{01} The Beginning of a Blissful Existence

Chapter 01: The Beginning of a Blissful Existence

"[Ding!]" A chime rang out, jolting me awake in this unfamiliar world.

"[The Happy Life Lottery System is now active!]"

"[As a nine-life virtuous individual, you are destined for a life of perfection. Allow this system to be your guiding light on your journey to true happiness.]"

*[Main Quest: Embrace Your Three Nieces]*

*[Completion Reward: A complete manuscript of the light novel 'KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!]'*

As time passed, I grew accustomed to the peculiar circumstances surrounding me and my newfound identity.

I bore the name Yuuta Segawa, a 19-year-old university freshman. My parents had left this world when I was just a child, and I found solace under the care of my sister. Yet, my sister's marriage to a man burdened with two troublesome children drove a wedge between us, leading me to distance myself from home.

It was only yesterday that I received the heart-wrenching news of my sister and her husband's tragic plane crash. Now, our extended family must grapple with the formidable decision of determining the fate of the three young sisters. Simultaneously adopting all three appeared to be an overwhelming challenge, even for our closest kin.

"Has Miu's mother been contacted?" someone inquired.

"No need to contact her at all! How can we possibly send Miu to a foreign country where she doesn't speak the language?" another person responded.

Sighs permeated the room as the gravity of the situation loomed larger. Someone mourned, "If only Sora's mother were still with us, she was such a kind-hearted soul."

Another voice added solemnly, "If she were here, it wouldn't have come to this."

As Yuuta listened to the discussions among the relatives, twilight descended, and some distant family members had already departed. Now was the moment to decide the fate of the three sisters.

Yuuta, a young man, acknowledged his limited understanding of the circumstances and the complexities of this world. He realized he needed time to rest and contemplate.

Caring for three sisters simultaneously felt overwhelming. He was still a student, living in a modest rented apartment, and relying on part-time work to make ends meet. There was no surplus money to support such a responsibility.

Yet, the thought of those three sisters tugged at Yuuta's heart, and he couldn't simply stand by and do nothing.

Setting aside the system's tasks temporarily, Yuuta couldn't remain passive in the face of this situation.

In quiet contemplation, Yuuta cast a glance toward the two young girls seated by the window and the peacefully slumbering three-year-old cradled in his sister's arms. Witnessing their vulnerable state, he made a determined choice.

The family members had also engaged in deliberation and had come to a conclusion. Several of them stood up, their focus on the three girls. Their uncle, a civil servant, assumed the role of spokesperson.

"This decision concerns your future, and we hope you'll listen carefully. Hina will be taken in by Auntie Mayumi, and Miu will come to live with me."

The aunt extended a warm invitation to Miu, saying, "Though it's a bit distant, the air is fresh, and it's a lovely place."

"Sora will attend a boarding school."

Of the three sisters, the eldest was Sora Takanashi, at the age of 14. It was she who nervously voiced her thoughts in that moment, saying, "Um... we... don't want to be separated..."

For the relatives, this plea was undoubtedly impractical. Caring for three children simultaneously left no room for work and personal life, especially with the constant attention a three-year-old required.

A profound silence descended, the tense atmosphere bearing down on the Takanashi sisters, filling them with unease.

Despite her trepidation, Sora persisted, her nerves making her voice tremble as she expressed her feelings. Since their parents' tragic passing, her two sisters were all she had left, and the prospect of yet another separation weighed heavily on her.

The aunt, displaying understanding and patience, gently addressed them, saying, "We comprehend your emotions, but it's simply not feasible."

The uncle, unwavering in his composure, added, "We're not sending you to the opposite side of the world. You can still see each other whenever you like."

"But..." Confronted by the unwavering stance of the adults, Sora faltered, unable to muster the courage to voice her objections.

The uncle, though sympathetic, couldn't yield to the children's wishes. "The best way to ensure your happiness is this."

Though gripped by fear, Sora's desire to remain with her sisters was unwavering. She drew courage from within and continued, "We won't be a burden. We'll follow all the rules, so please, allow us to... stay together..."

The uncle, while understanding the children's emotions, held fast to the insurmountable circumstances.

"I've already explained, it's impossible for all three of you to stay together. It's just not feasible!"

The other relatives shared in the sorrow, but their resources were limited, and they couldn't simultaneously take in all three sisters.

Yuuta, his heart heavy as he observed the heart-wrenching scene of the three sisters kneeling on the floor, was reminded of his own upbringing by his sister, who had cared for him alone since childhood. If a family couldn't remain together, what could they truly be called?

In the midst of the deepening silence, as the three children grappled with the harsh reality, Yuuta took a resolute step forward.

"Come to my home," Yuuta approached the three children, knelt down, and spoke to Sora, Miu, and Hina in a gentle tone. "I may not have much, and my place may be small, but the three of you can be together."

No matter the challenges, Yuuta couldn't bear to see the three children cry in sorrow before him and simply do nothing.