Chapter 112

"I know that you think that this boy will come for you because he has gone mad or something. But I am sure that he has seen your power and what you are capable of. I may have not known the full extent of what you did out there but I know that you must have shown him just how strong you are. The boy is insignificant and he isn't something that we should concern ourselves with. The both of us know that he is nothing more than a pest under our shoe." He said to her.

She couldn't help but nod her head at his words. 

She knew that he was right and she didn't know why she was so bothered by it before.

She was used to cleaning up all of her messes and tying up all of her loose ends. She didn't like the fact that she hadn't been able to do that this time and that was one of the things that bothered her the most.

"I know father and I have never hesitated to show him my power and I know for a fact that he is aware of what I am capable of I have no doubt of that fact." She said to him.

"You see. Then there inspiring for you to bother yourself about. He is nothing more than a significant boy and he is the last thing that you should have to worry yourself about. plus the report says that he has gone mad and you and I both know that no one is going to believe thew report that comes from a mad man." He said to her.

"But father he has changed. He used to be the kid that was pushed around easily and he used to take it but there is something different about him and I can't exactly put my finger on it but he isn't the same weakling that he used to be. He seems to have grown some level of a self-worth." she said to him as she found herself managing to voice out her concerns.

Her shook his head at her words. "but the thing that you don't seem to understand daughter is that it doesn't matter if he changes his tactics or puts on as different skin. The person that he is on the inside will remain the same and what he is on the inside is a coward so that is nothing for you to worry yourselves about." He is a rat and they are the vermin of this world the ones who are destined to beg for scraps at the bottom. And you know what rats do." He said to her.

She was quiet as she nodded her head at him and she continued to listen to him intently.

She knew that his words were the truth.

"They are going to do what rests do best and that is they are going to scurry along the bottom begging for the chance to get some scraps from those that are at the top. And our job is to put those rats in their places and we are going to squash them and any form of self-esteem they may have acquired. They are always going to be at the bottom of the food chain." He said to her.

He could still see that there was a slight flicker that lingered in her eyes and he knew that although she knew that his words were the truth that there was as part of her that was unsure.

"You don't have to worry about him or having to deal with him ever again lans what ever happened in that forest is going to stay right there. The story is ours and we are going to spin it in any way that we see fit. My daughter is the best thing that has happed to this academy and they are grateful to have you here. They should never forget that and am going to continue to make that fact very clear to them." He said to her.

She sighed as she shook her head and she couldn't help but realize that maybe she had been over reacting.

She knew how powerful her father was and she knew that he loved her so ,iuch.the last thing that he would want was for anything to happen to her.

He wouldn't allow anyone to risk either of their integrities or their positions.

"And what if he comes back and starts to spread the rumors and the people are able to see that the hasn't actually gone mad. What if they decide to look into it and someone comes to realize that o was wrong and that there was something that wasn't right about the report." She said to him and he could see the clear level of panic that was clear in her tone.

He let out a sigh from his lips as he took a step closer to her.

He placed his hands on her upper arm before he spoke up.

"He will not return. I am sure that whatever you did was able to scare him straight. And if he truly hasn't gone mad then he will not even think about returning here because he knows for a fact that it will not end well for him. But if he does by some twist of. Faith decide to. Come back then you should know that I would never allow him to get to you. I will stop him long before that ever happens. And he will regret coming to this world because I am going to make sure that he disappears,. No one is going to remember the name dick in a few days any way. So you should know that I am going to have everything taken care of." He said to her.

She gulped as she nodded her heads at him and she didn't know why she had been cautious about her faith in her father. She knew that she could always rely on him to be there forherandthat he would do anything for his daughter.

She didn't know why however it was that she had to continue to reassure herself of the fact.

She felt as though Dick wasn't going to stay away that he did have intentions of coming back especially with him knowing the truth of what had happened and also the fact that he was aware of everything that tina had done to the classmates.

Tina hoped that he would stay away as it would be for his own good.

However there was also as part of her that couldn't help but feel intrigues buy the thought of him coming back and having to face her dad.

She wanted to see dock get taught a lesson. She knew that he felt as though he was on top of the world at the moment but that would change soon enough and he was going to finally be put in his place once and for all.

Dick had been like a chip on her shoulder along with gloria and she was finally rid of Gloria.

She grinned as she realized that soon enough she would be able to get rid of dick as well.