Making A Wish

Stepping out of the dense Mistshade Thicket, the group realized night had taken hold. The passage of time inside the thicket had been deceptive. However, the darkness wasn't daunting; it only enhanced the beauty that lay ahead.

Moonpetal Meadows unfurled in front of them, an expanse of grasslands glowing softly in the moonlight. Each blade and petal seemed to have its own silvery sheen, creating a vast, shimmering carpet. The clear, starry sky above only added to the serene atmosphere.

At the center of the meadows was the Lunar Lagoon, a calm pond reflecting the moon's image. The water was so clear that it mirrored the moon perfectly, providing a moment of wonder for the group.

The beauty of the meadows was unexpected but timely, offering them a respite from their journey's challenges. They had arrived at the perfect moment to witness Moonpetal in its twilight splendor.

Elrik, always eager to embrace the wonders around him, was quick to voice his awe. "Have you ever seen anything so magical?" he exclaimed, rushing towards the pond, captivated by its shimmering allure. He knelt down and cupped some of the luminescent water, bringing it to his lips, letting the coolness soothe his weariness.

Vael, however, was more subdued. As he gazed across the meadows, the breathtaking view stirred something deep within. Memories of his past life were fragments, disconnected and hazy, but nothing in those recollections came close to the beauty before him.

Lyria's light punch broke his reverie. "Lost in the view?" she teased. Pointing to a cluster of delicate blossoms, she said, "Those are moon petals. They bloom only in moonlight and have healing properties." As she bent down to pick a few, she continued, "I want to give these to my father. He'll know how much my mother always wished for them."

Her words painted a picture of familial love and longing, but Vael's thoughts were interrupted by Elrik's boisterous shout. "Hey, lovebirds! Care to join me in the water?" The playful challenge held a hint of mischief.

Yet, amid the laughter and lightness, Vael found himself pondering a question. The way Lyria spoke, her gentle gestures, did they hint at a past connection? Was she in love with the Vael from before?

As the playfulness of the moment ebbed, Vael's thoughts wandered back to Lyria's potential feelings for his past self. He quickly dismissed the idea, reminding himself of his undying love for Luna. Still, a pang of sadness gripped him, imagining the complexity of emotions Lyria might be harboring.

Just as Vael was lost in thought, Lyria's voice cut through the air, her excitement evident. "Look there!" she exclaimed, pointing towards a delicate creature. "A stardust butterfly!"

The butterfly fluttered gracefully above the meadow, its wings shimmering as if crafted from the very cosmos. The faint trail of luminescent dust it left behind added to its mystique.

Elrik's eyes sparkled with mischief. "First one to catch it gets a wish!" he declared, taking off without a moment's delay.

Vael, spurred by the challenge, responded, "You're on!" He lunged forward, his movements swift, trying to anticipate the butterfly's flight path.

The three chased the elusive creature, laughing and teasing each other. They darted between the moon petals, their footfalls soft against the grass. Every time it seemed one of them was close enough to grasp the butterfly, it would take an unexpected turn, evading capture.

Amid the chase, it was Lyria's gentle approach that won. While Vael and Elrik relied on speed and strategy, she simply extended her hand, letting the butterfly come to rest upon her fingertips. The stardust on its wings glittered, mirroring the twinkle in her eyes.

Catching her breath, she whispered, more to herself than to the others, "I wish... I wish that Vael truly is the boy of the prophecy, the one who can change our fate."

Vael, overhearing her wish, met her gaze. A mix of surprise, gratitude, and uncertainty played on his face.

The gentle flutter of the stardust butterfly was soon overshadowed by a sound from above. All eyes turned skyward to witness the awe-inspiring sight of a Crescent Owl. Its vast wings, adorned with distinct crescent-shaped markings, moved gracefully as it soared in the moonlit sky.

Elrik, with a tinge of excitement in his voice, remarked, "That's a Crescent Owl. Legends say they watch over the meadows, guardians of its magic."

Lyria's gaze followed the owl intently. "Look at the direction it's heading. Maybe it's trying to show us something."

Vael, ever the pragmatist, weighed in, "Or it could just be returning to its nest. But given our journey so far, I'm willing to entertain the possibility of the former."

Without a word more, the trio began following the owl's path, guided by its silhouette against the luminescent night. The soft shimmer of the grasslands was gradually replaced by the towering presence of massive trees. As they approached, it became clear that these trees weren't just rooted to the ground; they twisted and turned upwards, forming a colossal bridge high above.

Pausing to take in the view, Lyria explained, "This... is the Lunarbridge. If we cross it, we'll be near Silver Mist Falls."

Elrik's eyes widened in realization. "So, the stories about a bridge leading to the falls were true!"

Vael glanced at the intricate weave of branches, his face reflecting a mix of admiration and determination. "Almost there," he whispered, more to himself than the others.