The Origins

As Naruto and Sasuke returned home, the remnants of a fierce battle clung to them—mud-stained clothes and visible injuries etched on their well-defined physiques. Rose's eyes welled up with tears as she traced her fingers over Sasuke's scars, a silent testament to the hardships he endured.

Rose:(Softly) Sasuke...

Sasuke, understanding the emotions that stirred within her, gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Sasuke: It's okay, Rose. These scars are the price of protecting what matters.

Meanwhile, Ai observed Naruto, her gaze lingering on the battle-worn ninja. Naruto, in his usual stoic manner, walked past her without a word, heading straight to his room.

Ai: (Softly) Naruto...

The room was filled with an unspoken tension, scars telling tales of battles fought and challenges overcome. The warriors, their bodies bearing the marks of past conflicts, stood as silent monuments to resilience and strength.

As Ai stood there, on the verge of tears, Rose, understanding the emotional turmoil, gently placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Rose: It's hard to see them like this, Ai. But sometimes, the past catches up with us.

Sasuke, reflecting on the transformations he witnessed in Naruto and Aqua, remarked with a sense of nostalgia.

Sasuke: (Softly) It's like looking at my former self. The heartless, stone-hearted commando.

Ai, tears now streaming down her face, expressed her helplessness in witnessing the change in both father and son.

Ai: What can I do, Rose? They're both slipping away, becoming something more... or perhaps, something less.

Sasuke's words lingered in the air, a somber reflection on the complexities of their intertwined lives.

Sasuke: All this happened because you didn't believe in Naruto in the past. You have to make up for it.

He then turned to Rose, addressing their concerns about Akane and Aqua, the worry etched on their faces.

Sasuke: Akane is our daughter, Rose. We can't take any risks. I'm worried about Aqua and Akane. What if they also end up like Naruto and Ai?

Rose nodded, sharing the parental anxiety, and Sasuke, true to his nature, showed confidence in Aqua's abilities.

Sasuke: Aqua is my student. I know he will find a way to do what's necessary.

However, the weight of the situation overwhelmed Ai, and tears flowed freely. Sasuke and Rose, in a silent understanding, tried to comfort her. Little did they know that Aqua, standing silently in the shadows, overheard their conversation. The sadness on his face was apparent as he processed the concerns of those closest to him.

In his mind, Aqua acknowledged the truth in Sasuke's words. He knows what's necessary,he thought, a solemn determination flickering in his eyes. Without uttering a word, Aqua turned away, navigating the corridors of the house with a heavy heart.

Aqua's footsteps echoed through the corridors, his internal monologue revealing the intricate web of thoughts weaving through his mind.

Aqua: I can't believe I'm really doing this. In the world where I'm reborn, I read the "Oshi no Ko" manga. I despised Aqua, the main character, for playing with Kana and Akane's hearts, treating everyone like tools. The doctor's vengeance blinded him, and I can't entirely blame him, as vengeance consumes people. So, I asked my friend to create a world combining both "Naruto" and "Oshi no Ko." He did, and even though the story was incomplete, I reincarnated into it. I hated Aqua's character in "Oshi no Ko," but I loved the Aqua my friend created – the son Naruto truly deserves.

His steps continued, the weight of his thoughts pressing on him.

Aqua: When I was reincarnated as Aqua, it was the time after Aqua and Kota were sent to the military. Suddenly, there was a twist in the private jet. Naruto accepted Ai's forgiveness and forgave her. The story should go like this, but it's changed. This Naruto is not like the original Naruto; his character is more stone-hearted, like a real commando. Why are more characters appearing here? I need to find a way to make things right, but one thing is certain – my experience as a real commando in my past life and Aqua's memories here can help me set things straight, for everyone and for a better ending.

As Aqua delved into his memories, a particular recollection surfaced – the existence of a peculiar stone capable of twisting genuine love into resentment.

Aqua: In this story, Aqua and Akane's hearts were pure. They truly loved each other, but I can't follow the original narrative now. I have to make her hate me, and the Hate Stone is the best way to achieve this. I have to do it; it's for her well-being and for the sake of her future.

A heavy sigh escaped Aqua's lips as he wrestled with the internal conflict, recognizing the necessity of a painful choice for the greater good.