{13} Buying Books

Chapter 13: Buying Books

After resolving the novel matter, Yuuta quickly took the train back home. On the way, he stopped at a supermarket to buy some meat and decided to quit the part-time job he had taken up earlier.

As he passed by a bookstore, Yuuta had an idea and entered the store's book section.

"Hello, may I help you find something? We have books from various publishers, including light novels of all kinds," the store employee greeted Yuuta with a smile and began offering assistance.

While Yuuta wasn't interested in light novels, he did come to buy books.

"Hello, I'd like to purchase some children's books, preferably storybooks and simple picture books that can help kids learn to read," Yuuta explained his requirements since he was unfamiliar with the store's selection.

Hina was still a child, and Yuuta knew that taking care of an energetic kid could be quite challenging. He needed to not only ensure her well-being and nutrition but also plan for her future.

Yuuta was deeply concerned about Hina's well-being. She wasn't just his niece by name; she needed the most care. At three years old, Hina didn't understand much, and as her guardian, Yuuta felt a heavy responsibility for her upbringing. If Hina could engage with books and stories at home, it would help her literacy and ease the burden on her two older sisters.

Initially, the store employee assumed Yuuta was there to buy light novels with vivid illustrations, as many young readers focused more on the pictures than the content. Such customers were a common sight. However, when they saw Yuuta buying books for a child, it struck them as somewhat unusual.

The store employee, donning a curious expression, inquired, "May I ask the age of the child?"

Yuuta explained, "She's three years old, a spirited little girl. She's quite taken with that show... um, it's either Eel Man or Moon Princess, I think."

Yuuta, not being much of an anime enthusiast, struggled to recall the exact name of the series Hina had been enjoying.

"Please bear with me for a moment; I'll make a phone call to confirm."

Since the anime's name still eluded him, Yuuta decided to ring Hina's older sister, Sora, for clarification.

"Sora, how are things at home?"

Sora answered Yuuta's call with a cheerful tone. "Everything's going well. We're all at home. Oh, Hina wants to talk to you."

Hina approached Sora, bending down and shouting into the phone, "Uncle! When are you coming back?"

"I'll be back soon; I've finished my tasks and bought some groceries. I'm currently at the bookstore, selecting storybooks for Hina. By the way, what's the name of the anime she usually watches?"

"It's Eel Fish MAX!" Hina exclaimed enthusiastically, striking a pose and proudly shouting into the phone.

While sitting on the floor with the phone to her ear, Sora clarified, "Actually, it's Luna Luna Seven. Hina is still learning to speak clearly."

Now armed with the correct name, Yuuta responded, "Alright, I'll search for books related to it. I should be home in about an hour."

"Okay, thank you, Uncle."

"No problem. Do you or Miu need anything else?"

"No," both Sora and Miu promptly declined, understanding Yuuta's financial constraints and not wanting to burden him.

Yuuta, indeed facing a challenging financial situation, appreciated their thoughtfulness and resolved to make do until his payment arrived.

As Yuuta was on the phone, the store employee had already gathered a selection of appropriate children's books.

"Luna Luna Seven, isn't it? These are the ones. While we primarily sell light novels, we do keep these in stock as well. They're unsold items, so they come at a reasonable price."

The store employee had developed an affinity for Yuuta, understanding that someone purchasing books for children tended to be more approachable than those shopping solely for themselves, especially in the realm of light novels or similar genres.

"Thank you," Yuuta expressed his gratitude as he paid for the several books. While getting ready to check out, he noticed another book that piqued his interest, prompting him to include it in his purchase.

The store employee noticed the additional book and inquired, "This one is in English. Is your child starting to learn a foreign language at such a young age?"

Yuuta nodded and replied with a warm smile, "Yes, I believe it's beneficial to introduce her to a foreign language early on."

The book Yuuta had chosen was a collection of poems and literary works with English text. While not an extensive resource, it served as a starting point for both Hina and Yuuta on their educational journey.

Now, Yuuta embraced the primary responsibility for Hina's education and overall development.


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