33. New home, new neighbor

"Would you like to look inside?"

Amara nodded, "Can I?"

"Of course. You're a prospective buyer, so as the seller, I have to appeal this house to you. Since we're already here, let me show you the outhouse first."

Edward walked to the door and slid the key on the lock. He opened the door for Amara, who stepped inside with a bit of hesitation.

The front facade of the building has French windows on both sides of the door. They were covered by curtains so she couldn't see the interior beyond the glasses earlier.

Amara expected a normal shack. However, as soon as she entered, her mouth gaped in amazement. From the length of the front elevation, she thought the house was just average in size, but the length turned out the width instead because the other side measured at least thirty yards.

Isn't it too big for an outhouse? Amara thought.