Lord Knows I Tried R18

[Third Person's PoV]

Ash, Mai, Maki, and Todo were seen standing in the middle of the 4 elders of the jujutsu world.

"Do you four have any idea what you've just done?!" Elder 1 shouted in an angry tone.

"Yeah we killed the Zenin Clan, we were there" Ash replied boredly.

Ash then released a sigh "Can we get this over with already, I got places to be. I'm a busy man after all."

"Impudent! What you've just done could and will cause irreversible damage of which you couldn't even fathom!" Elder 2 yelled as well.

"We must seek justice for the death and destruction of the Zenin Clan!" Elder 3 said

"Woah woah woah woah, hold your horses there. Who said the Zenin Clan was destroyed, I said they were killed not destroyed. The Zenin Clan is now under new leadership if you must know"

"What?! What are you even talking about?" Elder 4 asked not believing what he was hearing.

Maki nodded her head at what Ash had said and just replied "He's right the Zenin Clan is not destroyed, we still have a Patriarch"

"No one has given you permission to talk so shut up and wait until we're done!" Elder 1 demanded.

Ash's face then grew cold as the area around him grew hotter "What?"

"What he meant is that the opinion of non sorcerers is not that valuable." Elder 2 tried to calm down the situation.

But all he ended up doing was just get Ash angrier "Look here you fucking bottom feeders–"

"You can't talk to us like, we are your superiors" Elder 3 said, expressing his distaste for the low amount of respect they were receiving.

Ash sighed and hugged his head, he turned towards Maki and the other and shrugged his shoulders "I tried. The lord knows I tried to be merciful but Idiots will always be idiots"

Ash's expression then turned blank.

"For your punishment for the destruction of the Zenin Clan, execution to the other 3 and a Binding Pact, that makes Ash Phenix complete any Job we will give him"

Ash just held his hand as he conjured a ball of purple Flames.

"Wait, we could talk about this." Elder 1 said, noticing Ash's actions.

The ball of flames then grew larger and larger to the point that even Maki, Mai, and Todo had to back away slightly due to the amount of heat it was giving off.

"Umm, Should we leave?" Mai asked, feeling uneasy and uncomfortable looking at what Ash was doing.

Maki just shook her head "You don't have Anything to worry about, Ash can control his flames so it wouldn't even burn us if we were engulfed in them."

Mai let out a sigh of relief but it still didn't take away her uneasiness about what's to come.

While Todo banged his chest slightly and whispered "That's my brother right there"

"You can't do this!" Elder 2 shouted, growing nervous with every second.

"You will plunge the Jujutsu world into chaos with your actions!" Elder 3 shouted slowly getting up about to run away.

"We are what's keeping order in this society!" The fourth elder said backing away.

"Are those your last words?" Ash said coldly.

Hearing him the elders or turned around and tried to run but Ash just tossed the now flaming sun in his hands casually.

As it touched the floor, everything went white.

Ash, Maki, Mai, and Todo walked out of the destroyed building without a single scratch or burn casually.

Ash turned towards Mai and Todo, "Well Maki and I have things to do, later you two"

"Wait" Mai said "That's it. What now, what's going to happen"

Ash just shrugged his shoulders "Not my problem" and walked away with his arm around Maki.

Mai sighed seeing them walk away "Are they seriously now worried about what he just did"

Todo just smirked "Nope. And you shouldn't either. What Ash said, what happens next is not our problem" Todo then walked away with his hands in his pockets.

Mai sighed once more and started following Todo.

Ash and Maki were seen in their room kissing each other with their tongues intertwined. Maki pushed Ash onto their bed with a look full of lust.

She got onto his lap and pulled Ash into another deep kiss. Meanwhile Ash had his hands gripping on Maki's soft and big ass. While kissing they started to take each other's clothes off.

Now while still kissing Maki was grinding her wet and moist pussy on Ash's dick, coating his cock with her juices.

"There's no need for foreplay, can't you feel it… My body naturally responds to your touch." Maki whispered into Ash's ear making his cock harder.

Ash smirks and flips Maki onto the bed, he starts kissing Maki on her neck, making her release little moans of pleasure.

Ash grabbed Maki's big boobs and started massaging them with his hands.

"Mmhmm~" Maki moaned due to how roughly Ash was playing with them. Ash put his lips around her pink bubs and started biting and sucking on them each alternatively.

"Ahhh~ Please Ash~" Maki Pleaded as Ash continued to tease her nipples.

Ash smirked as he took a hold of his cock and started to tease her slit with it. While doing so he got close to Maki's ears and whispered "Tell me my little slut, what is it that you want"

"Mmmhmmm~~ Please Master~ i want your cock inside of me" Maki moaned.

Ash without warning shoved his entire cock inside of Maki causing her to scream out in pleasure while arching her back.


Ash immediately started pumping his dick in and out of Maki making her continue to moan in ecstacy.


While pistoning his cock, Ash started sucking on Maki's skin, whether it was her neck, her chest, her boobs, hickeys would start appearing.

"Mmhmm, Mark this little salt of yours master~~"

"FUCK~ shit~ shit~ HOLY FUCK!" Maki screamed out feeling Ash start hitting the entrance to her cervix.

"Hmm Fuck~ imma cum, imma cum~" Maki warned Ash to which he started picking up the speed making Maki start giving the sheets due to how close she was to coming.


Maki started squirting everywhere, while Ash unloaded his load deep inside Maki.

*splurt* *splurt* *splurt* *splurt* *splurt*

Maki started panting after cumming, after a few more seconds, she flipped Ash on the bed and sat on top of his cock.

"We're not done yet" Maki moaned as she started riding Ash's cock with vigor.

They continue exploring each other's already explored bodies until the next day, unable to keep their hands away from each other.