Chapter 2 love at first sight

"RJ? What is that,"

"Not what but who," Miles smacked his fingers.

"And why would I know him?"

"Haven't you seen his drawings? Actually, RJ is pretty popular but very secretive and that isn't the best part,"

"What is?" Mason asked curiously.

"His drawings are so familiar and it reminds me of you, and that person also seems so familiar do you want to see? I can show them to you now,"

"No need, we are here," Mason interrupted him.

"Wait, I want to show you," he yelled as he followed him.

"I'm not interested,"

"Can you at least wait up? You have long legs while ah! Never mind just walk a bit slow it makes it hard for me to catch up with you,"

"Shorty pants," Mason said.

"Ooh! Shorty pants I've grown taller can't you see plus I'm not that short actually I'm average so I'm not short,"


"Guess what?"

"Scram!" Mason said nonchalantly.

"It's about your secret crush I guess you are no longer interested," Miles said as he eyed him.

"What about him?" Mason said after a while.

"I heard that he will be in school tomorrow and guess what?"

"Go on,"

"He is joining our class, this will be the first time you guys are going to share a class how do you feel?"

"Am I supposed to feel something?" Mason replied.

"You really know how to kill someone's mood do you, aaah I'm going home, should I pick you up?"

"Whatever up to you," Mason replied.

Mason was the kind of person who liked acting cool and rarely showed his emotions he was more of a block of wood. But Miles knew him very well he was quite softhearted when it came to people he loved and cared about.

He wasn't one to care about something or anyone after her mother died until he met him. It was at that time that Mason instantly fell in love. It was what they called love at first sight.

The next morning, at the Armani's mansion.

"Your breakfast coffee drink it while it's hot, how do you feel? Are you ready? You are going to meet him after three months' holiday, do you think he will recognize you this time?" Miles went on and on.

"Can't you just shut up? It's too early to talk too much," Mason said softly but it still came out as a warning.

"I'm just curious, I wonder if this time he will notice you,"

"I don't want him to notice me," Mason replied as he walked.

"But why? Isn't that what you want? Why love someone secretly when you can love him openly,"

"You won't understand," Mason said sipping his coffee.

"Make me understand then, you like keeping everything bottled up, aren't we friends?"

"Fine, you don't have to be so sentimental about it,"

"I prefer just watching him,"

"Why? Is it because you are scared to tell him you are into men and not women? Are you scared of being rejected?"

"Don't go too far Miles," Mason said.

Yes, he was afraid. He was into men and that was a fact that he couldn't change. He preferred having an unrequited love rather than being rejected and seeing the disappointed look on his face. He couldn't take all that.

Everyone knew Mason to be a strong, mature, and sensible person but beneath that was a weak heart. He couldn't stand any rejection this was why he wasn't planning on confessing he was fine with just watching him.

"You don't have to love him? Look around there are people who will love you for who you are and won't be disgusted by it," Miles said bitterly.

"Why are you so concerned with it? This is my business so you don't have to worry about it, I will ignore what you said today for the sake of our friendship let's go we will be late." Mason glanced at him casually before walking away he couldn't be bothered by it.

Seeing him, was enough for him and he was glad for it. He didn't want much he was happy lurking around in the shadows. For him, this was better than being hurt at least he got to draw pictures of him every now and then.

As soon as they got to the school gate, he became Mason Armani. The nerd boy with no friends and didn't seem to care about anyone.

Mason's handsome face couldn't go unnoticed but the large glasses that he wore in school made him look quite hideous. This was also why, he could live a peaceful and calm life without anyone noticing his existence. Apart from being the top student that everyone knew about there was nothing special about him. It was how he lived his life in school.

"Those glasses really suit you," Miles teased him. He still wasn't used to the Mason in school and as usual, Mason ignored him.

"Quit looking around, he is not here yet you know him very well he can't be in school this early," Miles added.

"Why are you here?" Mason turned to him. He didn't understand why Miles was next to him.

"Aside from me, who else is willing to sit next to a bum like you," 

"Fine, just minimize your talking," Mason said.

"Don't worry about me,"

"I'm going to the teacher's office," Mason said as he stood up from his seat carrying books.

"Didn't you say you don't want to be the class president?"

"I did, but I was told to fill in till we elect a new one,"

"Oooh, go ahead,"

"You are back?" Miles said after a while.


"Mason, Mason, Mason, Mason," Miles yelled as he tapped him continuously.

"Can't you use your mouth, I hate skinship."

This was also one of his many annoying characters. Mason hated any kind of touch. It made him feel uncomfortable.

"What? Use your mouth," he added. Miles immediately raised his hand as he pointed to the door.

"What?" He asked as he stared at the direction Miles was pointing at. And it was him. His long-time crush.