Vael Vs Lord Zephyrian

The sound of Elrik's body hitting the ground sent Vael reeling into shock. Lyria's scream pierced the air, a mix of fear and uncertainty. She wanted to rush to Elrik but knew they couldn't afford to lower their guard.

Lord Zephyrian cruelly stepped on Elrik's fallen body, taunting them. "You see how fragile your Elysian bodies are? A mere stab wound, and you fall so easily," he mocked, his laughter dark and chilling.

Vael's fist clenched tightly, his anger reaching a boiling point. With no time to waste, he reinforced his body with acid and charged at Lord Zephyrian. Vael aimed a reinforced fist at Lord Zephyrian, channeling all his strength into the attack.

But just as his fist was about to connect, Lord Zephyrian vanished, leaving Vael striking the empty air. Frantically searching for Lord Zephyrian, Vael spun around, only to find Lord Zephyrian gripping Lyria by the throat.

"I wonder how many fingers it will take to kill this one," Lord Zephyrian mused, his voice dripping with malice.

Lyria's scream, fueled by fear, echoed through the square as she struggled in Lord Zephyrian's grip. In a desperate attempt, she conjured an orb of green acid from her hand, aiming it at Lord Zephyrian's chest. However, her attack seemed futile as the acid simply slid off his body without effect.

"Oh, you can use the acid power too?" Lord Zephyrian mocked, tightening his grip on her throat. "Tell me, boy, how are you all doing this?"

But Vael wasn't one to stand idly by. Seizing the moment, he darted towards Lord Zephyrian, his resolve unwavering. Lord Zephyrian's smile widened with contempt. "Foolish Elysian," he sneered.

In a swift move, he hurled Lyria at Vael, anticipating his instinct to catch her. Simultaneously, Lord Zephyrian conjured a massive orb of red acid, ready to launch it at them. "It's time to finish both of you," he declared.

Vael caught Lyria, but as he turned back to face Lord Zephyrian, he saw the looming threat of the acid orb. With no time to react, Vael braced for the worst.

"Die!" Lord Zephyrian roared. But in a sudden, unexpected turn of events, Elrik, who everyone believed to be incapacitated, sprang up and tackled Lord Zephyrian. The collision sent the orb off-course, striking a nearby building which exploded upon impact.

"You insolent brat, this time I'll make sure you die," snarled Lord Zephyrian, his eyes blazing with fury as he reached for Elrik. But before his grasp could tighten, Vael appeared before him, unleashing a barrage of reinforced punches to his head, followed by a powerful kick that sent Lord Zephyrian reeling backward. Drops of red blood trickled from Lord Zephyrian's lips, which he savored with a menacing lick. "I can't wait to feast on your insides," he hissed.

Vael, his voice urgent, commanded Lyria, "Grab Elrik and get out of here, now!"

Lyria didn't hesitate, swiftly pulling Elrik to safety. But before disappearing into the chaos, she turned to Vael and reminded him, "End this quickly. You've got only 5 minutes left."

The reminder of his time limit jolted Vael back to the grim reality. He had been so absorbed in the fight and protecting his friends that he had nearly forgotten. Cracking his knuckles, he resolved to finish the battle swiftly. "Sorry, but I have to wrap this up fast. Maybe in your next life, we can have a rematch," Vael taunted.

With a burst of speed, Vael dashed towards Lord Zephyrian, crafting a bow and arrow from acid. He fired three arrows in rapid succession, not slowing down as he ran alongside them. Conjuring two katanas, he prepared for a final, all-out assault. "Let's see you dodge all of this," Vael declared, his determination unwavering.

One of Vael's acid arrows found its mark, embedding itself in Lord Zephyrian's leg. The other two, however, were swatted away by Lord Zephyrian. But Vael was already upon him, unleashing a relentless flurry of slashes with his katanas. Lord Zephyrian countered, using his arms to block the incoming blows, but blood started to spray from the wounds, painting a gruesome picture.

As droplets of Lord Zephyrian's blood hit the ground and splattered on Vael's clothes, a hissing sound filled the air. "Even his blood is acid," Vael realized, the danger of the situation intensifying in his mind.

In a swift motion, Lord Zephyrian lashed out with his tail, aiming for Vael's feet. Vael leaped over the attack, but his airborne state left him vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Lord Zephyrian landed a heavy punch on Vael's face, sending him crashing into a nearby building.

Vael spat blood out his mouth as he quickly rose to his feet, but Lord Zephyrian was already there, right in front of him. With a cruel grip, Lord Zephyrian grabbed Vael's face and slammed it against the building's wall. Holding Vael's bloodied face in his hand, Lord Zephyrian taunted, "I thought you were going to finish this quickly?"

As Lord Zephyrian relentlessly assaulted Vael with a barrage of punches, a sinister smile etched across his face, Vael found himself grappling with despair. "He's too strong. I was too arrogant to think I could defeat him alone," he thought, feeling overwhelmed.

In Vael's mind, a vivid scene unfolded. He stood next to Luminara, who was in tears. "Vael, you cannot lose here," she pleaded.

But Vael, his head bowed in defeat, admitted, "He's still too strong, even with Lord Aizen's strength. And I have only moments left. It's all over."

A sharp slap echoed through the mental space, snapping Vael back to attention. "What about Luna? Will you just abandon her and leave her alone in this world?" Luminara shouted, her words striking a chord in Vael's heart.

Slowly, Vael lifted his head, a newfound resolve in his eyes. Luminara, her tears still flowing, spoke with determination, "I can only do this once. When I fully fuse with your body, it will last only a few minutes. That's all your body can withstand."

"I'll be gone for some time afterward, to recharge. And your body will need a long rest as well. Use this power, Vael. Save our people!" Luminara's voice resonated with urgency.

In the physical world, as Lord Zephyrian continued his assault, a brilliant light suddenly emanated from Vael's body. Seeing this, Lord Zephyrian instinctively jumped back, an unknown fear gripping him. Every instinct screamed at him to flee.

Vael's body rose, his eyes glowing a bright white and his hair turning a radiant blonde. A visible aura surrounded him, pulsating with immense power. Lord Zephyrian, now sweating profusely, stammered in disbelief, "What is this power?"