War continues, Brother-in-law?!?!

(Omni pov):

Ash can be seen in a suit with a long coat over it and the winds flowing against it watching the fight from the roof top

(Drip pic)

As both Yuta and Geto ran at each other they left after images in their wake

Yuta tried to slash at Geto again but he manage to block it with the three section staff. Geto caught the sword between the intersection of two parts of the staff, while grabbing two parts of the staff to block with a hand Geto grabbed the third part and swung it across Yuta's face

Geto then proceeded to kick Yuta in the stomach sending him flying off and letting go of his sword. Rika grabbed Yuta before he made it far but was quickly attacked by a hoard of small little centipedes curses that Geto summoned

Yuta who was a bit far away from them simply put his hand over his mouth and started to gather curse energy. Soon a symbol appeared on his mouth and on his tongue which shocked Geto

'The Serpent Eyes and Fang!!!'

"The spell of the Inumaki clan" Geto soon exclaimed.

Yuta just slightly moved his hands from his mouth and as he opened his mouth he simply just said "DIE" with an indifferent tone and expression. When the words left his mouth a ripple of curse energy soon followed and the centipedes started to explode to death leaving nothing in the vicinity.

Geto just got happy seeing such a scene "Truly wonderful"

His thoughts soon turned to greed when he saw what Yuta was able to accomplish 'Orimoto Rika's true form is indeed an endless amount of curse energy that can be shaped at will' Geto expression just turned sinister "I want that more and more"

Ash who was just watching them fight with glowing eyes and a cold expression soon got distracted feeling a huge amount of curse energy by Kyoto's direction

Feeling such a huge amount of curse energy from just one target Ash knew no one in Kyoto would be able to deal with such an abomination 'I see he put multiple curses together and turned them into one being, but what does he plan to achieve with this, does he plan to send me away to them as reinforcement so he can focus on Yuta without worrying about me?'

There was a little pause in between Ash's thought before thinking again

'Is he underestimating me?'

While these thoughts were happening in Ash's head, Yuta was being pummeled by Geto using playful cloud as it was a snake slithering towards it's target, with each strike Yuta's head kept turning side to side

Rika was unable to help much due to being occupied with curses that look like huge baby monk's that were keeping her from reaching Yuta.

While Geto was about to continue pummeling Yuta, he sense Ash's curse energy coming into play and he jumped away from Yuta and started preparing by summoning more curses.

When Geto looked up ready to defend himself against whatever Ash was going to throw at him, he notice that Ash wasn't paying any attention to him.

Ash's curse energy turned into his purple flames and started to take the shape of a spear the fit perfectly into his hands.

Ash then got into a javelin throwing position, he slightly raised his hand towards a specific direction and started to pull his arms slightly back. 'Metis lock on to it'

[Locking on.... locking on successful. You may proceed]

Geto who was watching everything screamed in a disbelieving tone "THERE'S NO WAY YOU'RE THINKING YOU'LL MAKE THAT, THAT'S ALL THE WAY IN KYOTO"

That's right Ash's hand was slightly raised all the way to the direction of Kyoto where he planned to send Ash.

Yuta who's pummeling was postponed simply turned his head to the side and spit out blood, he quietly went to where he dropped his sword and picked it up and looked towards Ash's direction, who he saw was ready to throw the flame made spear.

Ash hearing Geto just smirked as his eyes glowed a bright purple color.

Ash with a quick motion threw the spear in the direction where he previously locked on and watched it fly into the distance.

Geto who saw this still had a dumbfounded expression 'There's no way he makes this I don't think even Satoru can make a shot like this. So a kid that's still in school shouldn't be making that shot i refuse to believe this.'

The spear can be seen flying through the sky like a shooting star

Gojo who at this point was about to fight the curses in Shinjuku Tokyo looked at the sky when he sensed Ash's curse energy and simply smiled at the spear knowing what Ash was doing by looking at the direction of where the spear was coming from and where it's going

The spear continued to fly in the sky like a star until it reach Kyoto and reached closed to where a few of Kyoto's jujutsu sorcerers were fighting a giant curse spirit abomination that looked like it was made up off different curse spirits.

Momo Nishimiya a blond 2nd year student was the first person who saw the spear in the sky as she was flying around in her broom. She was doing reconnaissance and relaying information about the battlefield to the others. She also had the help of Mechamaru who was a 1st year student and was responsible for the tools that helped in passing messages.

