Chapter 331: Absorbing Dragon Veins! Moby Dick, which caused a space-time rift!

According to Orochimaru's series of descriptions, Moby Dick has become like this -

The entire ship's size has increased by no less than 0.5 times compared to the beginning, and the wooden hull exterior has also been replaced by a special "sand gold" metal, which has increased the ship's defense by more than one level.

Orochimaru also said that he had conducted an experiment on the ship's defense.

The Kunai he threw out with all his strength could only leave a white dot on the surface of the ship.

This kind of defense can easily withstand the Ninjutsu of Genin and Chunin.

The Ninjutsu of Special Jonin and Jonin can barely be blocked.

Kage-level? it depends on luck.

The dozens of cannons on the ship have also become more powerful chakra cannons, and each chakra cannon requires a Special Jonin level ninja to control, so that it can fire a powerful laser attack.

But because the Whitebeard Pirate Crew doesn't have that many Special Jonin, Orochimaru and Sasori together tinkered with a chakra cannon control console.

They just need any random tailed beast Jinchuriki to stand on the console device, constantly inputting tailed beast chakra into the console.

The tailed beast chakra will follow the console to connect the chakra cannon's pipeline, and inject into each chakra cannon.

Thus achieving the need for only one person, can fill "ammunition" for dozens of chakra cannons.

In addition, there are really twenty puppet mechanical legs installed under the cabin.

It's just that these mechanical legs are currently hidden in the cabin, as long as all these mechanical legs come out, they can achieve crawling on land.

Even when sailing on the sea, these mechanical legs can also turn into powerful propellers.

The only drawback is that these mechanical legs all need a puppet master to control, fortunately, the Whitebeard Pirate Crew had the foresight to "squeeze" a lot of puppetry and puppet control skills from Sasori.

At the same time, a huge core container has also been added to the central area of the ship's interior.

This core container is made of a very special alloy, the overall appearance is a cylinder, this is also the energy storage of the dragon veins.

Orochimaru and Sasori also thoughtfully arranged various types of power systems for Moby Dick.

All the kerosene lamps on the ship have been replaced with electric lights.

There is also a special engine inside the ship, which can convert chakra into electricity to provide power for Moby Dick.

"Foolish son, you go up and fire a few shots, see how powerful it is."

Whitebeard was obviously most interested in the chakra cannon, he let Naruto go and try these new "cannons".

Naruto nodded like a pecking chicken, his little face also full of excitement, "Okay, Pops!"

Naruto quickly ran to the chakra cannon's control console, in front of him is a flat panel, the panel has two recessed caves.

There is also a manual on how to use the chakra cannon posted next to it.

Naruto looked at the manual for a while, he mumbled, "Just put your hands into these two holes, and then infuse chakra into the console's device... that's it? It feels so simple!"

Naruto did as described in the manual, he also specially borrowed a lot of chakra from the Nine-Tails, rolling chakra crazily poured into it.

At this moment, Naruto was surprised to find that all the chakra he released was actually swallowed by this device.

Also at this same time, the dozens of chakra cannons of Moby Dick began to enter the charging stage.

You can see that each chakra cannon's muzzle is condensing a ball of blue light.

That is obviously a large amount of chakra compressed into this shape.

You can also see that each chakra cannon's barrel is slightly trembling, as if it is a bit difficult to withstand this level of energy.

Until the condensed and compressed chakra is suddenly released!

Whiz whiz whiz whiz -

Like the buzzing sound of arrows tearing through the air echoing through the sky, it stings everyone's eardrums.

Each chakra cannon fired a blue laser, the speed was so fast that people could hardly react.

The next second.

Boom boom boom boom -

The incessant rumbling sound echoed from the far sides of Moby Dick.

Balls of fire appeared out of nowhere, tens, hundreds, even thousands of meters away.

That was the laser explosion caused by the chakra cannon hitting the ground!

When the explosion's firelight dissipated, one could see the desert in front had been blasted into one pit after another.

The diameter of a pit was at least several meters, and the depth was estimated to be several meters as well.

Not to mention the layer of sand on top, even the rock layer beneath the sand had been blasted into a large pit.

