Chapter One

The only way to get an upper hand with the pack is to take the most important member. The tree's words replayed in my mind and picked at my brain. I am no idiot, and I can clearly see the advantage the pack has over the clan. Ajay in all my years, I don't think I've seen someone strong and level-headed as himself. 

It was also clear to me that the girl Zare was no doubt this important member. And in my moments of spying, I can see the way she clings to the Alpha's arm. I see the death stares of Chetan, who I assume is her mate, he watches her protectively. 

It's no doubt that her beauty is noticeable by the pack members. I'm not only talking about physical beauty, I'm talking about internal beauty.  Every time a howl from a little owl fills the air, a smile hits her face. Every time the wind blows through her fur, even in her wolf form, you can tell she's at peace. Is that very connection with nature that has every member of the pack feeling some type of way about her, and I'm just hoping I can keep my clan out of her hands.

"Anything new boss," I hear Ace, another vampire in the clan. He was more like my brother and best friend.

I shake my head. I know he was wondering if I discovered any new creatures. The very thought of new creatures appearing in Sandy Shore is concerning. Every single creature is going to be intimidated by the vampires, and it really doesn't matter what we do. We have to drink blood to survive, and everyone's going to have a problem with that. No matter how friendly the vampires can be, we are going to be the first creature that everybody wants to eliminate. 

"The wolves, do you think they are looking for a fight?" I hear Ash ask.  I personally think he is going to be the first vampire to challenge me. Ash is the most reasonable vampire out of the three of us, and is the only one who has any regard for human life. I think he's soft and a nuisance, if you know what I mean. 

"I am not sure they are aware of our existence yet." 

He nods.  I see the concern on his face. I know he thinks that the werewolf pack is a matter that we should leave alone; he must not believe in the capability of the clan. He must doubt my ability as a leader, and that is a huge problem. 

"And why do we care, Ash, if they do know?"

"I don't think that's a fight you'll want to have AB."

I hear the cackling laugh rolling off my tongue. 

"See, you don't believe in us and you don't have any faith in me." I hear my voice going louder, demanding he retract his statement. 

"No, you know that we're outnumbered. If Alpha Cricket and Alpha Ajay's packs meet, you know we're doomed."

"What I gather from watching the pack is that Ajay doesn't work well with others."

"Well, I hope that's true for the safety of everyone," Ash says before waking away.