He's Here

Since the last chapter was so short I made another one since both are around 500 words treat it as one big chapter where half got lost in mail, so special delivery 😀


(Mc pov):

'Fuck,fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I thought I had more time before I met him sighhhh I gotta go with a flow then' I thought nervously and excited at the same time at meeting Gojo Satoru.

"The fuck you want you pasty white snowflake" I said with a scowl. 'Fuck why did I say that' I thought nervous again.

"My my looks like we have potty mouth here " replied gojo with an amused express while also looking around and seeing the destruction he then whistles "looks like you're pretty strong for a kid your age"

"Uh huh" I said and turned around ignoring him "so what you want" I asked as I continue to look at the bee burning with a small smirk.

"You're seriously asking me that after all the commotion you cause. First the huge amount of curse energy you started releasing then the swarm that followed after that. I followed cause I thought it would be fun to watch but imagine ny surprised when I first arrived and saw a little kid no less than 10 year ol-"

"8" I interrupted

"Nani?" He replied back

"8 I'm 8 years old" I replied to his reply

"Eh really" he replied with a funny looking face.

"Yup" I said

"So you expect me to believe a 8 years took down a 1st grade curse all by himself with no help" Gojo asked finally lifting his blindfold while scanning me with his special eyes.

"Yup" I replied once again

"Good enough for me" said Gojo shrugging before lowering down his blindfold again.

"Beside I did have have help" I said as I pointed at my swords " These guys were a big help and since you watched you must have realized just how powerful these guys are" I said totally bragging and not feeling jealous of those eyes nope not one bit not a since piece of jealously in these bones.

"So what now" I asked looking back at him as the bee finally stopped screeching. Not a single piece of ash was left after it was done.

"Normally I would have had to take you for questioning and all the jazz but I'm not gonna too much work if you ask me plus you seem like an interesting little kid I wonder just how much fun I'm gonna have with you"

As he said that I crossed my arms over my chest and backed away with a looked of disgust and said " sorry its past my bed time bed I should really get going"

As I turned around, I tried to run, he grab me by the back of my shirt lifted me up to towards him "why do the good looking ones always turn out to be the weird ones is it because you can get girls easily that you go for the unattainable, is it for the thrill, just so you know just cause I'm a kid doesn't mean I'm harmless I got the power of God and anime by my side" I said kicking and throwing punches that lead to nowhere