Sasuke's pupils slightly contracted, and a cold face showed a bit of a serious expression: "Such speed... such power... it's almost like the Rasengan used by that idiot Naruto when he was in half-tailed beast mode."

If dozens of cannons were aimed at one enemy...

That would be equivalent to dozens of Rasengan with tailed beast chakra power smashing onto one person.

Sasuke slightly imagined that scene, he felt that even the incredibly defensive Susano'o would probably be blasted with cracks, right?

The most critical point is, if the Jinchuriki, who has almost infinite chakra, controls these chakra cannons, then these chakra cannons can attack incessantly.

Imagine, if Moby Dick stopped outside a ninja village and used these chakra cannons to bomb the village for an hour...

Sasuke really couldn't imagine, would there be an inch of intact land in that ninja village by then?

"Gurararararara!" Whitebeard also let out a hearty laugh: "This is a real battleship!"

Konan suppressed her surprise, she took a deep look at Orochimaru.

When Orochimaru joined the Akatsuki, didn't use his scientific research ability to do anything beneficial for the Akatsuki.

But after this guy became a captive of the Whitebeard Pirates, he began to exert his scientific research ability...

Konan had mixed feelings in her heart, what's wrong with the Akatsuki?

At least they could give Orochimaru, a free body.

As a result, Orochimaru didn't want to serve the Akatsuki, but instead worked for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Konan didn't understand what Orochimaru was thinking.

"Interesting." When Kisame showed a smile, his mouth full of sharp teeth made his smile very ferocious: "These dozens of chakra cannons are comparable to thousands of ninja army."

He glanced at Orochimaru, then looked at Sasori: "Tsk tsk, as expected of being one of the Sannin of Konohagakure, and also worthy of being a genius puppet master of Sunagakure, really two dangerous men!"

Shikamaru's forehead was covered with layers of cold sweat.

He and Chouji, Sakura and others, never had a chance to return to Konohagakure Village, they had always stayed on Moby Dick.

"What a formidable weapon..." Shikamaru felt that the times had changed, could this ship be equivalent to a Kage?

"Gurarararara! You guys! Dock the ship near the ruins and load up that dragon vein!"

Whitebeard, in a good mood, laughed and gave the order.

The first "voyage" of the remodeled Moby Dick was controlled by Sasori.

As the ship's body trembled slightly, one after another puppet mechanical legs stretched out from under Moby Dick, the mechanical legs propped up the ground, and forcibly lifted the entire ship.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

With the rhythmic steps of the puppet mechanical legs moving forward, Moby Dick began to move, and directly destroyed a piece of ruins in front, rushing to the deepest part of the Roran ruins.

The speed of the puppet mechanical legs moving forward was not slower than Kisame's "Water Release: Land Boat Technique", and the ship's body was very stable during the process of moving forward.

All one could say was... the science of the ninja world, it's shocking.

Meanwhile, deep in the Roran ruins.

One by one, the original inhabitants of Roran looked in horror at the Moby Dick that had broken into the ruins.

Such a large "monster" came in, they didn't even dare to think about stopping it.

They could only stare blankly as the Moby Dick broke into the underground chamber above the Dragon Vein.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates began to get busy, they brought down special hoses from the ship.

Each hose was connected to a Dragon Vein energy container at the other end.

"Orochimaru, as long as this end of the hose is inserted into the source of the Dragon Vein, the power of the Dragon Vein will flow into the container along the pipe?"

Tsunade held a hose, looking at Orochimaru with doubt: "This is too simple?!"

Orochimaru chuckled and replied: "The energy properties of the Dragon Vein and Chakra are not much different, humans can now play with Chakra in the simplest way, the energy of the Dragon Vein... heh, it's just like that!"

Orochimaru's words highlighted a confidence.

Tsunade chose to believe him for the time being.

Soon, Uzumaki Fuushi opened the source of the Dragon Vein, and everyone immediately put the hose into the source of the Dragon Vein.

In an instant, the gushing purple energy rose up along the hoses like a tide.

The hoses were all bulging like overstuffed pythons.

The energy of the Dragon Vein was pouring into the Moby Dick at an incredible speed.

The dazzling purple light reflected on everyone's faces.

"What an amazing energy fluctuation..."

