Goodwill Event part 1

Word Count: 1.3k


~Omni pov~

Just like that every first year student from Jujutsu High are now officially Grade 1 and above Jujutsu sorcerers.

To celebrate such a big occasion Ash took Maki out on many dates, especially since he knows how much this means to her. After all she was being mostly oppressed by her clan from getting a promotion.

When the next week after everyone got their promotion, everyone was waiting for Gojo to arrive inside the classroom and as he enter he was wearing a tourist outfit with a camera hanging over his neck.

"NOW WHO'S READY TO GO TO KYOTO" Gojo shouted as he entered the classroom.

Panda, Yuta, and Toge, all put up their hands in a fast motion showing their excitement

Both Panda and Yuta then shouted "WE ARE SENSEI" while Toge just shouted rice ball ingredients expressing his agreement with Panda and Yuta

While Ash and Maki just looked at each other and shook their head with a small smile.

And with that they all went towards Kyoto.

Once there Ash and Maki separated from the group and went to explore Kyoto together making it a date between themselves and during the after noon they both got ice cream and made their way towards 'Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College'.

While holding hands they started walking up the stairs to the college and as soon as they landed at the top of the step Mai Zenin just happened to pass by leisurely walking about.

And as soon as they saw each other they just froze, not expecting to meet each other like this, for them there was a loud silence that said many words.

The silence was then broken by Ash who just let go of Maki's hand and hugged Mai unexpectedly and said "It's so good to see you sister-in-law"

Seeing this both Maki and Mai were shocked they both then stuttered out shouting "W-W-W-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING"

Ash then let's go of Mai and just goes for a side hug with an arm over her shoulders and looks at them in confusion "What? I'm just greeting my sister-in-law what's wrong with that"

Mai just move away from Ash and just says with a blush "So that was you that sent over that message"

Maki hearing this got confused and looked at Ash with a raised brow and a look of suspicion "What message is she talking about? You're not secretly sending messages to my sister behind my back, are you Ash?"

"Wait, I know it looks bad for me but let me explain" Ash says trying to explain, he then continues "Before fighting Geto when Yuta was fighting him I detected a large curse in Kyoto that could have killed alot of people so I sent a spear killing it and leaving a message, that's all I did I swear"

Ash said this with both hands slightly up in a surrendering position

Just then they heard a shout and a shadow in the sky falling down landing infront of them

"SO IT WAS YOU" *Boom* Todo then landed right infront of them cracking the ground due to the force of his landing

As he stood infront of them he started taking off his shirt and got into a fighting position and with a serious expression asked "What's your type of woman"

Maki just looked at Todo in disgust while Mai just sighed covering her face with her palm embarrassed by Todo's display

As for Ash he answered Todo's questions without hesitation "I like tall girls with big butts but even bigger thighs"

Maki hearing him just quickly snapped her head to look at him and give him a 'WTF' expression.

Meanwhile When Todo heard his response he slowly got out of his fighting position and just slowly looked up into the sky with both hands hanging loosely to his side

Tears just kept pouring out of Todo's eyes as he whispered "My long lost brother I finally found you".

The moment Todo heard Ash's answer a memory of a non-existence past appeared in his head.

"Waaahhhhh" "Waaahhhh"

"Congratulations madam you have two healthy baby boys" said the doctor handing the babies to the woman in the hospital bed

The woman who is presumably the mother just held the babies in her hands and said "I shall name you Ash and you I shall name you Todo" the mother said before the beeping of the heart monitor stopped beside her.

The doctor then takes both children and hands one to one person and the other to another person and said to the babies "I'm sorry little ones but it looks like I couldn't find you a home that would accept the two of you at the same time.

It looks like you brothers are going to be separated for a while, try to find each other later in life, okay?"

And that was the last memory Todo had of Ash in his world of delusions.

We come back to Todo who's still looking at the sky and he started saying "Ash-nii, brother, I finally found you, I finally found my long lost brother"

Todo while still crying just got into a fighting position once again and said "Brother let's fight once and for all, to determine who the big brother is, for all of the brotherly dispute we missed, for all the disagreement we could have had, for all of the fights we could have had to determine who is stronger, and for all the spars we missed to test each others resolves as we made our way to the top"

Maki, Mai, and Ash just looked at Todo as if he was mentally challenged.

Ash then shook his head as he also got into a fighting position.

They both then started to release a bit of their curse energy to enhance themselves, they then started to stare at each other waiting for the other person to make the first move.

And as they stared they realized that they were getting nowhere and attack each other at the same time.

They both started with a high kick that met in the middle that created a gust of wind due to the force of their attack.

Due to the gust of wind the hair of Maki and Mai started flying about, causing both of them to sigh and shake their head together, they both then just gave each other a looked that said 'Boys am I right'

Ash and Toge then sent a punch at each other that connected to their faces making them turn slightly while giving each other a battle hungry smile and as they were about to turn up the notch of their fight they were stopped by the rest of the Kyoto high school students that started appearing due to the commotion.

"All right that's enough you two, you guys can just fight each other later during the actual event" said Noritoshi Kamo who was followed by the rest of the second and first year students.



Okay so for people that are gonna say that it doesn't make sense to put Todo and Ash as twins in Todo's imaginary memories cause Todo is older than Ash

All I can say to that is that one Todo imagine Him and Yuji as classmates and from the same year who went to the same school even tho they were two years apart and two it was a delulu world anything is possible even if it would never happen 

Like for example she actually liking you back, see anything is possible in a delulu world

Another thing for my other fic I'm having trouble deciding if I should give my Mc Haki or not (so please tell me if I should or not)