
In the Heaven above the Heavens, in the realm of infinity where time, space, and the laws of existence come to a halt, a lone figure clad in black and white robes, his countenance cold and expressionless, sat upon a throne-like structure. He radiated a presence capable of annihilating universes with just a glance.

"I am Zhao Jun, known by the title of 'Primordial Universal Spirit.' While the beginning saw opposition and hatred directed towards me, with time, those around me came to accept and even worship me as the so-called 'Supreme God.'"

'I remained indifferent to both praise and disdain, continuing my cultivation. Over time, new geniuses emerged, acquiring the title of 'Gods.' They now refer to themselves as my junior brothers and sisters. People hail me as the greatest prodigy to ever exist, and I won't refute their claims. Few entities in the entire existence can challenge me in combat, yet my aspirations transcend petty conflicts and rivalries.'

'I was born 'perfect,' a state of perfection that couldn't be surpassed—an unparalleled genius with infinite admirers and countless fairies yearning to hear my voice alone.'

'However, even in this perfection, if asked whether I harbor any regrets, I might admit that I do. As I mentioned earlier, I was 'born' perfect, equipped with everything for further perfection. Yet, Zhao Jun has never experienced emotions of attachment towards anyone or anything. Perhaps this emotional detachment is the very reason I've encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation within this universe—the first time I've faced such a limit in my existence.'

Despite sensing this, Zhao Jun's expression remained unchanged as he gazed blankly at the celestial clouds around him. Suddenly, he noticed five figures emerging from space without causing any turbulence in their surroundings.

"Oh, Senior Brother, what are you contemplating so deeply?"

"You're as cold as ever!"

"A smile wouldn't hurt, you know! It might even enhance your handsome appearance!"

"Indeed, my handsome visage is only second to yours. You should make an effort to smile more."


Among the five were two fairy-like beauties and three other handsome deities, all praising Zhao Jun like devout followers.

"What brings about this sudden visit today?" Zhao Jun inquired, maintaining his cold gaze as it fell upon the group. The other five sighed at his perpetual aloofness, and one of the fairies commented.

"Oh, come on! Can't juniors miss their big brother?"

"Yeah! You should stop acting so cold to others!"

Zhao Jun remained unchanged even after hearing their highly enthusiastic and energetic comments. He lazily rolled his eyes and commented, "I would consider myself mentally unstable if I managed to act warm towards others. Just state your purpose; you know me—I don't know how to act."

As Zhao Jun spoke, the entire realm cracked as far as the eyes could see, leaving only the five figures and Zhao Jun perfectly suspended.

Despite the turmoil, Zhao Jun remained unfazed, looking down on the five. Their expressions gradually turned cold as they roared in frustration.

"That attitude... it's so annoying!"

"How can you act so chill?! Do you really not have fear?! No attachment?! No sense of panic after betrayal!?"

"He is just like a puppet..."

"Enduring for thousands of years, he just feels like dead weight now."


Each of the five radiated with rage and irritation. Zhao Jun continued to stare and muttered, "Outer Gods, huh? Quite daring of all you people here to make a deal with Outer Gods to attack me like this."

As Zhao Jun spoke, his pupils glowed coldly as he locked eyes with each of the five. Not only did they feel shivers, but even Gods from other universes, watching through those pupils, trembled at the mere presence exerted by Zhao Jun.

"What are you doing!? Release it!"

"Ha! His soul and body! Everything has been bound!"

"Die for us, Zhao Jun!"

"You don't deserve the title of Supreme God!!!"

"Your existence breaks the balance of the universe! Just die!"

As they roared, hundreds of dark arms emerged from space cracks, binding Zhao Jun from every corner of his body. In the next second, five swords pierced his chest simultaneously. As this occurred, Zhao Jun immediately coughed up a mouthful of blood, releasing his full strength. All the swords passing through his chest shattered into pieces, along with the hundreds of arms emerging from space.

With this development, even the five Gods in front of him, as well as the Outer Gods watching, began bleeding profusely.

"Kugh! To think he still has so much strength!"

"But I destroyed his core! He is already dead!"


"To think our plan of centuries will finally work!"

"Cough! Still, to think with a single resistance, we will suffer this much damage. Just what is this Realm of Cultivation?"

All stared in disbelief at Zhao Jun, who had slowly started to turn into dust. However, as he was dying, a grin appeared on his face. They were stunned, not just by his strength but also by the newfound emotion reflected in his expression.

[[[Limiter has been officially destroyed]]]

[Last trait 'Emotion' has been unlocked]

A blue system panel appeared in front of Zhao Jun, and he felt thousands of new feelings rushing through his brain. Zhao Jun smirked and looked at the horrified faces before him, commenting, "Why were you laughing? You thought you could break me with your betrayal, but you forget—I was forged in the fires of adversity. If you had seen even half of my existence, you would know why I'm the only one called Supreme here... I bless you to breathe because it will be my own hands that take away those last breaths of yours."

With those words, Zhao Jun perished from that realm, leaving all Outer Gods and these deities trembling with overwhelming fear and coughing blood. The next moment, a notification rang out.

[System has been perfectly binded!]

As the notification rang out, Zhao Jun opened his eyes again, finding himself lying on the ground beside a trash can in a modern world with buildings and cars on the road outside the alley where he sat.

"Cough! What the hell..."

Zhao Jun, taking support from the ground, stood up and noticed his body filled with marks from a severe beating. Observing his new body, he found himself in the form of a fragile 10-year-old with rough black hair and dirty white clothes. His gaze moved to the badge on his chest.

'Peace River Orphanage? Seems like this body has it rough. Well, that's even better...'

Releasing a deep breath, Zhao Jun closed his eyes, sensing the Qi circulating around in the air, inside every being, inside every shred of wind.

"The Qi here is a bit thin, but I guess it's quite good for now."

Nodding to himself, Zhao Jun noticed a drunk hooligan glaring at him from the entrance of the alley.

"Ha?! Brat? The fuck do you think you're looking at?! Huh?!!?"


Join the damn discord you fucking ungrateful followers, follow the damn commands of almighty (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)
