Chapter 347 Pops' hidden illness is cured? ? ? Katakuri's decision!

Naruto told Marco about what happened when he first met Pops, and also introduced to Marco what kind of place the Ninja world is.

But his adventures with Pops in the Ninja World were too many.

So much so that Naruto talked for more than ten minutes, and his mouth was dry and his tongue was dry, and he didn't even finish one-tenth.

Naruto didn't know when he had a glass of juice in his hand.

He took a sip to moisten his throat.

He stuck out his tongue and waved his hand, "Tomorrow, let's talk about other things tomorrow, my mouth is too dry and I can't speak anymore."

Even if Marco can only get a small part of the story from Naruto for the time being, he can also roughly understand what kind of situation it is.

After Pops "died" in the Summit war, for some unknown reason, he died and came back to life. At the same time, he accidentally went to a place called the Ninja World and first adopted Uzumaki Naruto as his son.

Pops rebuilt the Whitebeard Pirates in that place, and also adopted many sons and daughters, making the new Whitebeard Pirates barely take shape.

During this time, Pops had experienced a series of adventures.

Finally, through a special method, he brought the new Whitebeard Pirate Crew back to the sea.

After sorting all this out, Marco couldn't help but exclaim, "What an incredible journey..."

It seemed... even Pops himself didn't know why he had come back to life.

Of course, that's not important, what's important is that Pops is alive.

That's enough.

"Haha, then let me tell you some stories about Pops when he was young, are you interested?" Marco shook his head, cleared his thoughts, and smiled at Naruto and the others.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Naruto was the first to raise his hand enthusiastically, "Pops rarely tells us about his youth."


On the other side.

Whitebeard almost forgot how many sons he had hugged.

These silly sons were too enthusiastic, his chest was full of their tears.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's one thing to rub your tears on me, Pops, but don't rub your snot on me!"

Although Whitebeard complained like this, he still embraced his foolish sons who was crying and snotty.

"Gurararararara, stop crying, you foolish sons. You finally aw me . Shouldn't you be happy and have a feast, and get drunk?"

Whitebeard laughed heartily, he picked up a large wine jar next to him, opened the cork, and the strong aroma of wine began to spread on the Moby Dick.

"This is the wine I stole from the Big Mom Pirates! Gurararararara! It would be a waste not to drink it all!"

Whitebeard's laughter dispelled the sadness of being separated by life and death and reuniting again.

Yeah, why am I so sad?

Shouldn't I be happy to see Pops alive?

"Hold on!"

Marco, hearing Pops' voice, immediately changed his expression, "Pops is going to start drinking again?"

Marco hurriedly shouted, "Pops, your body absolutely can't drink too much wine! Otherwise, your hidden illness..."

But before he could finish his sentence, a sudden voice from the side interrupted him.

It was a woman's voice, very mature, "Don't worry! That old man's hidden illness has been cured by me. With his physical condition, drinking this little wine is no big problem."

Marco was taken aback.

When he turned his head to look at the side, he saw a woman with light golden hair.

Marco didn't pay attention to Tsunade's large boobs, after all, this cup size was too common in the sea and there a lot of woman who have a big boobs than Tsunade.

What he cared more about was what Tsunade said, Marco couldn't help but ask in astonishment, "Pops' hidden illness was cured by you?"

Tsunade responded nonchalantly, "Yeah! That old man's hidden illness was quite troublesome, I spent a lot of effort to cure him."

Marco was shocked.

He also understood medical arts, and his medical arts level was not low.

Combined with the special ability of the Phoenix Fruit, Marco was definitely the best ship doctor in the Whitebeard Pirates.

But facing Pops' increasingly serious hidden illness, even he had no way to completely cure it.

He could only use some conservative treatment methods to delay the onset of Pops' hidden illness.

Or make it less painful when Pops has an attack.

Now he's being told that the woman in front of him has cured Pops' hidden illness?

The key is, it seems that she has no reason to deceive him.

