Chapter 342: Shocked Whitebeard Pirate Crew! Whitebeard, stronger than his peak!

Marco could hear that Red-Haired Shanks' tone was very anxious.

But he didn't know why the other party was so anxious.

With a puzzled thought, Marco frowned, he first curiously asked Shanks, "Why do you want to use the projection Den Den Mushi?"

"Because Whitebeard is in the live broadcast image of the projection Den Den Mushi!" The big shout from Shanks was imitated by the Den Den Mushi vividly.

"Marco: '!!!'"

Shanks' shout startled Marco, who stared in disbelief.

Pops appeared in the live broadcast on the Den Den Mushi, how could this be possible?

But the next second, Marco thought of a terrible possibility.

Could the mysterious person who stole Pops' body be broadcasting an insult to Pops' body?

So, is that why Shanks on the other end of the Den Den Mushi is so anxious, wanting him to take a look?

As soon as this guess popped into Marco's mind, his face was filled with rage.

"Damn shameless bastard!" Even Marco, with his good temperament, couldn't help but curse.

"Huh? Huh? Are you scolding me?" Obviously, Shanks on the other end of the phone misunderstood.

Marco took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down.

He apologized to Shanks: "Sorry... my words just now were not directed at you, I'm going to find a projection Den Den Mushi."

Marco said and did it, he was already impatient.

If someone really broadcasts an insult to Pops' body in front of everyone in the entire sea, he must forcibly suppress his anger and then see who the audacious person is.

Only by knowing who the other party is, can they retaliate against them in the future.

Otherwise, all the anger can only be vented into the air.

Fortunately, there is indeed a projection Den Den Mushi on the ship. Marco not only found this Den Den Mushi, but also called over all the division commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates who were still alive.

Under the somewhat puzzled gaze of a group of people, Marco told them about Shanks' phone call and his own guess.

The division commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates were all in an uproar when they heard it.

Everyone's face was full of uncontrollable anger.

"Damn it! How can there be such a despicable and shameless person in the sea?!!!"

Vista was so angry that the wounds on his body burst open, but compared to Marco's terrible guess, what does the injury on his body count for?

If Pops' body was really insulted, and even seen by everyone in the entire sea...

Then they, as sons, are simply unworthy of becoming Whitebeard sons!

They not only failed to protect Ace, but even failed to protect Whitebeard's body.

How can they accept this?!

"This is just my guess, maybe things are not so bad..." Seeing this group of people so angry, Marco could only comfort them with a voice.

Then, he said: "I'm going to turn on this Den Den Mushi, I hope everyone is mentally prepared."

Having said that... he pressed the button on the back of the Den Den Mushi, and then the projection of the Den Den Mushi was projected onto the wall of the pirate ship.

In the picture, there was a sea of fire and thunder, which made everyone stunned.

"Big Mom?!"

Suddenly, the eighth division commander, the fishman Namur, was shocked: "This woman... isn't she Big Mom of the Big Mom Pirates? Isn't it said that Pops is in the picture? Why is it this fat woman?!"

Even Marco was surprised by the appearance of Big Mom, he didn't know what was going on.

It couldn't be that Shanks was playing an untimely joke with him, could it?

That's impossible!

That man, Red-Haired Shanks, would never make such a joke.

"Wait!" Suddenly, Jozu, who had lost an arm, was sharp-minded, he hurriedly shouted: "Big Mom seems to be fighting with someone, you guys quickly see who she is fighting with!"

Although the news bird holding the live broadcast Den Den Mushi was scared and trembling by the distant battle, causing the projected picture to be shaking.

But as long as you watch carefully, you can still see who the other person is.

A group of division commanders stared at it for several seconds.

They finally saw the face of the opponent Big Mom was fighting with!

A very familiar face appeared in front of them.

In an instant, the entire ship fell into a deathly silence!

You can see that the expressions of everyone present are so consistent.

All were dumbfounded, their eyes wide open.

Their eyeballs were almost about to pop out.

"The captain of the eleventh division, Kingdew, was dumbfounded, his voice inevitably trembling: "Did… did… did I just see it wrong? Is it real or fake?!"

The captain of the sixteenth division, Izo, was shocked and murmured: "If the person you saw is Pops, then you didn't see it wrong. Because… I saw it too."

One by one, the division captains couldn't help but look at each other.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on Marco, the captain of the first division.

