Doesn't Look Like Nothing Much

[Third Person's PoV]

Ash after seeing Yuji get the hand of it decided to summon even more fire constructs. At first it started with with an increase of numbers instead of 5 it quickly turned into 10.

Which Yuji started to beat rather easily, he would maneuver around them and enhance his fist with curse energy punching them in the center or in their head completely destroying them.

Seeing that numbers weren't working, Ash decided to make it even more dangerous instead of just wearing boxing gloves, they were now armored with swords and supposed armor.

The armor although were just for decoration were made to show that Ash has made them even more durable and it would take more than one hit to completely dissolve them.

Yuji now had to be more careful due to the more significant danger they pose, although Yuji tried and be careful it was a difficult task to accomplish.

Due to how well Metis was controlling the constructs they were able to defend themselves and have experience with a sword. The swordsmanship of each construct was a small reflection of Ash's knowledge, so they were able to deal alot of damage to Yuji

Slashes kept appearing all over Yuji's body, it was difficult at first due to the pain of the slashes but after slashes and slashes and slashes, Yuji started to ignored it and started to focus on their weak points. Which Ash deliberately left to at least give Yuji a chance and a sense of accomplishment.

Afterwards when it was getting easier once again Ash started sending out animal constructs, which caught Yuji off guard expecting to see only human like constructs. A wolf like flame appear from behind him and snapped it's jaw right on his ankles making him scream in pain.

Due to his bleeding ankle it was difficult for Yuji to move giving the fire constructs the advantage causing even more damage. After a few minutes of this Yuji can be seen with shaky legs still standing while panting heavily.

"Are we finally done senpai, please tell me we're done. I don't think I could move another muscle" pleaded Yuji

Ash just gave him a friendly smile as he softly said "No" and enveloped Yuji in his flames completely healing him.

"WHYYYYYYY" Yuji screamed in despair as Ash just comjured multiple different beings into existence.

When they were finished Yuji was laying on the floor looking miserable from the experience. "You're evil, I hope you know that, your a demon. Please don't let me agree to one of your training sessions ever again"

Ash just gave him a smirk "Are you sure? Cause what it looks like to me is that you have grown stronger. The flow of your curse energy is smoother and you don't waste nearly as much as you did when you first started"

Yuji wanted to protest but couldn't, he indeed got stronger although he went through alot of unnecessary pain, he came out stronger, so he really couldn't complain.

Ash then conjured a portal and dragged Yuji back to where he was previously. In there he found Gojo sitting down on the couch waiting for them.

"Yo! You sure did take your time" said Gojo clearly bored out of his mind.

Ash just shrugged his shoulder "He had to learn somehow luckily for us he is a very quick learner"

Gojo just sighed at Yuji's state "Didn't I say to go easy on him. Look at him, he looks like he's going to collapse into a coma soon"

"What do you want me to do, I did go easy on him"

Yuji hearing him snapped his neck towards his direction "NO YOU DIDN'T, YOU SENT WOLF AND LIONS TO GO AFTER MY ANKLES. WHAT PART OF THAT IS GOING EASY ON ME"

"Huh? Isn't it obvious I didn't go and fight you myself, how much easier did you want it to be. If it was too easy you wouldn't have learnt anything. Anyways what are you doing here Gojo" asked Ash.

"I came to check on you, to make sure you didn't kill him accidentally and didn't go too hard on him." Replied Gojo

Ash just waved Gojo off "As you can see he's perfectly fine..."

"I'm not... please get me away from this maniac" interrupted Yuji

But Ash just ignored him "So there really was no reason for you to come here. Well I'm done with today's training anyways. Want to portal out of here while Yuji rests?"

"Nah, Ijichi is waiting for me outside I would feel bad if I suddenly left him by himself after waiting all this time for me"

"You're right, I'll join you. So you don't have to feel lonely on a car ride back to the school"

Yuji just went and laid down on the couch completely falling asleep due to how mentally exhausted he was.

Both Ash and Gojo just went and got in Ijichi's car and Ijichi started to drive them to their destination...

After a few minutes both Ash and Gojo spoke at the same time "You can drop us here Ijichi". They both then looked at each other and smirked.

"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly

"Yeah, it's fine" Gojo reaffirms him.

"If you say so" Ijichi then pulled over, Ash and Gojo then got out and sent Ijichi on his merry way to not get him into any danger.

After Ijichi left Ash then asked "Well then what can we do for you fine gentlemen today?"

A miniature volcano suddenly appeared right next to Gojo

While four walls suddenly appeared encasing Ash and got pushed into each other, covering everything in dust and rubble.

Gojo doesn't do anything as something as simple as that couldn't possibly even hurt him.

While Ash just surrounded himself in his flame burning the walls slightly so they don't even touch him. But the two beings watching everything couldn't see that due to the dust and smoke.

Two beings come flying down and land infront of them at the same time while making the ground cave in

"He doesn't seem like nothing much" said Jogo when he saw Gojo get encased in his flames.

"Yeah mine either, are we sure we got the right people" said Jishin looking disappointed.

"You hear that Gojo, you seem like nothing much" Ash teased as when the dust cleared up he was seen wiping away the dust from his clothes.

"Oh please, like anything they do can even come close to hurting me" Gojo said pushing away the smoke from his face.

The two curse spirit just looked at them in shock seeing them not suffer any damages.