2 Is Not Always Better Than 1

[Third Person's PoV]

"Nanami!" Yuji shouted in surprise seeing Nanami appear in front of him.

"I'll reprimand you later, for now give me a report on the current situation" Nanami said while narrowing his eyes at Mahito, who chose this time to back away and heal his arm.

"I couldn't save two people…" Yuji said with an aggrieved expression, "If it wasn't for Ash appearing and saving Junpei, I'm sure he would have died because of me"

'To what extent does he care about people…?' Nanami thought as he always noticed Yuji's care for those around him, a personality trait he finds that doesn't suit the Jujutsu, but it's one he couldn't hate since it reminded him of someone close.

"First tell me about your physical condition" Nanami said without taking his eyes off Mahito was looking at them with a smile on his face.

"I'm fine just been punched by a giant fist over and over again but I'm okay just some blunt drama, it's nothing" Yuji said waving it off, while Nanami's eyebrow twitched, he's pretty sure he saw some blood on Yuji when he arrived.

"And everyone in the gymnasium just collapsed." Yuji explained.

"What's this you sure are lively Sorcerer, and it looks like you recovered quite nicely too. Since we both made it out alive, why don't we shake on it to make it a memorable celebration" Mahito said while wiping the blood from the corner of his lips.

Making Nanami realize that Mahito was bleeding, something which definitely didn't happen when he fought him.

"Itadori, how is he bleeding?" Nanami calmly asked him.

"Huh? Isn't it obvious I decked him in the face."


"Every chance I got"

"Did he ever lay his hands on you?"

"Yeah and his arm came off because of it"

"My attacks are ineffective against him"

"Huh? Really?"

"I'll tell you why when I finish reprimanding you later".

Yuji and Nanami went back and forth exchanging information rapidly off each other.

"I however can stop him from moving, giving you an opening to strike. We'll exorcize him right here and now for sure" Nanami said with determination.

"Yeah!" Yuji responded in equal determination while wiping away the blood from his forehead.

While Yuji and Nanami were busy interchanging information and coming up with a plan Mahito had already finished healing himself and waited for them.

Yuji and Nanami both ran towards Mahito ready to attack him but Mahito just smirked when he saw them.

He split himself into two bodies into a 60/40 percentage. The one with the most went towards Yuji, the one who could actually be a problem for him and the other 40 went towards Nanami.

This action had taken both Nanami and Yuji by surprise as it made their plan ineffective.

So they improved and decided to go with the flow. The Mahito facing Yuji turned his hand into a whip once again and sent it towards Yuji.

Yuji simply caught it, which just made Mahito smirk, spikes began to grow like barbed wire on the whip impaling Yuji's hand making him grimace slightly before he tighten his grip instead of releasing it.

Yuji pulled on the whip pulling Mahito towards him, as he did Mahito started gathering Curse energy on his fist and sent out a punch.

While Yuji reinforced his forehead with curse energy sending a headbutt.

When Mahito's punch and Yuji's forehead connected, dust was sent flying around them due to the force.

A drop of blood slowly leaked from Yuji's forehead while Mahito's fingers were bent, broken, and bleeding.

Yuji let go of the barbed wire whip and tried to punch Mahito in the face, Mahito simply leaned back and dodged the attack and fixed his fingers.

Meanwhile Nanami was trying to hit Mahito with his blunt knife while simultaneously dodging Mahito's attempt to touch him or attack him.

Nanami swung his blunt weapon which ended up hitting Mahito on his side, cutting him open, but Mahito simply ended up closing it.

Mahito jumped back to create space between them and rolled into a ball before sending spikes towards Nanami trying to impale him, but all Nanami did was swing his knife, breaking all the spikes that came close to him.

Mahito's expression turned slightly awkward when he realized that due to his limited fighting experience he failed to realize that splitting up like he did wasn't a good idea, and he wasn't doing much damage to anyone.

Upon realizing this Mahito came up with an idea, he waited and when Nanami swung his knife, Mahito sacrificed his arm to block it. He used that opportunity and punched Nanami in the stomach as hard as he could with curse energy sending him flying back.

While the one with Yuji turned his hand into a large Morningstar and slammed it into the ground creating a large cloud of dust blocking Yuji's view.

Both Mahito's then started running towards each other and held out their hands ready to rejoin.

When Yuji and Nanami realized what happened they started running towards him to resume the plan they had earlier but Mahito wasn't planning on making it easy for them.

He regurgitated some compacted corpses and turned them into beasts. He made them head towards Yuji's direction, making Nanami click his tongue in annoyance.

But when the beast arrived towards Yuji they completely ignored him and headed straight for the school behind him.

Making Yuji realize that Mahito was planning on using the people in the gymnasium as hostages.

Yuji turned around and ran towards them trying to stop them and while he did Mahito turned towards Nanami and smirked when he realized that he was already in front of him.

"Now it's just you and me Jujutsu sorcerer!" He said with a smirk before putting his hand together with a grin full of malice.

Small hands started forming inside his mouth as well and did the same sign while saying:

"Domain Expansion: Mahayana Prison"