Chapter 309: Whitebeard Pirates VS Iwagakure Village!


Whitebeard, holding Murakumogiri, stood on the bow of the Moby Dick, and from beginning to end, his face was always wearing a faint smile, as if he didn't regard Iwagakure Village, one of the five major ninja villages, as a real opponent at all.

Since the rocky mountains blocking the road had turned into dust, now with a pair of naked eyes, one could see Iwagakure Village in the distance.

At the same time, Whitebeard could also clearly see the ninjas of Iwagakure Village, blocking the way of Moby Dick in front.

Those ninjas were mobilizing quickly, some were blocking in front, and some were going around to the left and right sides of Moby Dick.

Obviously, they were implementing a tactic.

They wanted to use a pincer attack to firmly clamp the Whitebeard Pirates in this position.

Whitebeard only needed to count roughly to find out that the number of ninjas who came out to prepare for the battle in Iwagakure Village must be at least tens of thousands.

This number is much more than the ninjas of Kumogakure Village.

The number of people is almost doubled.

That's called a sea of people.

"Mobilizing so many people to stop our Whitebeard Pirates, it's really a big deal! Gurararararar!"

The smile on Whitebeard's face remained unchanged, he just glanced at the ninjas on the left and right sides, and then focused his gaze on the front.

Whitebeard could see that in the crowd in front, there was a very small figure standing in the center of the front.

If he guessed correctly, that short person should be the Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village, right?

Kisame, carrying Samehada, stood next to Whitebeard, and he was also looking at the Iwagakure ninjas who were dividing their troops.

The smile on Kisame's face was a bit grim, and the tone of his speech was a bit teasing: "All the obstructions that can hide their figures around have been blown up by the Tailed Beast Bomb, their actions and tactics, in our eyes, they can't hide at all!"

Kisame spoke out the most embarrassing situation of Iwagakure Village today. In the high-altitude view on Moby Dick, almost no ninja from Iwagakure Village could escape their gaze.

Then, Kisame asked Whitebeard, "Pops, there are only a few hundred meters left to hit them, do you want to stop and bombard them?"

Whitebeard's smile grew wider: "Isn't it spacious ahead? Foolish son, why stop?"

Kisame immediately understood Pops' meaning.

Pops wanted to directly drive the Moby Dick, charging straight ahead to break through!

This style of doing things...

As expected of Pops!

Kisame also got excited, he controlled the water flow under the Moby Dick, and the pirate ship suddenly sped up!

The huge Moby Dick charged straight towards Iwagakure Village, completely ignoring the group of Iwagakure ninjas blocking the way.


Seeing this scene, the rock-hidden ninjas on both sides of the Moby Dick were stunned.

"Wait! These pirates are ignoring us, they want to break into the village!" An Iwagakure Jonin widened his eyes, gritting his teeth: "We can't let them get close to the village, stop them!"

The rock-hidden ninjas on both sides were very tacit, like a gradually closing pincer, they attacked the Moby Dick!

There were no pleasantries between the ninjas and the pirates, from the moment they met, they regarded each other as enemies.

When the Moby Dick appeared here, it meant...

The war had already begun!

Hundreds of elite rock-hidden ninjas quickly made hand signs, they cooperatively slapped the ground with both palms: "Earth Release·Great Wall of Earth!!!"

The ground in front began to tremble violently, a huge wall rose from the ground, like a mountain tens of meters high blocking the Moby Dick.

If the Moby Dick continues to sail forward regardless, it will hit it.

There were also hundreds of other ninjas who made hand signs at the same time, their eyes wide open, they shouted: "Earth Release·Great Exploding Earth Dragon!!!"

A huge earth dragon, made up of mud and rocks, slowly raised its head from the ground.

The ferocious earth dragon, just one head was half the size of the Moby Dick.

Under the control of a group of Iwagakure Village ninjas, the earth dragon charged towards the Moby Dick.

"That's it!" Suddenly, Tsunade's voice rang out, Tsunade patted Naruto's shoulder satisfactorily: "Kid, ten million Ryo, not a penny less!"

Tsunade slowly turned around, her eyes slightly narrowed, the corner of her mouth hooked up: "It's been a long time since I've moved, moving a bit and getting some money, it's also earning some gambling money."

The next second, Tsunade's figure disappeared instantly.