Marco also glanced at the reactions of Naruto and the other kids, and found that they were also very calm about this.


Was Pops really cured?

"Are you... Pops' adopted daughter?" Marco suppressed his shock and asked curiously.

"Huh?" Tsunade shook her head and waved her hands, "Ahem, I'm just his hired ship doctor!"

"I see..."

Marco said with immense gratitude, "Thank you so much for healing Pops! You are the most skilled doctor I have ever seen!"

He admitted that his medical skills were not as good as Tsunade's.

Because he couldn't cure Pops' hidden illness.

"Ahahaha! Actually, I'm just average!"

Tsunade was a bit flattered by the compliment.


On the other side.

Kisame was facing off with the eighth division captain of the old Whitebeard Pirate Crew, "Namur".

Namur scratched his grotesque and ugly big fish head, then asked in confusion, "Um... why are you staring at me? It's kind of embarrassing..."

Kisame pointed at Namur's unique appearance and asked, "Were you born looking like this? Or have you undergone some kind of human modification?"

"Ah? Human modification?"

Namur was a bit confused by the question, "I'm a fishman like you, of course I was born this way!"

Kisame: "..."

He finally understood why that biscuit man called himself a "fishman".

So there really is a race of fishmen in the sea.

What a revelation!

Kisame calmly said, "I was also born looking like this, but I'm not a fishman, I'm a pure human."

This time, it was Namur's turn to be shocked.

"You're a human?!"

Namur was dumbfounded.

The man in front of him, no matter how you look at it...

Looks like a fishman, right?


Not far away.

"Wow! Uncle, how did you get to be this size?"

Chouji plucked up the courage to approach the sixth division captain "Blamenco", his eyes shining with curiosity.

For the Akimichi clan, Blamenco's round and plump figure is the ideal body shape they dream of.

Blamenco looked down at this chubby little dwarf.

He thought this must be one of Pops' adopted sons.


Blamenco laughed heartily and generously shared his secret to being fat, "Of course I'm eating at least 500 kg of Sea King meat every day! And you must eat the most delicious parts of the Sea King!"

"You're an interesting little guy, everyone else always tells me to lose weight, but you're the only one who looks at me with shining eyes."

Blamenco found Chouji very pleasing to the eye.

Chouji counted on his fingers, "500 kg..."

After thinking for a while, he realized what 500 kg meant.

Chouji was dumbfounded, "This... wouldn't you get stuffed to death?"

"Lumamama! As long as you master enough skills, you won't get stuffed!" Blamenco generously said, "This skill is called 'Seimei Kikan', it has a very special ability - to digest food quickly!"

"Little guy, what's your name?" Blamenco asked.

"Cho, Chouji! My name is Akimichi Chouji!"

"Lumamama! Chouji, are you interested in learning 'Seimei Kikan'?"

"Ah? Uncle, you want to teach me?"

"Lumamama, of course! After all, we're family!"

Chouji weakly said, "Um... actually, Grandpa Whitebeard didn't adopt me as his son."

Blamenco was taken aback.

But he quickly brushed it off and laughed, "Lumamama, based on my understanding of Pops, you chubby little guy will sooner or later be Pops' son!"



Compared to the harmonious scene on the Whitebeard Pirate Crew's side, the Big Mom Pirate Crew's side seemed a bit discordant.

Whitebeard had given them a day to consider.

But now it was already the second night, and they had less than ten hours left.

During this time, Big Mom's many ministers held more than a dozen meetings.

But in the end, they did not reach a consensus.

"Brother Katakuri, I respect you a lot and support your decisions on many things. But on this matter alone, please forgive me for having different thoughts."

Snack said stubbornly, "Mom's decades of hard work absolutely cannot be gone because of Whitebeard's words!"

"We must protect every inch of land and every island of the world for our mother! We absolutely cannot compromise like the Whitebeard Pirates, we cannot divide our territory among them!"

