Results of Yuta's training

(Omni pov)

Gojo can be seen surrounded by the 4 higher ups of the jujutsu world

"The special class High vengeful curse, Orimoto Rika was completely manifest for 900 seconds or in other words 15 minutes" Higher up number 1 said

"We entrusted Okkotsu to you, exactly to avoid this kind of situation" said Higher up number 2

"You have no room for excuses, Gojo Satoru" Higher up number 3 said.

Gojo then said "Well, I hadn't really plan on making excuses tho"

Then Higher up number 4 interrupted "Are you messing with us?!" He then continued "If we left Orimoto Rika as is, a whole town could have been destroyed!"

Gojo then retorted "I'd risk my life to stop it, if it came to that. But you know there's only one thing we can say about that curse: it's 'unknown'. How could a curse from a girl that has no relations to Jujutsu sorcerers even become that stupidly big?

Its impossible to control something we don't understand. We got to do trial and error. Leave us be, for a while."

Higher up number 1 then reminded Gojo "Don't forget that Okkotsu's hidden execution is only on hold"

Gojo then retorted right back "And if it comes to that don't forget that I'll side with Okkotsu, not to mention the so called 'Suzaku' has taken a liking to him as well and treats him as a student" and with that Gojo left the meeting.

And when he arrived in the school yard he saw Ash training Yuta in the way of the sword with a bokken.

Ash was moving his bokken in a speed that only left after images, Yuta was able to keep up with his eyes but was not able to react fast enough due to his weight which has gotten heavier since the three months that passed.

That's right, it's been three month since Yuta has joined Jujutsu High and ever since Ash has taken him as a disciple he has just gotten stronger. His physique has also gotten bigger and more muscles started to show due to Ash's constant abuse and healing

(Pic of his physique)

Thanks to the constant training his control over curse energy has also gotten much smoother.

Gojo then came in interrupting their training and gave out Toge his mission. "Toge! You have been assigned, its a curse that's suitable to you. Go exorcise it in a jiffy."

Toge just agreed while Panda explained what it meant to Yuta, "Toge's the only second class jujutsu sorcerer among first years, so he can take solo missions"

Gojo then instructed Yuta "Tag along, Yuta. You're Toges support, or rather try to observe him, jujutsu arts are very diverse, you can believe that there's many ways to exorcize a curse than there are jujutsu sorcerers, Toge's 'cursed speech' are a good example of that, study it closely, you gotta learn curses to dispel curses after all."

And with that they followed Gojo who introduced them to Kiyotaka Ijichi who would become their manager for future missions

And while in front of the car Gojo then told Yuta "Sorry that I can't supervise this time, but hey this is a job that Toge should be able to do alone, so you should relax, you only have to worry about one thing.

Don't let Rika out, there's no guarantee you'll be lucky enough for Rika to back down again, only use Rika's power to the point that you can control it with a sword.

And if she fully comes out you and I both are gonna get killed " Gojo said the last thing with a big smile.

Kiyotaka Ijichi then drove them to a district and when he got out he read their missions to them "Hapina shopping district, currently mostly a shutter district, a part of this place will be demolish to build a large shopping center. During inspection a flock of low curses was observed, their exorcism was entrusted to second grade Inumaki.

"Huh where did Inumaki go" Their manager asked losing sight of him

In the distant all you can hear is a shop owner saying "thank you for your patronage"

When Toge got back he was carrying a bag with him and Yuta ask "what did you buy"

Toge just showed him the throat medicine he bought

Seeing that Toge was back Kiyotaka Ijichi went back to explaining their mission "Anyways, it would be bad if a building this expensive got ruined by rumors, it has to be exorcised as soon as possible, I'll lower the curtain so good luck"

And with that the manager lower the curtain with both Yuta and Toge still inside the shopping district where they soon found themselves surrounded with a school of cursed fishes.

Toge simply lowered his neck sleeve and said

"Die" and with that all the curses infront of him started to explode and turn into dust

'Wow powerful' were Yuta's only thought of Toge's display of power

Due to the training Ash has but them through Toge's throat isn't even that sore due to his Increase of curse energy manipulation, so now he has a better control of how much curse energy he needs to perform some tasks without getting his throat torn apart.

