "Masaki, you should also go to the shelter with them, and come out after the alert is lifted!"


On the other side, the three Anbu ninjas of Takigakure Village acted separately.

One went to check the situation, one notified the Chunin in the village, and one evacuated the civilians in the village.

Among them, the Anbu ninja who went to check the situation kept flickering and left Takigakure Village in no time, heading straight for the direction where the flare rose.

A few minutes later.

He landed on the top of a big tree, hiding his figure with the surrounding branches and leaves, and then looked forward.

It was this look that made the expression under the mask of the Anbu ninja from Takigakure Village instantly froze.

He was a little doubtful whether he was hallucinating or whether he was in a ninja's Genjutsu.


But he found that he had released a loneliness, and the picture in front of him did not change.

This is not an illusion, nor is it a Genjutsu.

Because he saw a very large ship sailing towards Takigakure Village in the distance!

He watched with wide eyes as the exaggerated big ship did not sail along the river, but crossed the river and hit the shore directly.

But the ship did not run aground, but continued to sail on land!

This incredible scene made him think of a rumor in the ninja world.

"Whitebeard Pirate Group!!!"

Such a vocabulary, with a horrified tone, came out of his mouth.

The information that the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirate Group can sail on land is no longer a secret in the ninja world.

After all, such a large Moby Dick, sailing on land every day in a high-profile and swaggering manner, unless the intelligence agencies of various ninja villages are eating dry rice, otherwise such a magical pirate ship has long been famous in the ninja world.

Moreover, this pirate ship is also related to the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

This leads to... even Takigakure Village, which rarely participates in the disputes of the ninja world, has heard of the magic of Moby Dick.

"Damn it! How could it be them? How could they come to Takigakure Village? Is it because of the Jinchuriki in the village?"

The Anbu ninja of Takigakure Village was already a little panicked.

He had heard that the Whitebeard Pirates had once conquered Kirigakure Village and Kumogakure Village, and even Konohagakure Village did not dare to offend the Whitebeard Pirates.

Would such a pirate group coming to Takigakure Village bring any good?

Could it be that they were just passing by?


He was about to rush back to the village to inform the leader, but as soon as he turned his head, he found a beautiful young girl standing on a tree behind him.

The girl had a Ninja Sword tied to her waist, and she didn't look more than fifteen years old. She was clearly not a ninja from Takigakure Village.

"Well, I can't let you go back and alert the village, and then scare away the Jinchuriki!"

Uchiha Izumi smiled, her pair of crimson Three Tomoe Sharingan already fixed on his eyes.

The Sharingan Genjutsu from the Uchiha clan made the Anbu ninja from Takigakure Village freeze on the spot.

When the Anbu ninja came to his senses, he was shocked to find that he had been tied up.

All the Ninja Tools on his body had been taken away by her.

He had no idea what had just happened.

He only knew that he had been inexplicably captured.


On the Moby Dick.

"Takigakure Village is a rather special small ninja village. Because of its unique geographical location, even though it is sandwiched between two large ninja villages, the friction between the two villages rarely affects Takigakure Village."

Kakashi was talking about his understanding of Takigakure Village, "Their village is somewhat detached from the world!"

"Hehe, if I remember correctly, there is a 'miser' in the Akatsuki organization who is from Takigakure Village, right?" Orochimaru glanced at Konan with a smirk.

Konan frowned slightly. Orochimaru, the traitor of the Akatsuki organization, really said everything.

Compared to him, Sasori, who had always been diligently trying to create a new body, was much more honest.

But when she saw the people of the Whitebeard Pirates all looking at her, Konan was forced to nod and admit, "Indeed, his name is Kakuzu. He used to be a mercenary in the ninja world. Even earlier, he was an elite Jonin of Takigakure Village."

Tsunade touched her chin, "Kakuzu, sounds familiar... Oh!"

Tsunade clapped her hands, she suddenly remembered, "Isn't this the guy who tried to assassinate my grandfather? I heard my grandfather mention this person."

Kakashi's eyelids twitched, "He tried to assassinate the First Hokage-sama? That's quite an impressive character!"

