Chapter 1:Empty Land



I wake up in a strange place devoid of any recollection of what happened to me.

I was baffled of what I witness when I opened my eyes.

It was a wasteland, a place lacking of life, the soil was barren and trees were nowhere to be seen.

I stood up and have a close look at the surroundings.

I thought it was a dream, but it felt too real for me. The sun's blazing heat was creeping through my skin.

I walk up a bit to see more when I stumbled down because of a small stone that block my feet.

I couldn't avoid it as my movement wobbled.

"argh... Thats hurt is it really not a dream? Were am I? Huh, what's this? A book... And a pen? Strange"

What I thought of was a stone that blocks me was a normal book with a name 'Save Diary' in it, there is also a strange pen that doesn't have an ink.

Even though I test it in my arm, the pen didn't show a soight ink in it. Weirdly enough, the two things float out if my hands and started writing on its own and it mysteriously yet instantly inscribe words into an italicized form at the book.

It also can't perform erasure nor the pages can be torned off which made it seems indestructible.

After seeing it's sole functions, It must be a record of a small histories and progresses I made as I read the content in it.

ENTRY (??) DAY (??) PAGE (??)

I stood up and steady my walk, good thing the sun's heat was unlike of the desert. It's much like of a tropical climate but strangely, there is no plant sprouting in the ground.

Whenever I recall something, I will feel a tremendous pain like my skull is breaking apart, yet the only thing I remember was my name.

"Im Lumian ashire, that's my name. I have seems teleported out of nowhere, but if I don't move, I will likely to strike hunger or much worse dehydration"

This place doesn't seems to be a desert, since infertile soil filled the surface, not sands.

I started to move to the direction I was facing to, but sometimes I felt like I don't know the direction but I still continued in hopes, that I will find something.

While walking, I payed attention to my surroundings but every minute, I feel like I was walking in a loop. There was no change in the land and the only changes was the clouds and the sun were also moving as if they were following me. But base on the sun's position, I was moving westward.

To how do I know that? No clue.

It took me half an hour of the day to finally reach the end of the land...

"the sea... Maybe I walk in the wrong direction, if there's a sea then there's gotta be something there if I search the whole island... Escaping into the water seems out of questions. Because there's no boat nor I can build one since there's no material to use, and the sea is covered in mist. There might be grave dangers lurking in it . Maybe I'll go back, and I might as well search these land"

The shore has sands in it, like a beach but why do I feel something lacking at it... I still couldn't recall it.

Good thing I'm not still hungry nor thirsty yet, and I could still continue my journey in this land. And I took a step back and started walking towards the east.

It was afternoon seeing the sun in which was about to set at the sky. And the night was approaching.

"I wonder why was this place so empty? Where is the people here, did something happened here that threatened every life in this place?"

It took me an hour when I saw something even in the darkest of the night, I saw a square platform mounting a rock in it, covered with green moss.

I rush to look at it and saw a peculiar sword with it's tip buried in the rock and not only that, I was lucky, I somehow found a small basket and a canteen full of water at the back of the rock.

I took a look at it and notice it was ten pieces of bread and a letter besides it..

(Dear players, by the time you pull)

up the sword in the rock, the game

will start. And in order to progress

you needed to fend off the surprises

that will be brought to you. Do the

mission that was given to you and

you will be rewarded randomly, use

things wisely and think critically

(in order to survive. )

"players? Does that mean this is a game? Is this some kind of a joke, I lost my memories and now a letter saying I was in a game came next... Game huh.. Maybe I could remember something if I play this 'game' but I better be careful... It said 'pulling out the sword will start the game'.. Hmm"

For some reason I felt a bad feeling about this. But it's now or never, I started to cautiously grab the grip slowly, sweat flow from my head.

As I was about to touch it, my stomach suddenly grumbles which made me pause a little and decided I'll eat first before doing what I originally wanted to do.

I ate 2 breads while saving 8 of them satisfying my hunger, and drink a couple of drops of water keep myself hydrated as I was feeling quite thirsty after that long walk I had previously.

After my little meal, I grab the swords handled with a slight hesitation and suddenly, to my surprise.

A sharp pain suddenly surged in my head and it's painful enough to make me pass out and revived the memories I had previously before coming here.

I woke up after being unconscious for hours due to the pain from last night and saw the sun rising indicating it was almost day. I now remember the moment before I arrived here.