Mas and Menos part 2

(Omni pov):

"The fuck am I suppose to do with that" the old man ask bewildered on what he was supposed to do with that and he was clearly not amused

"Huh isn't this the part where you get on your hands and knees while begging me to take you as my master?" Ash asked truly shocked as it didn't go how he thought it would be.

The old man just looked at him like he was an idiot and closed the door on him while sighing in disappointment at how arrogant the younger generation has gotten "stupid brat" the old man grumbled

"Wait wait wait you don't know what these flames can do im sorry okay please teach me, I'll do anything " said Ash almost desperately. Ash looked around to make sure no one's looking and transformed into a phoenix although he was 2 meters tall he can control his size due to his body being made of flames while his size can only go down it can never go past 2 meter due to it being the maximum height he can reach.

He transformed into the sizes of a humming bird and kept flying around the old man " please, please, please, please, please, I can do house chores, I can heat up furnaces with my phoenix flames, my phoenix flames are extremely powerful which can melt steels you couldn't even melt before "

The old man look ready to be done with this but that was futhur from his thought processes ' Truly a unique specimen to have the powers of a mythical bird, I just know it, he will one day reach the pinnacle of this world in just strength. Hmmm maybe he could be the one to finally rid me of this curse and those flames they're just simply unfathomable'

The old man started groaning "Fine but you're doing everything inside this house from cleaning to cooking I don't care if you know how to you're gonna learn then and I want you here before 3 o'clock got it ?"

"Sir yes sir " Ash says while giving a military salute "don't worry sir I already know how to cook and clean I always help the orphanage with this duty.

(Mc pov)

'Thanks to Metis I got alot of dishes to perfection so now I'm a great cook just watch out future wifey this future husband of yours is going to conquer your stomach first before your heart'

[ Sir your thoughts are turning creepy and weird again]

'Hehe- ah sorry Metis bad habits' I thought embarrassingly. 'As I saying to no one in particular thanks to Metis I learned alot of things I could even be a full fletch doctor after studying in the library since the age of 5 i mean a practical is still needed but not really since thanks to Metis.

She constructed a simulation based on how the body is supposed to react in my mindscape so we sometimes use it for training and honing my skills which still needs work one on many different subjects' these useless thoughts aside I still haven't introduced myself to this old man

"Ah old man I forgot to introduced myself my name is Ash Fenix " I introduced myself while doing a small courtesy bow

The old man just looks at me with a raised brow that had the 'really' look. Turning my head to the side with blushed cheeks and red ears I said "yeah yeah laugh it up" still can't get use to that name for fucks sakes.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The old man just started laughing will pointing at my face just seeing him like makes me want to punch in the throat.

"Phewww that was a good laugh anyways my name is Hanmā Sutoraiku try not to be a brat for the foreseeable future, anyways come inside we have been standing here for far to long come inside " said the old man before closing the door behind him when I came in. "As you can see this place is a mess so get to cleaning" said the old man before going to lay down on the sofa "well what are you waiting for an invitation start cleaning"

" Yes yes Master" I said before I started cleaning all the beer bottles and dust scatter around this tiny house. Thanks to my speed and strength which is above ordinary people I finished in about 30 minutes and then took another 20 minutes to cook some lunch to this grumpy old man.

"Lunch is ready eat up old man" I said before putting a meal of fried fries with eggs the only thing I could make at the moment with what we have one the dining table. After he finished eating the old man went to his room before coming back with a stacks of books before putting it infront of me. There were about 20 different books about metallurgy.

"Here you can take them home with you make sure you remember everything that's in there before coming to me again in the future" the old man said before laying back down on the couch and falling asleep.

'Heh what this old man doesn't know is that I can finish this an a hour heh did he think he can get rid of me so easily by boring me with books then he's wrong' I thought to myself before saying 'Metis let's do this'

(An hour later )

"All right old man I'm finished" I said waking him up.

"The hell you're finish all I heard was you flipping pages like crazy you expect me to believe you finish that in an hour" the old man replied clearly skeptical and what he just heard.

"Here quiz me" I said while shoving all the books he brought back with him back towards him and all he did was raised a brow

"Alright I'll call your bluff" the old man said before picking a random book from the pile as he picked a page he ask " what are the main components of tungsten "

I replied " Natural tungsten is a mixture of five stable isotopes: tungsten-180 (0.12 percent), tungsten-182 (26.50 percent), tungsten-183 (14.31 percent), tungsten-184 (30.64 percent), and tungsten-186 (28.43 percent). Page 105 paragraph 6 " i replied sounding extremely confident.

"Alright lucky guess" the old man grumbled.

This went on for a few more rounds before finishing.

"Alright alright I believe you, you're a scary kid you know that right, alright come and follow me" the old man said before standing up and walking up to a door that lead to a basement

When we arrived he walked up to create of iron ingots before grabbing one and throwing one at me. "Here, lead a steady stream of curse energy into it and go slow or you'll risk damaging it and it breaking apart and turning it into sand" the old man said.

"Huh" as all I could say.