Kisame grinned, "It's just that this ninja village is too small. If it were a bit bigger, it would probably be the sixth largest ninja village."

"The Tailed Beast of Takigakure Village is the Seven Tails... Big Fox, what does the Seven Tails look like?" Naruto asked the Nine Tails inside him.

"It's kind of like a big bug!" Kurama yawned and casually replied, "It's pretty ugly."

Sasuke interjected, "Matatabi says, it's a bit impolite for you to comment on another Tailed Beast like that."

As a Jinchuriki, Sasuke could know what the Nine Tails was saying through Matatabi inside him.

Kurama grinned, "It just doesn't look good, I didn't lie. But compared to that raccoon cat, it looks quite pleasing to the eye!"

Gyuki said with schadenfreude, "With the hunting speed of the Whitebeard Pirate Crew, it won't be long before you meet Shukaku. If you say such things in front of him, given his temper, he will definitely fight with you."

Kurama grinned, not stingy with mockery and ridicule, "Just him? I can twist off his head with one hand!"

Matatabi sighed, "I feel we should be a bit more united..."

Konan looked at the bustling group of the Whitebeard Pirate Crew.

She found that these people did not take Takigakure Village, a ninja village, seriously.

Even if their Akatsuki organization wanted to hunt the tailed beast of the Dragon Ninja Village, they would have to make a very detailed plan, then find an opportunity to catch the lone Jinchuriki.

Only in this way can they ensure that they get the tailed beast 100%.

Moreover, the power of Takigakure Village should not be underestimated. This ninja village is very special, there are not many Chunin Genin, but there are quite a few Jonin.

The Akatsuki organization is unwilling to go head-to-head with Takigakure Village.

But the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Crew, completely without any plan, do whatever they think of.

"They can do whatever they want..." Konan could only sigh.

The tone of her sigh had no mockery, but rather a bit of envy.


Because the Anbu ninja sent by Takigakure Village to check the situation was directly caught, the people of Takigakure Village did not receive any news for a long time.

So, when Moby Dick was only 500 meters away from Takigakure Village, the ninjas of Takigakure Village realized that something was wrong.

But it was too late.

"That ship... is Moby Dick! It's the Whitebeard Pirate Crew!"

The leader of Takigakure Village widened his eyes, looking incredulously at Moby Dick not far away.

"Leader, what... what should we do? Should we organize the ninjas of the village to confront the Whitebeard Pirate Crew?"

An elder of Takigakure Village asked with a gulp.

This question stumped the leader of Takigakure Village.

Should they confront the Whitebeard Pirate Crew?

If they don't stop these pirates, these pirates will definitely ransack the entire Takigakure Village, right?

Especially the tailed beast of the village, it must be impossible to keep, right?

The Seven-Tails is the biggest treasure and the biggest trump card of Takigakure Village.

How can they willingly let it go?

The question is, can Takigakure Village gather the power of the entire ninja village to fight the Whitebeard Pirate Crew?


If the invaders were other organizations or other ninja villages, the leader of Takigakure Village would grit his teeth and directly call on the ninjas of the village to fight.

But the other party is the Whitebeard Pirate Crew!

One of the five major ninja villages, Kirigakure Village and Kumogakure Village, and Konohagakure Village, are all at their mercy.

Even if they fight with all their might, they can't stop them!

"Quick!" In the end, the leader of Takigakure Village made a quick decision, "Cancel all the village's alerts! Tell the ninjas of the village not to attack the Whitebeard Pirate Crew!"

He forced out a smile, "Maybe... maybe they are just passing guests, right? Our Takigakure Village should have the courtesy to entertain guests."

This can also be considered as forcibly saving face for the village.

In the final analysis, it was because of what the Whitebeard Pirates had done in the ninja world that the leader of the Takigakure Village had no confidence to contend with the Whitebeard Pirates.

He was scared, thoroughly scared.

On one hand, there was the village's Tailed Beast and the village's dignity, on the other hand, the village's survival was at stake.

Which was lighter and which was heavier, there was no need for detailed analysis.

Anyone would understand.



(End of Chapter)

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