Next to Snack, an unknown minister from the Big Mom Pirates hesitated to echo, "I think what Snack said... makes sense."

On the left, Smoothie crossed her legs and folded her arms across her chest.

She said expressionlessly, "Since you don't support using 70% of our territory to get back our mother and Cracker, then let's use me and Katakuri to exchange for them!"

"After all, Whitebeard only gave us two choices, we either choose the first one or the second one, there is no third choice."

Another low-profile minister shouted, "Absolutely not! Brother Katakuri is the pillar of our family! Sister Smoothie, you are the same!"

"Perhaps we can use other methods to get back our mother and Cracker? For example... Whitebeard should be interested in the Poneglyph, right? This kind of man must want to be the Pirate King, right? How about... we give him those three pieces of Poneglyph?"

"What a joke, those three pieces of Poneglyph were hard-earned by our mother, how could we just hand them over?"

"How about Brother Katakuri and Sister Smoothie pretend to join the Whitebeard Pirates, and after we get our mother and Cracker back, they leave the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Idiot! We pirates also have to talk about righteousness! How can we do such a thing? Isn't this making Katakuri and Smoothie fall into unkindness?"

"You're the fool! What's wrong with us pirates being a little despicable? Those old rules should be relegated to the corner of history!"


This was already their umpteenth argument, basically every meeting would exceed a dozen times.

It was also difficult for a group of people to reach a consensus.

Katakuri kept his face calm and was always thinking about countermeasures.

Listening to the quarrel of the crowd, Katakuri took a deep breath.

"Enough!" His short sentence made everyone shut up.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Katakuri.

Katakuri first glanced at the crowd.

Then through the round window of the pirate ship, he looked at the islands of the world in the distance.

He slowly stood up, his height of more than five meters was very oppressive.

"I have made a decision, I will personally go and talk to Whitebeard." Katakuri said expressionlessly.

"Brother Katakuri, I think..." Snack wanted to say something, but was deterred by Katakuri's gaze.

"I said, I'm going to talk to Whitebeard." Katakuri's simple sentence made Snack unable to interrupt.

In the final analysis, Katakuri's prestige in the Big Mom Pirates was too high.

Even if Snack was also one of the Three Sweet Commanders, he had his own thoughts...

But when Katakuri's tone became a little heavier.

Snack dared not squeak.

Under the gaze of a group of ministers, Katakuri walked out of the meeting room alone and came to the deck of the Queen Mama Chanter.

Breathing in the slightly sea-breezy air outside, Katakuri murmured to himself, "I can't let our mother's hard work go down the drain, and I can't let you guys get hurt. Although I'm not the eldest son, I have to take on this responsibility."

He made a decision.

He didn't bring anyone, but went alone to the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates.

There was no one guarding the Moby Dick.

Katakuri found it easier to come here than to enter his own home.

But soon, he found something was wrong.

Because during the day, there weren't so many people on the Moby Dick.

How come when it gets to night, the number of people multiplies?

Katakuri looked at a group of pirates from the Whitebeard Pirates in front of him.

He suddenly found that there were quite a few familiar faces in there.

"That fishman... I remember he is the eighth team captain of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"That person... Flower Sword Vista?!"

"And also..."

Katakuri's heart completely sank.

A group of senior executives from the Whitebeard Pirates appeared, making him realize that the Big Mom Pirates could no longer physically confront the Whitebeard Pirates.

Just one Whitebeard is so ridiculously strong.

Plus this group of people...

How to fight?

Fortunately, Katakuri didn't board the ship with the idea of fighting this time.

And his appearance obviously attracted a lot of attention.

After all, Katakuri's height of over five meters is quite eye-catching among a bunch of oddly shaped pirates.


Vista was the first to notice something was wrong, and he recognized Katakuri on the spot: "You're from the Big Mom Pirates?"

Vista instantly became alert, and his two swords were already drawn.

"Why did you appear here?!"



(End of Chapter)

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