Chapter 33 Going back to the country 3

That evening, Mason had nothing planned out so he used the rest of his day in working and answering work calls.

"Do you ever rest? You hardly slept in the plane and were working shouldn't you at least rest now?" Randy brought him his usual coffee.

"Rest is for the poor, the rich have no rest," he replied.

"That is why you have stomach pains, I'll tell the maids to bring you food you can't even take care of yourself were you also like this in high school? Working and forgetting yourself, this is why you need a girlfriend to take care of you," Randy went on and on.

"If you continue nagging, I'll find you some work to do," Mason told him off as he continued working.

"Fine, then I'll leave you alone, it's almost nine pm don't stay up too late and make sure you get something to eat we will meet Anders at 10:00 am tomorrow in the office," he didn't bother to wait for Mason's reply.