What both of them didn't realize at the moment however was that their curtain was getting high jacked at the moment.

"Tuna Tuna" Toge said to get Yuta to look where he was looking.

Yuuta then came closer to Toge and said "You're right the curtain isn't being lifted why is that?"

As they were inspecting the curtains they felt 2 level 1 curses appear behind them and as soon as they felt them both Toge and Yuta moved in opposite direction, one of main things Ash ingrained into their training is to never stop moving and be the first to make a move

One of the curse was in the shape of a rhinoceros with it's horn being so long it went a over it's head slightly while the other one was in the shape of a bison with its forehead sticking out infront of his face

The rhinoceros charged at Yuta with it's head pointing down and it's long horn pointed at Yuta ready to pierce him. Already knowing the rhinos intentions Yuta took out his sword and started to let his curse energy flow through the sword making the katana sturdier and sharper

The rhino not wanting to give Yuta any more time simple charge at him. Yuta then took a deep breath and leaned forwards a bit before launching off towards the curse.

As the horn was about to punctured him, Yuta managed to block it with the side of the sword but what he didn't take into account was the force of the blow due to the speed and strength of the rhino and Yuta shot off flying backwards and onto the curtain where he proceeded to get the wind knocked out of him

While Yuta was left wheezing on the ground the curse didn't wait for Yuta to recover and charged at him again while this time using curse energy to reinforce it's horn puncturing right through Yuta's stomach

Toge wasn't fairing any better while the Rhino charged at Yuta, the bison charged at him, all he manage to say is "STOP" which bought him one second.

Which wasn't enough to say his next word and the bison came charging through and headbutted him in the stomach sending him shooting off into a wall where it collapse burying him underneath the rubble

Seeing yuuta having a horn pierced through him Rika was about to go on a rampage by the amount of curse energy she was gathering but with blood flowing out of his mouth Yuta stopped her

"Rika *cough* stop, I got this" Yuta then started remembering every lesson Ash has imparted on him about curse energy and how to achieve RCT in that second that the rhino was pulling away it's horn out of Yuta, Yuta started to let his curse energy clash into each other creating a positive charge

Which he then used to make Positive energy, he simply remembered what Ash told him about how to make it happen "it's simple if you're not an idiot cause it's really just Math a negative times any other negative will always equal to a positive just use the same logic using curse energy"

And with that as the rhinoceros horn finally came outta him the whole in his stomach started to close and seal itself.

Yuta just looked down and as he saw the hole close he simply just smiled before leaning forwards once again with his sword and proceeded to shot off towards the rhino not giving it any time to charge and started cutting off his horn with the Katana

Slash after slash a piece of its horn would be cut off leaving it with only a stump.

Before the rhino can retaliate or express its anger Yuta appeared by its side and charged his sword with positive energy and Slashed cleanly right through it's neck separating the curses head along side it's body decapitating it.

Yuta just sighed in relief seeing it turned into black dust

Meanwhile, while Toge was getting out of the rubble he started to spray his throat with the medicine he bought earlier

And as he got up he looked backed at the bison and said "stop" once again but this time he didn't stop and kept repeating the word making the bison incapable of moving and everytime he said stop he would spray his throat with the medicine.

With each stop and spray Toge got closer and closer until he was right next to the bison's ear not letting it move and as he got right in it's ear he said


And with that the eyes of the bison started coming out of its socket and its head kept getting bigger until it exploded and splashed blood all over Toge's face due to how close he was.

Far away but still from a seeable distance a mysterious figure in a black priest robe can be seen watching the exchange in a thinking position, no one knows what he's thinking but only time can tell.


Imma be honest I have a love and hate relationship with this chapter i hate it because almost the whole beginning is the repeat of Jujutsu Kaisen 0 chapter 2 and I love it because of how much I really like the fight I put them through

Next comes the tricky part The good will event I researched it and it said that it happens after the summer which is next month going by the timeline of the story

Absolutely nothing is known about it except that Toyko won by a long shot due to Yuta and I don't know if Geto's declaration of war happens first or does the goodwill event happen first and im having trouble deciding