After all, Marco in the Whitebeard Pirates is actually equivalent to the vice captain of the pirate group.

When an incomprehensible situation occurred, everyone focused their eyes on Marco, the mainstay.

At this moment, Marco was also stunned.

He couldn't say a word for a long time.

This eerie silence lasted for several minutes.

Marco finally spoke, his eyes full of shock and disbelief: "That person and Pops… look exactly the same…"

Jozu, however, had a different opinion: "What do you mean he looks exactly like Pops, this person is clearly Pops himself!"

His loud voice made Marco wake up as if from a dream.


That's Pops himself.

Exactly the same!

The familiar man in the live broadcast picture showed the power and fighting style that were exactly the same as Pops.

Marco even saw that Whitebeard in the picture hit the air with a punch, immediately causing a terrifying shock wave.

And the weapon in the hand of Whitebeard in the picture is obviously Pops' Murakumogiri.

All signs indicate that the other party seems to be their Pops!


The twelfth division captain, Haruta, couldn't help but say: "Pops has obviously… his body has been on a ship for a while… and Pops' devil fruit ability, wasn't it taken away by that bastard Blackbeard?"


How to explain this?

In the end, it was still Marco who gritted his teeth and made a decision: "For now, don't go to Pops' hometown! We change course and head to Totto Land immediately!"

He must see it for himself, he must figure out if the Whitebeard in the live broadcast picture is really their Pops?

No one objected to Marco's decision.

Even if this possibility is so slim, so incredible, so unrealistic…

They would rather believe that the Whitebeard in the live broadcast is their Pops!

At this moment, no one said anything against it.

No one broke the hope in others' hearts.


New World, Totto Land.

Late at night.

The battle between Whitebeard and Big Mom has been going on for a full ten hours, and the fierce battle between the two has been maintained at a high intensity.

Neither Whitebeard nor Big Mom showed any signs of fatigue.

But, Big Mom's physical strength and condition are very abundant, it doesn't mean that her three special Homies are the same.

Even if these three special Homies are made with Big Mom's own soul fragments, but their opponent is Whitebeard!

"Mama, I can't hold on anymore!"

Napoleon cried with a sad face.

Even if Big Mom's Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki were protecting it, when it collided with Whitebeard's Murakumogiri, Napoleon had a feeling that it was going to be cut open.

Especially every wave of Whitebeard's terrifying brute force, it made Napoleon tremble with fear.

However, Big Mom didn't listen to Napoleon's "complaint", she laughed grimly and swung her sword hard at Whitebeard.

"Gurarararara! Linlin, you haven't made any progress in more than ten years!" Whitebeard also returned a sword with a grim laugh, Murakumogiri and Napoleon collided again.

"Mama, mama, what's the matter with you? How do you feel younger?" This was Big Mom's doubt.

Whitebeard's smile became stronger, he said in a hearty voice: "That's because I have a group of very filial sons and daughters! Gurarararararara!" 

Whitebeard's monstrous strength burst forth in an instant, sending Big Mom flying again, scaring Zeus into rushing over to catch her.

"Ma ma ma ma, you bastard are really hard to kill! Whitebeard!" Big Mom, however, grabbed Zeus with one hand, letting Zeus coil around her right arm.

"Zeus Thunder!!!"

Big Mom aimed at Whitebeard in the distance with one hand, and Zeus in her hand erupted with astonishing lightning.

A terrifying thunderbolt shot towards Whitebeard! Whitebeard was not afraid at all, he didn't even dodge, he directly slashed at the thunderbolt with a sword wrapped in Armament Haki and vibration waves.


With a loud rumble, the thunderbolt was deflected by Whitebeard's sword and flew towards the distant Biscuit Island.

The unlucky Biscuit Island was immediately blasted out a huge pit by the thunderbolt, like a large lake appearing in the belly of the island.

The entire island seemed to be pierced through, seawater began to pour into the bottom of the pit, it seemed to really form a saltwater lake.

"Prometheus Fire!!!"

Big Mom casually threw Napoleon up, left hand Prometheus, right hand Zeus, both arms together!

Thunder and flames began to twist and converge at a high speed, forming a beam of terrifying energy laser beam, shooting straight at Whitebeard.

"Quake Sea!!!"

This was the first time Whitebeard shouted out a technique name, he also threw Murakumogiri up, both hands clasped the air in front of him, as if he was holding something solid.

