Interview part 2

I know some of you don't like the overly long information I give out in the middle of the story and I get it I really do but I have to do it for the story to make sense and continue making the character interactions seem realistic

Oh and I sometimes forget to put pictures when items are mentioned, when I describe an item i Google the image then download it and go back to writing totally forgetting about it and not putting it in im sorry about that, just tell me when you would like to see an item and I will try to get a picture


(Omni pov):

------scene change------------

Ash was now standing infront of a building with the principal taking a field exam as they entered they were transported to an incomplete domain and as they entered all they heard were the pitter batter all over inside the domain.

Walking around Ash found giant grotesque looking millipedes all over "I see so this is a nest type of domain" aware of what type of domain they were in Ash just continue walking looking around.

He then found himself in the middle of the domain and said "this is the perfect place to show off". Ash then proceeds to summon a miniature tornado made of purple fire in the middle of his palm pushing more curse energy into it the tornado begins to grow in size, he then says "Curse Technique Phoenix Flame: Firestorm.

The tornado now the size of the truck is thrown towards a random location, thanks to Ash's control of curse energy and manipulation of flames he is able to direct the firestorm anyplace he wants, by directing the storm of fire Ash process to burn down any millipede that tries to get close to him.

Seeing how easy it is for him Ash starts to get bored, wanting to spice things up.

"Hey Ori can you pass me Mas and Meno" Ash spoke while holding the pedant, it glowed for a bit before two swords appeared as he grabbed the Mas with his left hand and started infusing it with curse energy a tattoo of long bandages going from his hand to his shoulder started to appear

And when he grabbed Menos with his right hand and repeated the process the same thing happened but instead of a tattoo of bandages, a tattoo of black and purple thorns started started growing from my right hand all the way to his shoulder.

He started swinging his swords to get a feel for them, with each swing the sound of cutting air was heard.

"Oh yeah thats a nice sound" Ash feeling satisfied took a step forward and flash stepped up close to one of the millipede.

All that was seen from Yaga's perspective was Ash taking a foot forward and disappearing before the head of two millipede flying in the air going in circle and the bodieswith the severed head slowly disintegrating into black dust.

Witnessing this Yaga stood there eyes wide opened not believing what he was seeing.

Ash seeing this paid no mind and started flash stepping everywhere.

With each step he took more and more heads flew and more and more bodies started disintegrating.

"Its been a while since I used my sword" Ash said with a small smile before saying "Hey Ori want to have some fun before getting ice cream"

The pendant around Ash's necked glowed a faint purple hue before a small girl with a long mallet appeared right beside him looking around and seeing them surrounded the little girl just showed her shark like teeth.

She turned her head sideways and asked "Smash heads?".

Ash just gave her a predatory smile and nodded "smash heads"

'What? did he make a Binding Vow with a special grade curse? why is she so human like? it doesn't make any sense, I guess this is why he belongs with them, nothing the special class sorcerers do makes sense' Yaga seeing what was happening couldn't make sense of it and just chalked it up to him being a special grade sorcerer.

A little giggles can be heard alongside crunching sound Yaga turned around getting distracted from his thought processes

he saw the little girl Ash called Ori with a big small as the squashed the head of the millipede and burst of purple blood splattering on her face.

Ori being the mischievous girl she was started full blown laughing as she started spinning in circles just going where the force takes her


More and more millipede kept getting bashed in as she laugh creating a scary imagine for yaga to remember for a while.

"Hahahahaha look look Onii-chan im a helicopter"

Ash curious about what she was talking about looked over and started laughing as he slaughtered all millipede but to the grade 1 millipede it just looked like he was going hysterical while slaughtering them.

Having seem enough Yaga calls out to Ash "Alright that's enough we still need this site".

Ash proceeds to stop and look at yaga confused. "Why I thought we came here to clear it"

Yaga understanding his confusion proceeds to explain "Since many curses and domains started appearing we decided to keep a few active to train future sorcerers to a certain degree before they're allowed to graduate"

Seeing where this is going Ash just nods before calling out to Ori "Oi let's stop today and get some ice cream"

Ori hearing this becomes even more excited than she was before "YES Onii-chan can I get three scoops this time pretty please" Ori then starts begging trying to act cute but it's hard to do with all the blood splattered around her face

"Yes yes since you helped out today you can get three scoops" Ash replied with a small smile and starts petting her head.

Ori hearing this then starts celebrating by pumping her left fist into the air while her right hand was holding the long mallet over her shoulder.

"Hey Ash I've been meaning to ask why is she so life like compared to the other curse anyone has ever seen" Yaga simply couldn't hide his curiosity anymore after seeing her celebrate and asked.

"Oh right you still don't know what my curse technique is do you" Ash raised a brow at that.

Ash then proceeds to tell Ori to return his swords toward her living space you see ever since they made that Binding Vow the necklace they were touching at the time turn into a home for Ori where she can take rest, now Ash uses it as an inventory.

When the swords left his hands the tattoos started disappearing and his hands returned to normal.

They then start looking for the exit and Ash starts to explain his curse technique.

"Well its thanks to my flames, you see my curse technique literally turned me into A mythical bird the Phoenix" and as Ash said that he turned his arm into a wing made out of pure purple fire.

"Since it turned me into Phoenix my flames have some of the concept which represents a phoenix one of those conceptsis rebirth.

Thanks to that, when I made a Binding Vow with Ori using my curse energy the concept of rebirth went through my curse energy and into her basically resurrecting a bit of her human side while keeping her a curse spirit.

If I had to put it in a few words then basically she was reborn"

Hearing this has left Yaga speechless he would have never thought such thing was possible but hearing all this all Yaga can do is sigh "why did you have to tell me this kid you know I have to report to the higher ups right"

Ash only let a small chuckle "It's because Gojo-sensei trust you.

If he didn't he wouldn't have never introduced me to you, you see one of the things I greatly respect about Gojo is how protective he is towards people he cares about.

But don't ever and I mean ever tell him I said that about him or I'll burn you alive" Ash eyes glowed a bit said looking deep in Yaga eyes

"Anyways I'm leaving if you want my number get it from Gojo-sensei". Having said his final piece Ash exited the domain with Ori still in hand.