I desire to become,
The servant of:
That melodious flute,
That dances on His lips,
Only for His pleasure;
Those flowers in a garland
That are hung unitedly around His neck,
Without any dispute,
Only for His pleasure;
That peacock feather
Is so much loved by Him,
That He decided to give it a permanent seat,
Upon His beautiful head;
Those bees and birds,
That sings beautiful melody
To sync in with His flute,
Only for His pleasure;
That soft line of grass,
That changes its texture and shape,
Only for His pleasure;
Those delicious fruits,
That fall down before His lotus feet,
Just to serve Him,
Just for His pleasure;
Those Gopas and Gopis
Those beloved devotees,
Along with Lord Balaram and Srimati Radharani,
Who serves Him eternally,
Who also comes even in this material world,
A place full of misery,
Only for His pleasure.