In the moment when the fire ray was about to fly close, Whitebeard's eyes flashed with cold light, he suddenly pulled his arms down!

In an instant, the air, seabed, seawater, including fire ray...

All were strongly affected by the Quake-Quake Fruit.

Everything in front of him seemed to be turning upside down, a tsunami that seemed to be able to destroy the world was easily lifted up.

Even the seabed was shaken out of astonishing seabed cracks.

The fire ray shot out by Big Mom was also twisted by the vibration force, and was actually shattered by the vibration!

It was also at this time that Whitebeard reached out to catch the falling Murakumogiri.

He stomped on the air, and his whole body instantly broke through the air and flew towards Big Mom.

The speed was so fast that in the moment when Big Mom's eyes widened, Whitebeard's sword had already slashed down on her head.

And this sword, also carries the power of the Quake-Quake Fruit!

Even, Whitebeard used the awakening power of the Devil Fruit!

The vibration not only affects physical matter, but even abstract things like space are affected and twisted by the vibration force!

The vibration force bypassed Big Mom's "Iron Balloon" defense, and the intense vibration impact made Big Mom's eyes roll up.

She even let out the first scream from her mouth, the sharp and piercing scream, even Whitebeard felt it was very uncomfortable to listen to.

"Gurararararara! Linlin, you couldn't beat me before, and you still can't now!"

Whitebeard's arms suddenly exerted force, and the awakening power of the Quake-Quake Fruit was stimulated by him to a new height.

Big Mom vomited a large mouthful of fresh blood on the spot, the vibration made her bones all fracture, and the broken bones even pierced into the flesh and internal organs.

Under the intense pain, Big Mom forcibly divided a piece of soul fragment and poured all the soul fragments into her body.

"Come back to life! My bones and internal organs!" Big Mom roared with blood in her mouth.

"Yes! Mom!" The broken bones and injured internal organs in her body actually made a sound.

She is using the power of the fruit to make her injured parts come alive!

The injured parts that were given souls began to reorganize themselves, and the fractures and other injuries in Big Mom's body were forcibly restored to their original state.

"Damn Whitebeard! It hurts!!!"

Big Mom gritted her teeth and resisted the vibration, and slashed at Whitebeard with a sword.

After temporarily forcing Whitebeard to retreat a little distance, she divided out a part of the soul fragments again, and threw them into Zeus, Prometheus, and Napoleon respectively.

"Heh..." Big Mom's eyes were filled with rage and cold light, and her Conqueror's Haki never stopped releasing, "Forcing me to consume a year of my life, it is indeed you! Whitebeard!".

A sphere of soul light appeared in her right hand, and without hesitation, Big Mom swallowed it.

Her eyes suddenly widened, an incredibly strong aura burst forth, and her body visibly swelled!

She was truly like an iron balloon!

She had inflated from over eight meters tall to a whopping twenty to thirty meters. Zeus, Prometheus, and Napoleon also grew several times larger!

Big Mom held Napoleon in one hand, with Prometheus and Zeus wrapped around Napoleon's blade.

Big Mom roared in a sharp, piercing voice, "I don't want to fight with you, you old bastard, for ten days and nights! Just watch and see if I've made any progress in these past years! Damn Whitebeard! I'm going to take you down within an hour!"

The three special homies had merged into one, forming a special "Sword of Light".

"Light Cannon!!!"

Big Mom, holding the Sword of Light, thrust it out into the air, and another powerful laser shot towards Whitebeard!

"Gurararararara, now that's more like it!"

Whitebeard stood tall and fearless, holding Murakumogiri, and slashed hard!

The Light Cannon and Murakumogiri collided fiercely. Whitebeard was knocked back several tens of meters, but he managed to block the attack head-on.

"Gurararararara, Linlin, remember..."

Whitebeard laughed wildly with Haki, "You're facing an Edward Newgate who's even stronger than he was in his prime!!!"

Whitebeard swung back with a terrifying slash, the force of which distorted space and cut across the sky, landing on Big Mom in an instant.

"Hisssss!" Big Mom's painful scream rang out again.

Her enlarged body, although stronger and more defensive than before, had slowed down.

As Big Mom screamed and stiffened, Whitebeard had already closed in on her again.

Whitebeard twirled his blade and slashed hard at Big Mom's head.




(End of Chapter)

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