Sasori gradually became excited, he murmured to himself: "If the power of the Dragon Vein is used as the power core of a puppet, that would be the unparalleled greatest art!"

Orochimaru was not very interested in the Dragon Vein, after all, it couldn't make him immortal.

In Orochimaru's view, the role of the Dragon Vein could only let the Whitebeard Pirates and others know his ability.

As long as he shows the ability to move Whitebeard's heart, he can firmly bind himself to the Whitebeard Pirates.

In less than five minutes, the container device on the Moby Dick was completely filled with Dragon Vein energy.

Everyone also immediately withdrew the hoses.

Uzumaki Fuushi decisively used the sealing technique to control the restless power of the Dragon Vein.

A group of people returned to the ship again. "Has anything strange happened on the ship?!"

Tsunade looked around curiously, she muttered: "It doesn't seem to have changed at all, isn't it said that this Dragon Vein has the power to travel through time and space?"

Kakashi scratched his head: "Maybe... we still don't know how to use the power of the Dragon Vein."

Kakashi glanced at Whitebeard and found that Pops was silent.

Perhaps, Pops is a bit disappointed now?

After all, before this, Pops was quite hopeful that the power of the Dragon Vein could open a path for him to return to his hometown.

What a pity...


Kakashi sighed in his heart, just as he was about to comfort Pops... the Moby Dick suddenly shook violently.

The sudden violent movement scared some of the sailors on the ship.

"What's going on?" Neji immediately frowned and asked Sasori suspiciously: "Hey... your modification didn't go wrong, did it?"

Sasori couldn't accept a kid questioning his artwork.

He glared at Neji: "Kid, watch your mouth, my artwork can't go wrong!"

As soon as Sasori's words fell, the Moby Dick shook several more times, the shaking was very exaggerated, and the planks on the ship were creaking.

"...Hmph, even if there is a problem, it's not my fault, it must be that disgusting guy's fault!" This time, Sasori didn't dare to guarantee.

He said solemnly: "I'll go down and check."

However, before Sasori could take a few steps forward, the ship moved uncontrollably.

This time it wasn't shaking, but uncontrollably moving forward!

Such a strange anomaly made everyone realize the seriousness of the problem.

Uchiha Izumi immediately shouted, "All non-ninja ordinary people, retreat to the cabin!"

After shouting, Uchiha Izumi couldn't help but grab the railing next to her.

Because she found that Moby Dick's uncontrollable forward rush was too fast.

The speed was so fast that the wind coming head-on made her eyes almost unable to open.

Moby Dick's forward rush speed has far exceeded the speed of a Jonin on the road.

The sky full of yellow sand was rolled up hundreds of meters high, and waves of air waves spread in all directions.

The sails were also shaking violently, and the whole ship was falling apart!

The ruins of Roran have been thrown a kilometer behind.

"Pops! What should we do?!"

This unknown situation made Naruto a little at a loss.

Whitebeard, holding Murakumogiri, stood like an iron tower at the bow of Moby Dick.

He squinted his eyes and looked down at the purple light permeating the deck gap.

If Whitebeard didn't guess wrong, this should be the power of the dragon veins... affecting the entire Moby Dick.

"Let it run." Whitebeard said in a deep voice, "Foolish son, hold on tight, don't get thrown off the ship. If a pirate gets thrown off the ship, that would really be a laughing stock!"

Because of Whitebeard's Observation Haki, he didn't sense any dangerous premonitions.

Moreover, Whitebeard had a strange subconscious premonition in the dark.

His subconscious told him not to stop Moby Dick.

To be honest, Whitebeard hasn't had such a strange premonition for a long time.

He chose to believe in his own premonition!

A few seconds later, the purple light overflowing from the deck was already bright enough to make people's eyes almost unable to open.

The dazzling purple light wrapped the entire Moby Dick.

When Moby Dick's violent rush speed reached several times the speed of sound, the purple light seemed to be comparable to a purple sun.

Until a loud roar echoed for tens of kilometers around.

Invisible air waves spread in all directions, destroying all sand and stone.

Moby Dick suddenly disappeared.

Only leaving a sand pit with a diameter of a kilometer!



(End of Chapter)

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