Of Course We Do

[Third Person's PoV]

As Ash was walking away he stopped and turned towards Gojo and looked at him in confusion "Wait a minute…"

Gojo who was looking at Ash tilted his head "What?"

"Do we even need to keep Yuji hidden anymore since all the elders are dead?" Ash asked in confusion

"Eh?" Gojo said, there was then a long pause between them before they both started crackling.



"Of course we do" They both said at the same time which just made their crackling louder.

The both just shook their heads as Ash went and got up with Maki and headed to class. As they entered their friends looked at them with a small look of disbelief.

"Okay I have to know, forgive me in advance for being blunt" Panda said while looking between both Ash and Maki.

"Did you really kill the higher ups and destroyed the Zenin Clan"

Ash just confidently smirked as he said "Totally did"

Panda looked at Toge as he asked "Ready?"

Which Toge responded with a "Salmon"

They both then leaped out of their chair and surrounded Ash their back towards him as they circle the perimeter going around in circles.

Ash looks at them with a raised brow "We're protecting you in case things go bad. Surely there will be people coming after you because of your actions which won't be good."

"Salmon." Toge said, agreeing with Panda. Toge then started moving around communicating things with Ash with his body language.

"So you're saying, to leave my safety in your hands?" Ash interpreted

Toge nodded his head with a serious expression. While Ash just smiled and shook his head.

He patted both Toge's and Panda's shoulders "You guys… Even though there really isn't any need for that, I appreciate the gesture. Thank you"

"Are you sure?" Panda asked with a bit of apprehension.

"Salmon." Toge said, agreeing with Panda's concern.

"Thanks guys but there really is no need, everything will work out just fine" Ash reassured them.

"If you say so" Panda said with a hint of skepticism in his voice not fully believing Ash.

"Salmon" Toge said in the same tone, sharing Panda's skepticism.

Ash just nodded his head "Just wait and see"

A month then came and went, not a lot happened, The 3 big clans came together and started to fix the problem Ash created.

It has been mostly contained but that trust could break any second now.

For the most part Ash kept training and at the moment Yuji was sent to do a mission with Nanami.

Yuji and Nanami could be seen making their way inside the parking lot of a movie theater.

"So can you see it" Nanami said adjusting his glasses

"I'm talking about the remnants of curse energy." Nanami said.

"Oh! You must be talking about those steps on the floor, if so then yes, yes it see it. Though I didn't know they were called remnants"

Nanami just casually nodded his head. And started walking ahead "When you exercise a technique you leave traces behind."

Yuji then slammed his fist into his palm and started grinning widely "Now that we know we're to go, let's head there quickly."

"No." Nanami said without changing his pace. "There is no need to exert yourself if it could be done casually"

"So…" Yuji started, to try and get a conversation started with him "were there anything on the surveillance cameras"

"Yes apart from the victim there was only one boy"

"So it was most likely that a curse spirit did it" Yuji said to which Nanami nodded his head.

As they went inside the parking lot they encountered a bunch of disfigured curses, Yuji got into a position to fight but Nanami stopped him by putting a hand in front of him.

"I'll try and clean up this side quickly you try and clean the otherwise since there isn't a lot there, if you think you can't handle it call me"

Yuji's expression then got awkward as he couldn't help but express "Aren't you looking down on me a little too much, I'm pretty strong you know"

"It matters not, if I'm looking down on you. That is something I'll always do, you are a child. I'm a adult, It is my duty to put you first above myself"

"I'm not just a kid, I much rather prefer you look down on me instead of thinking I'm a child or something" Yuji said without his awkward expression changing.

Nanami fixed his glasses then started unbuttoned his coat, he then took out his blunt knife and as he did he said "You may have escaped death many times and have been going through some training but that doesn't make you an adult"

"Going through life experiences small inconveniences. It's the accumulation of all those tiny amount despair that make people adult"

Nanami then ran and hit the disfigured curse in front of him causing it to be cut into pieces as Nanami used his technique to create weak points.

He continued exercising the curses on his side with great efficiency. All the curses kept being cut into pieces by Nanami, where he would start by cutting off their legs or simply cutting their next.

Meanwhile Yuji ran towards his side and enhanced his fist with curse energy. The head of one of the curses exploded, he ran towards the next curse and punched it in its stomach creating a hole.

He would slide under one curse and quickly turn into time for them to turn to him but Yuji would be one step ahead of them.

Meanwhile Nanami continued to do his thing until he noticed something particularly about one of the curses… it had what appeared to be a pair of Jeans that were stretched a little too much.

When Nanami saw this his eyes widened in shock, since what they were killing were curses no, no, no. What they were killing all this time were simply disfigured humans in the shape of a curse.