She jumped into the air tens of meters high, bit her fingertip and pressed it against the air: "Summoning Jutsu!!!"

With a puff of white smoke, Slug Sage appeared instantly, its huge body just blocking the path of the earth dragon.


Slug Sage's body was hit with a big hole, one after another small slugs slowly fell from the big hole.

But those small slugs quickly crawled back up, and the big hole slowly recovered as before.

"Tsunade-sama, why can't you resist getting involved in ninja affairs again this time?" Slug Sage said with a slightly amused tone.

Slug Sage just had to take a quick glance to see that there was a large group of Iwagakure Village ninjas in front.

"Life is not easy, you always have to earn some money!" Tsunade stood on top of Slug Sage's head and said: "Throw me to that wall!"

"Okay." Slug Sage swung its head, a huge force, directly threw Tsunade out.

Tsunade's small figure flew out breaking the sound barrier, the speed was so fast that it even caused a sonic boom.

"Heaven Kick of Pain!!!"

She kicked up at the wall blocking the Moby Dick, and her monstrous strength caused a large part of the huge wall to collapse on the spot!

Tsunade's sudden move shocked a group of Iwagakure ninjas.

Even Oonoki was taken aback: "Slug? Is this Tsunade's summoning besat from Konohagakure? When did she join the Whitebeard Pirates? Konohagakure actually allowed such a special ninja to join a pirate crew?"

"Gurarararara interesting little brat. A woman with such strength is rare on the high seas!"

Whitebeard grinned: "Naruto, this silly son of mine, give her ten million, although it's a bit of a loss, but it seems to be okay, Gurarararara!!!"

The ninjas of Iwagakure Village, after a brief two-second stupor, immediately divided hundreds of elite ninjas to attack Tsunade and the slug.

The rest of the Iwagakure ninjas continued to attack the Moby Dick.

"We can't let you guys destroy the Moby Dick! Does this place have a shipyard or not!"

Seeing a group of Iwagakure Village ninjas on the side, Kisame couldn't help it.

"Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave!!!"

Rolling water formed a huge wave and surged towards a group of Iwagakure ninjas in front, who hurriedly used "Earth Flow Wall" to try to block Kisame's exaggerated Ninjutsu.


They overestimated themselves and underestimated Kisame, and on the spot, hundreds of ninjas were hit by the huge wave and were in a mess.

Their bodies were directly hit by the surging water and flew far away, each of them spitting blood and losing their combat power on the spot.


On the ship, Sasuke glanced at Fu, who was eager to try, and said expressionlessly: "You haven't established a real bond with the Tailed Beast inside you yet, so just stay on the ship honestly!"

After saying that, Sasuke jumped off the ship without hesitation, the corner of his mouth raised in confidence: "Matatabi, let's fight side by side!"

Sasuke, all by himself, charged straight at a group of Iwagakure ninjas.

"Damn pirates, a little brat dares to charge at us, actually looking down on us!" An Iwagakure Chunin gritted his teeth: "Let me take care of you!"

He swung a Ninja Sword and was about to slash at Sasuke.

The next second, his gaze met Sasuke's eyes.

A pair of double Tomoe Sharingan appeared in front of him.

"Sharingan? Damn!" The Iwagakure Village Chunin muttered to himself, but it was too late.

A simple Sharingan Genjutsu made him stand still for a second.

And this second of time, on the battlefield, can take a person's life.

Sasuke, holding a Kunai, easily slit the man's throat.

And quickly used a Ninjutsu against a dozen Iwagakure ninjas in front: "Fire Release: Super Great Fireball Jutsu!!!"

A huge fireball surged forward.

Scared, the dozen or so Iwagakure ninjas' pupils contracted and they hurriedly dodged to both sides.

A figure flipped from behind Sasuke to in front of Sasuke and quickly targeted an opponent.

"Gentle Fist: Eight Trigrams Eight Palms!!!"

It was Neji who followed Sasuke's footsteps.

Neji seized the opportunity and targeted an Iwagakure ninja who was scared by Sasuke's Fire Release.

The Eight Trigrams Eight Palms were all out, and he instantly took the opponent's life.

Sasuke said unhappily, "Hey, don't steal my opponent!"

Neji said confidently, "Family members should help each other."

On the other side, seeing Sasuke and Neji go down, Naruto also went down.

