Finally a Worthy Opponent

(Mc pov):

As the day goes by I notice just how much curse energy really gathers in school.

'However even by normal standard this is too much I wonder whats happening' I then immediately spread out my senses and notice that the school is releasing a stream of curse energy which if not stopped can manifest a special grade curse.

'Good thing its time for everyone to go home' as the school bell rings for the final time today.

As everyone leaves and the night finally comes I reach for my phone and dialed Gojo-sensei number.

"Oi sensei another special grade curse appeared, this time it's in my school" I start as gojo answers the phone

"No I haven't confronted it, thats why i called for you to get ready when I'm done"

"Hai, Hai I know we already had this discussion 100 times already I know to finish everything quickly so you don't have to do alot of work afterwards"

"Yes I know I'm already my way towards it, it appears to be on the roof-" but before I had anything else to say my foot touch the ground of the roof and the call disconnected

"I see I appear to be inside a innate domain." As the scenery changes now instead of a roof the word inside the domain is a field of paper, with some paper appearing to have big bold Kanji symbol that just says rejected.

I see a curse spirit with long black hair that reaches all the way to her legs while also cover her entire face wearing the uniform for this school and a mallet with a very long handle and a red Kanji symbol saying rejection on the round surface which she has over her shoulder. While looking down she keeps saying.

"WhY DoNt YoU aCcEpT mE?" The curse kept repeating over and over again.

"No MoRe ReJeCtioN iT hUrTs" the curse said looking up from the ground and into my eyes. Its own eyes glowing red with malice.

"I see its a curse that represents the fear humans feel towards getting rejected" . "Is this my fault Metis, did I really caused this spirit to be born."

[I don't believe so sir as they're many forms of rejections. Mainly rejections from the school someone really wants to get in or needing a job and simply not getting it, the curse spirit is

drawing in its curse energy not just from the school but the surrounding area as well, The school just happend to be were rejection happen the most]

"I see" while thinking about it deeply the curse hits the ground with the mallet, the Kanji for rejections appears on the floor as the curse spirit is sent into the air.

"So she rejected herself of the ground this is getting interesting" I said outloud as the curse spirit that's in the air threw the mallet. The mallet then started spinning in a fast circle downwards towards me I simply side stepped out the way

When the mallet hit the floor more papers started to get the symbol and all the paper started flying in the air but then I notice only the papers with symbol seems to be in the air while the papers that were blanked simple stayed on the ground.

As the paper started flying around they started to take the shape of origami and soon multiple shrunken started to appear i let them hit me just to see what happens and soon a line was drawn on my checks as blood started to flow but only for a second as purple flames started to appear and close the wound leaving nothing but a line of blood on my cheeks

Wiping the blood from my cheeks I looked at it for a minute before licking it clean "HAHAHAHAHAHA". "IT MADE ME BLEED", "I HAVEN'T BLEED IN A LONG TIME" 'I'm so fucking excited thanks to my phoenix body I'm extremely durable just being able to bleed just shows how special this curse truly is.

' But first let's calm down and think about its abilities' I quickly activate TSTP. ' I believe its original technique is simple paper manipulating but there a catch, she's only capable of manipulate paper that have the kanji rejection.

Which limits it uses if it didn't have it's innate domain which gives her a mallet with the word rejected and a world of paper thats what makes her powerful alongside a huge amount of curse energy reserves, man I wonder just far she goes in order to win

this fight.

Finally a worthy opponent '


Should I keep her or kill her the only reason I took so long to finish this chapter was because I was thinking of an original technique and domain which took longer than it should have. This bitch almost fried my brain thinking about it.