Never Tell Your Last Name

The man's question lingered in the air, and Vael took a moment to ponder his response. "I want to protect those I care about now, and those I'll care about in the future," he finally said, his voice resonating with conviction. "Even if it means I have to destroy the universe and recreate it in the process."

His declaration was met with an unexpected reaction: the man burst into laughter. "You're even better than I thought," he said, amusement evident in his tone. Then, with a more probing look, he asked, "What's her name?"

Vael was taken aback. "How did you know?" he asked, surprise coloring his words.

The man rose from his chair and walked towards Vael. "What you've said isn't something to be taken lightly. But often, a man is driven to such extremes to protect his woman. I've been in this realm for a long time, but I too once lived a life," he said, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "You remind me of myself once upon a time."

"I like you, boy. What is your full name?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "I shall remember it and expect great things from you."

Vael hesitated for a moment. While he and the body he currently inhabited shared the same first name, he knew their last names differed. Deciding to reveal his true identity, Vael answered, "My name is Vael Inferis."

As his name echoed in the room, a sudden silence descended. The man's tone changed, losing its cheeriness and taking on a serious, almost grave, quality. "Did you say Inferis?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Backing away, the man's retreat was abruptly cut short as he tripped and fell to the ground. The fear in his eyes was unmistakable. "Are you okay, sir?" Vael asked, concern lacing his voice.

The man, still on the ground, seemed to grapple with a deep, unsettling realization. "This can't be possible," he murmured, more to himself than to Vael. His voice rose to a scream, "You guys are supposed to be dead!"

"Dead?" Vael echoed, his voice tinged with confusion and surprise. The man's gaze met his, filled with a mix of shock and a deep, unspoken knowledge.

"You really don't know?" the man asked, slowly rising to his feet. He paused, as if weighing his words carefully. "I won't delve into the details now, but perhaps in time, the truth will reveal itself to you. However, let me warn you," he continued, his tone serious, "never disclose your last name, especially to the elder Gods. They will seek to destroy you at any cost."

The gravity of the man's words resonated with Vael. He had harbored a desire for revenge against the Gods, but even he recognized the imprudence of provoking them prematurely in his journey. The revelation that his lineage could incite such animosity from the elder Gods added a new layer of complexity to his quest.

"Okay, I won't," Vael replied, understanding the importance of keeping his identity concealed, at least for now.

"Let's get to the point, then," the man said, shifting the conversation back to the reason for Vael's presence in the trial. He extended his hand, and in it materialized a multi-colored sphere. "This is the Prism Stone," he announced. "I have been its guardian for many years. Aizen was the last to harness its power, and you, Vael, will be its next successor."

With a sense of purpose, Vael reached out to take the stone. As his fingers made contact, he felt an extraordinary sensation. The stone dissolved into a liquid form and began seeping into his skin, merging with him in a way that felt both alien and destined.

"It was nice meeting you, Vael," the man said, a hint of finality in his voice. "We will speak again in the future, once you have grown stronger."

As he spoke, the pristine white room began to tremble and flicker, signaling the end of this part of the trial. Abruptly, darkness enveloped Vael, and he felt a familiar sensation of returning to his own body.

His eyes fluttered open, revealing the interior of Lord Aizen's tomb once more. "Welcome back, Vael," Luminara greeted him, her voice filled with cheer and relief.

Vael gradually rose to his feet, realizing he had been laid out on the ground. An unfamiliar yet invigorating sensation coursed through him. He could feel the change within – a newfound power, a strange and potent energy that was now a part of him.

"I can see you now hold the power of the prism, young Vael," Lord Aizen observed, his voice resonating with a mix of pride and hope.

Then, Lord Aizen's tone turned earnest, almost imploring. "I have but one request for you. This is not a command, but a choice I leave to you. Can you save our people and guide them back to their former glory?"