Naruto had a confident smile on his face and used a Ninjutsu he had just learned yesterday: "Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere!!!"

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled forward.

A huge invisible wind bullet flew out towards the front.

"Be careful! This kid is not simple! Don't underestimate the enemy!" At a critical moment, a tall Jonin from Iwagakure Village took action.

"Earth Release: Rock Fist Technique!!!"

His right arm formed a large fist made of rock, and he punched heavily towards the wind bullet that Naruto spat out.


The wind bullet was neutralized, and a crack appeared in his right arm's rock fist.

The Jonin from Iwagakure Village felt his arm a little numb, and when he looked up at Naruto in front of him, his expression was very alert: "This kid is as strong as a monster..."

"Uncle from Iwagakure Village, you're pretty good!" Naruto grinned, "Do you want to join the Whitebeard Pirates and become one of us?"

He actually tried to recruit for the Whitebeard Pirates at this time.

The Jonin from Iwagakure Village gritted his teeth, "Kid! Don't insult me!"

On the right side of Naruto, about tens of meters away, Haku and Karin advanced hand in hand.

The two cooperated very tacitly, and in the blink of an eye, they killed two Iwagakure Ninjas who wanted to rush towards Moby Dick.

Haku slapped the ground with both palms and shouted in a low voice: "Ice Release: Cold Dragon Spear!!!"

One by one, large ice spikes rose from the ground, and on the spot, two more Genin from Iwagakure Village were stabbed into blood gourds.

Karin, on the other hand, rushed up to fight in close combat with a Kunai in one hand.

"Pirate kid! Go to hell!"

Suddenly, an Iwagakure Ninja swung his Ninja Sword, trying to slash at Karin's head.

At this time, no one would pity a child's life.

Moreover, in the eyes of Iwagakure Ninja, Karin is an evil pirate.

At a critical moment, Karin raised her hand to block with a Kunai.

Just a little effort, and she pushed the other party to stumble.

The Iwagakure Ninja was stunned, "How is this kid so strong?!"

He didn't know that Karin's training difficulty was only slightly less than Naruto's.

Karin's strength is not much less than Naruto's.

And his moment of distraction... is enough to cost him his life.


The Iwagakure Ninja felt a pain in his heart, and when he reacted, he found that the kid in front of him was gone, and his chest was stabbed with a Kunai.

He turned his head in astonishment and found that Karin was already killing another Iwagakure Ninja.


At the same time, under the stern of Moby Dick.

"What kind of monster are you, kid?" An Iwagakure Ninja, clutching his wound, stared incredulously at Kimimaro, whose bones were all exposed.

Kimimaro expressionless, the bone knife stabbed into the other's abdomen: "The second one..."

Facing one Iwagakure Ninja after another rushing towards him with Ninja Swords, Kimimaro's eyes finally flashed with excitement.

"Come on... the more the better..."

On the ship.

Shikamaru swallowed nervously, "Ino, do you want me and Chouji to go down and fight with you?"

Ino nodded heavily: "Yes, I believe our Ino-Shika-Cho trio can definitely play a big role."

Shikamaru was sweating profusely: "Hey, hey, we might die if we keep going like this! We're only seven or eight years old!"

But Ino didn't listen, she grabbed the bewildered Shikamaru with one hand and the trembling Chouji with the other, and directly dragged them down to the ship.

Ino was in a hurry: "Don't worry about so much! Haku is being besieged by Iwagakure Ninja, let's go help him!"

Hinata also hurriedly followed: "Ino, wait for me!"

Lee turned to look at the pale Sakura, he said seriously: "Sakura, I'm going down too. Although I know I might drag them down, I can't just stand by and watch my comrades fight."

Sakura watched as Lee also hurriedly followed, she wanted to say something, but couldn't speak.

The only peers left on the ship were Sakura and Fu.

One was too weak, the other was not enough with the Tailed Beast.

Uchiha Izumi also did not participate in the battle.

Because she was commanding the survivors of the Uchiha clan, controlling the cannons on the ship.

"Calibrate! Aim at the Iwagakure Ninja behind, confirm the specific bomb drop position, and then fire directly!"

Uchiha Izumi commanded.

Many of these survivors of the Uchiha clan are ordinary people.

They definitely can't go down to fight, although it's not much different from suicide.

But she still can let them ....

control these cannons...



(End of Chapter)

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