While in the battlefield known as Kyoto, Aoi Todo a 2nd year student can be seen clapping his hands and striking poses to activate his curse technique and switch the position of two people that being himself and the abomination. An arrow soon arrived in Todo's previous position and tried to penetrate the curse spirit that now appeared in his place but it just bounced off it not having enough power to penetrate it's tough skin

Noritoshi Kamo a 2nd year student just clicked his tongue as he was dissatisfied with the outcome.

Soon they heard Momo's voice through the communication device Mechamaru provided "Guys there's something falling from the sky and it seems to be locked on the curse spirit abomination. It changed directions slightly when Todo and it changed positions"

Utahime Iori who was listening to from her own communication device just gave her orders "Everyone get away from there we don't know what's going to happen when they make contact" and as soon as everyone got far away from it the spear that was in the sky came crashing down on the curse which made a large explosion


Dust and rubble were thrown everywhere due to the explosion and as everything cleared out a huge crater can be seen with the curse in the middle of it slowly turning into black dust and a spear coming out right from it's head and into the ground standing up. As the curse spirit was exorcised the spear which was still standing started to slowly melt leaving a message on the ground

"To: Mai, since I sensed a powerful curse that was too much for Kyoto to handle I thought of sending this spear from Tokyo as a gift to my sister-in-law, Wouldn't want for wifey to feel bad if you got hurt, hope we can get along in the future.

Sincerely, From: Brother-in-law"

Momo who was still flying in the sky in her broom saw the message and relayed it to everyone, having a hard time trying to stop her laughter.

Mai Zenin a 1st year student who heard the message started to get extremely angry "WHAT!?! WHAT DOES IT MEAN BROTHER-IN-LAW, SINCE WHEN DID MAKI START DATING SOMEONE"

Todo who was close by just gave a battle hungry smile and thought 'To be able to send something this far to Kyoto from Tokyo and still be able to defeat a special grade curse and also leave a letter, just how strong do they have to be' Todo then put a hand over his eyes and shed a single tear and just said out loud "perhaps is he my long lost brother" everyone who heard him just gave him a disgusted look.

Utahime Iori quickly reminded them with a small smile "We can discuss about Mai's brother-in-law later right now we gotta clean the streets of Kyoto. There's still curses about but they're mostly first grade and are easier to exorcize than the previous monstrosity"

Hearing their teacher the rest just nodded and returned to exorcising the rest of the curse spirits.

Meanwhile Geto just had his mouth wide open as soon as he felt the connection of his curse spirits lost

He just slowly whispers "you really did it.... you really launch a spear to Kyoto all the way from Tokyo, unbelievable"

Yuta who heard what Geto just said smiled and said "That's Ash-senpai for you always doing the impossible" and as he finished saying that he got back into a fighting position again with his sword "This time no holding back, you ready Rika" Rika who just finished the last of the monk babies just roared



And with that Yuta rushed to Geto once again and slash right at Geto's finger making them fall off.

Seeing his finger get cut off Geto just scoffed at that and jumped back and summoned a curse spirit dressed like a nurse that started to heal him.

And while his finger where healing, Geto summoned another curse spirit but this time it was a giant group of rats and they quickly spread out not giving Yuta anyway for him to quickly finish them or so Geto thought

Yuta then started to summon a flamethrower as soon as Geto ordered all the rat like curses to attack him

Yuta who now had a flamethrower simply waved it around in circle incaseing him in a ring of fire making it hard for the rodents to get inside

Geto then summoned a curse with a siren like head and quickly flashed him making him blind but before the curse can make anymore moves Rika attacked it exorcising it before it even had the chance to make another move.

And while they were fighting Gojo can be seen fighting a special grade curse that's just covered in brown fur and had gigantic feet stomping around before Gojo finished it off with his Red technique putting a hole right there it's head and flying backwards destroying buildings in it's wake.

A blurred figured quickly went past him cutting down curses left and right

The blurred figure then went to a white furred giant and slashed at the left foot achilles heel making it go on one knee then it went for the right foot putting the curse on two knees

The figured then grabbed her glowing purple sword and started slashing at it's arms until it was slice into piece making the curse smash it's head on the ground and as the head touched the ground the figure who identified herself as Maki grabbed her sword with the handle facing upward and quickly brought her sword downward impaleing it and the curse started turning into black dust

Maki who was wearing a spotless white shirt simply swung her sword to the left clearing blood of it

(Drip pic)

Maki with her green gauntlets then started running towards more curses wanting to keep the combo of one hundred going.