Regular school Day

(Mc pov):

When I came inside the classroom Maki was looking lost in thought while Panda and Toge were just giving her teasing expressions to get a reaction out of her

As I came in Maki looked at me for a bit before her cheeks turned red probably remembering how our date ended last night and turned her face away

Panda and Toge then gain an even bigger teasing expression when they saw me, Panda being the only one that can really talk at the moment started asking me questions

"So how was your date yesterday, did you enjoyed it, are you guys finally going out, did you guys kiss at the end?" Panda then started acting like he was getting  flustered and stuttered out "D-d-d did you hold hands"

Toge also started doing the same thing as Panda, he put his hands on his face started shaking his head from side to side like he was getting flustered and embarrassed as well

I just ignored their question and asked one of my own "How did you guys even know we went out on a date yesterday"

Panda then raised his hand like a student waiting for a teacher to call on him

Seeing he was not answering until I called on him I indulge him and called him out "Yes Panda"

"It was Gojo-sensei he was bragging that one of his students that was single for so long and has never been able to have a girlfriend finally has a date and seeing that you and Maki were nowhere to be found yesterday it only makes sense of who he's talking about" Panda said snitching on Gojo.

Hearing him tick marks just started appearing on my forehead showing just how angry I was but I wasn't able to express my anger for long cause as soon as Panda finish talking Gojo-sensei walked in

Seeing him I just Flash stepped in front of him in a drop kick position he didn't expect to be attacked while entering so this caught him off guard all he manage to do was put his arms in a defensive position and get thrown to the walls behind him

"What the hell you mean I was single for so long and that I was never been able to get a girlfriend, you damn well know I never pursuited anyone beside Maki you bastard" Gojo just dusted off his arms and hand and came over me and but a hand on my shoulder

He then cover his mouth his hands and pretended to cry while saying "I'm just so proud of you"

'This is it, this is where I kill him' were my only thought as I watched his little performance

After our little show was done it was time to get back to learning and Gojo started his lessons, which I didn't pay any attention to, all of my actual attention was focused on Maki who was still avoiding eye contact

All I could see were her red ears. then training started, we were all outside at the moment seeing the opportunity I decided to talk to her

"You remember yesterday as I said that 'as your future husband it would be my job to help you grow stronger' well fear no more cause I'm going to keep that promise"

Hearing my statement everyone just gave me a curious look Maki cheeks just got red when I mentioned yesterday's date but was still looking at me curiously to see what I have in mind

Seeing everyone's look on me I simply grabbed my pendant and called out to Ori "Ori can you bring out the special weights i went to grab earlier"

The pendant glowed it's usual color as weights that looked very similar to rock lee's weight appeared in my hands

Looking at their confused look I simply raised an eyebrow "y'all don't watch anime?" I then simply shook my head when I saw only Panda nodding his head

I then call Maki closer and started tying the weights on her legs and arms "try walking and punching" was all I said when I finished

Maki then tried moving but it looked like she was moving in slow motion

"These weights are to help you get stronger you just don't have to take it off ever unless it's a emergency" I explained.

Maki then started exercising and moving about with the weights that were slowing her down

I then turned to Panda and Toge and asked if they need help with anything.

Panda needed help with his Martial arts and Toge needed help coming up with ways to control his curse energy better so his curse speech could be more effective.

And so with that I started helping each one of them.