Chapter 35 Reunion 2

He closely watched as Mason talked and Randy would whisper a few words and he would nod subconsciously but not once had he seen him smile. After thirty minutes of just watching him, Miles walked in but he wasn't alone. He had a beautiful, slender blond-haired girl next to him.

Could she be the so-called Tiffany? Sky thought. He watched closely as he waited to take advantage and talk to Miles alone.

After twenty minutes, Miles walked to the side to get something, wine. Sky knew that was his chance. He rushed towards him and then stood beside him.

"Long time no see Mr. Miles James," he said clicking his glass of wine.

Miles turned to the familiar voice next to him and was slightly shocked. His expression didn't go unnoticed.

"It seems Mr. James finally recognized me based on your expression," Sky smiled.