Hero of Tiger Fang City


The cyclops immediately roared in pain and started trying to catch Zhao Jun, but he was too fast and agile to get caught. Dong Feng and Xu Ming also roared, giving up on thinking.

"Not like we have any great strategy ourselves anyways! Better act than waiting to die?!!"

"If I survive today! I will fuck my senior if she didn't give me promotion!!!"

Dong Feng and Xu Ming both roared. Dong Feng's greatsword got filled with intense blazing flames as he struck the ankles of the cyclops, causing it to stagger. At the same time, Xu Ming launched an enormous flaming spear right over the face of the cyclops, forcing it to block the spear and move back.

Both grinned as they saw their moves being effective, but Zhao Jun roared again as he stabbed over the chest of the cyclops, and using the sword as a hanger, he jumped over its shoulder.

"Be alert! The cyclops!!!! It can heal!!!"

As Zhao Jun said, the faces of Dong Feng and Xu Ming once again filled with frowns as they noticed all the wounds over the body of the cyclops healing back, releasing a small steam there.

"What the hell!? It's a mutant!"

"Fucking hell! Why a mutant Demonic Beast of all things!?!"

Dong Feng and Xu Ming both roared as they barely avoided the attack of the cyclops. The cyclops grinned as he saw both of them barely escaping like insects in front of his colossal body. But just then, suddenly its eyes widened as it saw Zhao Jun standing right in front of its pupils.

"Surprise, fucker!!!"

Zhao Jun roared and immediately flashed his sword towards the eyes of the Cyclops. The cyclops, on the other hand, had the grin on its face widened even more as its pupils started to shine in dark purple light, and the next moment, an intense laser exploded out of its pupils.

"Zhao Jun!?"


Dong Feng and Xu Ming had their eyes widened, but the next moment, as the laser ended, the figure of Zhao Jun was seen turning into mist like an illusion, and a notification rang into Zhao Jun's head as he was seen flashing right on top of the eyes of the cyclops, with his eyes flashing with intense sword intent.

[3000 Points have been deducted!]

[Intermediate Spell False Puppet (★★★★★) has been added to the list!]

[0 System Points left!]

"Son of a bitch made me lose all my system points! Fuck you!!!"

As Zhao Jun cussed, he immediately stabbed right through the pupils of the cyclops, exploding its eyes, forcing it to move a few steps back in pain.

"Teacher! Crush the left knee!!!"

Dong Feng immediately nodded as he pushed every bit of his strength with a great sword covered in flames. He smashed over the backside of the knees of the cyclops.

"Xu Ming!!!"

Followed by that, Xu Ming also launched a grand wind spear over the same spot where Dong Feng had struck, and that strike drilled a hole right through the legs of the cyclops.

"Rrrr Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

The cyclops started to fall back, but at the same time, its regeneration over eyes and legs had already started. But even after seeing that, Zhao Jun just grinned as he jumped over the air from the head of the falling cyclops, and his eyes flashed towards the enormous Core Cannon fully charged on top of the stronghold building.


As Zhao Jun roared, Fang Xiyue immediately grabbed the handle and pushed it hard, using every bit of her strength to keep the cannon on target.


And the next moment, an enormous white laser of intense strength fell right over the crushed eyes of the cyclops, digging the wound even deeper, and the cyclops finally fell to the ground.

"It isn't over yet! Teacher! Senior! Crush it until it can't regenerate anymore!!!"

Zhao Jun immediately commanded as he was falling from the air and pointed his hand towards the head of the cyclops on the ground.

'100 Sword Summon'

'5 Pure Blade Command'

At once, more than 100 swords materialised in the air along with 5 Great Swords of 5 different elements, all raining down over the cyclops at once, making a significant wound on the head. Following that, Dong Feng and Xu Ming also rushed in.

"Fucking hell!!! I need a bonus!!!"

"Promotion!!!! Give me a Goddamn promotion!!!"

Dong Feng and Xu Ming went into full frenzy as they crushed the heads of the cyclops until there was nothing remaining. Finally, the cyclops was declared dead.


Dong Feng, Xu Ming, and Zhao Jun finally fell to the ground as all Demonic Beasts aside from the cyclops also got wiped out by Zhao Jun and those attacking from the walls. Taking deep breaths, they rested.

Just then, Xu Ming's gaze moved to a military helicopter landing in their direction as two people slowly landed on the ground.

"Holy hell..."

"Xu Ming? You did that?"

The woman with black hair tied in a bun questioned Xu Ming with eyes widened in shock, looking at the pile of Demonic Beasts there.

"Who else! You woman!!! I better have my promotion in my hands by morning today!!!"

"Hey, don't move! You are all injured!"

The woman immediately rushed to support Xu Ming with a worried look in her eyes as Xu Ming kept bragging.

"Hahaha! If only you saw me today! You would have fallen in love with me all over again! Truly, there is no greater hero than I, Xu Ming! Hahaha!"

"Yeah! Yeah! My hero Xu Ming saved the city! Hahaha!"

Zhao Jun was stunned as he saw that casual behaviour. While pointing at them, he looked straight into the eyes of Dong Feng with a dead fish gaze.

"Xu Ming and that senior of his are both married successfully for a decade, nothing new..."

"Fuck the couples."

Zhao Jun collapsed on the ground again, exhausted, and fell asleep as Dong Feng and Fang Xiyue stared at him from the walls of the stronghold. Both smiled with relief.


"I will tell this story to my 10 generations!!!"

"That was so fucking epic?!!"

"We defeated a High Tier 4 Cyclops! A mutated one at that! This definitely calls for a party?!!!"

The exhausted night became warm again with all faces filled with smiles and cheers.


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