71. The traitor is caught

It was a pandemonium. The glass roof shattered from the group of wolves jumping on it, and everyone inside the garden turned into wolves to attack as well. In such a cramped space, more than fifteen wolves fought for their lives.

These wolves were rogues. Which only proved their suspicions that the Primrose Duchy was capturing rogues and turning them against the royal family.

Rogue werewolves are those that don't belong to a pack, either they were kicked out from their groups for not complying with their pack's rules, dared to form their own and failed to succeed, or their groups were annihilated and they were the only ones that survived.

Normally, the ones who fail to form their own pack eventually return to their natal pack, but those wolves tend to be arrogant and prideful, so they choose to just die in the wild rather than go back and admit their failure.