About Time He Shows

(Mc pov):

The next day Maki and I walked to class holding hands and as we entered, Panda and Toge who were already inside just looked at us with a shocked expression

Then they started squealing like little girls when they saw us holding hands

Panda came running towards us and gave us a big bear hug and started to congratulate us while Toge just said "salmon" affirming Panda's word and patting me on the shoulder congratulating us as well

Maki was just embarrassed to be receiving all of this attention and went back to her seat

Panda and Toge then surrounded my desk and started asking me questions about how we started dating and who asked who first and if we kissed.

As I answered all their questions Gojo appeared, apparently he must have heard the Q & A cause as he opened the door he came running towards me and gave me a big hug as well and started patting my head and telling how proud he was of me

I just side eyed him and he backed away with both his hands up and with that class was in session.

(Time skip: 2 weeks )

It's officially been a month since school started and 2 weeks since Maki and I started dating. We didn't do anything outrageous except making out here and there and going on dates on few occasions when we weren't doing any missions. She did need to get new weights as the ones she had on were not that effective anymore

And it was mostly the same with Panda and Toge we did hangout a few times as well mostly after missions together.

It was the beginning of May when we were in class and I felt a special grade curse spirit near by and when I felt it I knew who was coming. It was a long time coming, it was about time

Gojo soon appeared in class excitedly "Class today we have a new edition although he's starting late in the middle of term please be nice to him" Gojo then told the person outside the door to come inside and as he step foot inside an insane amount of curse energy started pouring out of him

Which got the attention of the the other three people in the class, as they felt him they realized he was cursed and started to draw out their weapons

Maki as usual took out her naginata while Panda gut his blue brass knuckles and and Toge's hand went up to his neck sleeve lowering it

While the kid got infront of the classroom he started to introduce himself "I'm Okkotsu Yuuta, please to meet you" he didn't get far on his introduction before Maki stabbed her naginata in the blackboard beside him, seeing what was happening I calmly reminded Maki

"I won't do that if I were you, you would upset her"

Maki the looked at me and with a raised eyebrow ask "what do you mean" and as she asked he soon got her reply as a giant hand soon appeared behind Yuta and grabbed her naginata


The distorted voice of a little girl was soon heard.

"Don't you dare bully"

The guy named yuta soon tried to stop it by calling out to it

"Wait! Rika-chan don't"

As he was trying to stop the curse spirit name Rika behind him Maki turned to look at Gojo and looks back at yuta

"What is going on is this some type of test or something" Maki asks Gojo who was looking at yuta who look like a scared animal right now

Gojo then proceeds to tell yuta what jujutsu high is all about making the rest realize that this is the first time yuta has heard of curses gojo then continues and provides a backstory of yuta's situation

Which is the same as in the manga and movie about yuta in my past life, in which he watches his childhood friend die due to an accident and it's believed that she cursed him at the last moment of her life, wells that's what it's believed at the moment

"And that's the story of Okkotsu Yuuta please make him feel welcome" Gojo introduces Yuuta once again and explains what would happen if you attack him

"Well be careful, if you decide to attack yuta, Rika's curse will then try to kill all of you"

We all just stay silent and Gojo then starts to introduce us the same way he did when we all started school

And with that done Maki then turns to look at yuta and asks "you were bully weren't you, tsk stop pretending to be a victim when you got such a powerful curse spirit protecting you. It's disgusting, don't go thinking you can graduate from jujutsu high without a goal in mind"

"Maki just leave the poor kid alone" I told Maki she just tsk while Panda and Toge started agreeing with me to leave him alone.

Panda then puts a hand on Yuta's shoulder and said "sorry about that she thinks she's good at reading people"

"It's fine she's right, because it's really is the truth" yuta then replied to panda almost disheartened.


I know some of you are gonna be mad but I have to keep things rolling like it did in the original I'm just going to change a few things just not alot so it can kinda be the same for when it's itadori's turn to arrive