76. Date

Tiny pokes and tickling brushes that rubbed and ran slowly in her arms stirred Amara from her deep sleep. Her eyelids fluttered open slightly and her lips curved up into a shy smile after being greeted by those toned abdominal muscles before her.

The fingers crawling in her arm moved to her neck and stopped at her chin, lifting it up for him to see. She blinked her eyes and glimpsed at his dark hair swept to the back, the ends peeking at the crevice of his neck, curled up and quite messy.

"Are you hungry now?"

Azer's deep voice echoed. Amara lifted her arms and played with his bed hair, scooping the ends with his dainty fingers and rubbing them repeatedly in an attempt to straighten them. Yet once she let go, the ends would curl again.

She playfully pulled his hair as she answered, "I'm not yet hungry. But I need to eat now, right? For our baby."