Chapter 7 I don't like girls

"I don't mind," Mason replied. Even his mouth had betrayed him he thought.

"Let's go," Sky said as he walked into the art room.

"Oooh, should I hook you up with one?" Sky asked as he took a seat.

"Hook me up with what?" Mason replied.

"A girl, I feel like we are going to be good friends," Sky said.

"No, I don't like girls,"

"What? Are you perhaps into men?" Sky asked but immediately burst out in laughter and then said," You are funny,"

"It's not a joke," Mason replied seriously.

"Let's just do what we were supposed to," Mason said seeing that Sky had no intention of replying him.

"Oooh, right," he said.

After about half an hour, Mason stood up ready to leave.

"Wait for me let's go together," Sky said.

"Are we friends? Just because I agreed to meet you up doesn't mean we are friends and know your place," Mason said coldly as he picked up his bag and rushed out.

"What the hell is wrong with him? Why does he look so pitiful and heartbroken," Sky mumbled as he stared at Mason's retreating back.

He walked out of the school gate emitting a cold aura. As he walked away, Mason regretted being close to Sky his little hope had been crushed completely but it gave him a new light. He would go back to being the cold-hearted and arrogant person he always was.

He had let himself go for a moment but that wasn't going to happen again.

"Mason, let's go I've been waiting for you," Miles got out of the car as soon as he spotted him but soon realized something was wrong but he didn't say anything.

He got into the car with Mason and sat next to him.

"Did something happen?" Miles asked softly. Mason's cold eyes and aura were enough to show how angry and pissed he was.

"Drive," Mason said coldly.

"It's okay, you can cry once in a while no one will judge you," Miles said. He knew Mason very well, he was one to hide his feelings but at times one had to let them out, and being a Young Master wasn't an exception. He was also human so he got hurt.

He didn't bother to ask why because he knew the answer to that. The only person who could make him lose himself would be none other than Sky plus Mason was in a good mood when they had gone to meet up.

"Mas, it's okay to be weak at times you don't have to be strong all the time, after all, you are still a high school kid," Miles softly said.

"I'm here for you always," he added.

After saying that, Miles quietly tapped his shoulder to give him comfort. He finally understood why Mason wanted to maintain a distance from Sky. Watching Sky from afar was the best thing for Mason it was one way of protecting his heart.

"I saw him, kiss a girl," Mason said. His voice sounded so pitiful and sad. Miles had never seen him act like that before.

"And? Did he see you?" Miles asked.

"He told me to keep a lookout for him," Mason said bitterly.

"Why don't you maintain your distance as you have always done? I'm sure one day your feelings will end, I hate seeing you like this," Miles said.

"Why? Do I look so pitiful and messed up in your eyes?" Mason chuckled sarcastically as he stared at Miles.

Yes, he was messed up that was an undeniable truth. His coldness, arrogance, and loneliness were just a shield, his life was really pathetic. He was afraid of being hurt and betrayed that was one thing Mason couldn't accept.

"That's not it, why would you say that?" Miles said.

"Sorry, I'm just..." Mason replied but stopped halfway.

"Aaah, I wish we could drink like the adults," Miles said which earned him a chuckle from Mason.

"Did you just laugh?" He said excitedly.

"No," Mason replied his mood slightly better.

"You just did, see aagh it's good I feel so relieved I thought you would cry your lungs out," Miles teased him.

"Do you think, I'm like you? You are a Young Master learn to control your emotions somethings aren't solved by just crying," Mason said.

"Okay, enough with the lectures but so you know, you need to cry once in a while you matured too quickly that is why you handle yourself well," Miles said.

Immediately Mason turned five years old, he already knew how to carry himself out. He acted and did his things in a mature manner that people thought he was an old man in a five-year-old body. He was the kind of child who rarely cried, unlike Miles.

"Look at you, still a crybaby yet you are in high school," Mason smacked Miles' forehead lightly.

"Enough, I'm going I've arrived do you want to stay for dinner? My parents would love to have you," Miles said.

"No need, I'm fine I want to be alone," Mason replied.

"If that's the case then don't spend the whole night bathing," he said.

"Now go," Mason said.

Mason had obsessive-compulsive disorder, so whenever he was depressed, he would spend hours and hours taking a shower or at times he would clean his house over and over. It was one of his ways to overcome stress but after years of battling it, he had gone back to being normal as it should. Miles was quite worried that, it would reoccur once again.

"Fine, should I pick you up tomorrow morning?" Miles asked before alighting from the car.

"No need, I might be late," Mason replied.

"Are you going to the office?" Miles asked.

"Yeah, I have an unfinished business,"

"I'll meet you in school then,"

"Where to Young Master?" The driver asked after Îles had left.

"To my condo," Mason said.

"But the Master requested for your presence at home," the driver said.

"Inform him I can't make it, I'm tired today plus I have homework to do," Mason replied as he laid his head on the headrest.

"Yes, Young Master," the driver replied as he sped off.

This was one of the times when Mason went back to his condo. He alternated between staying at his condo and the family mansion but today, he wanted to be alone.