She Knew A Lot Of Things

"Anna, I'm telling you this marriage will not last given the foundation and you are going to end up destroying yourself," Mrs. Carter said as soon as she shut the door behind them.

"Mum, I thought we were over this topic?" Anna spread her arms as she walked towards her closet. She was a little out of it that they had gone back to 

Mrs. Carter scoffed. "Really? That easily? Did you forget I haven't punished you for getting married without informing me?"

"Mum!" Anna was tired of being scolded. Yes, it was her fault and she had apologised several times. She was already suffering from migraines.

"Fine, I will forget it. For now. There is a more important matter I want to talk to you about." Waving her hand, Mrs. Carter continued, "You are not thinking about having a child now, right?"

Immediately, Anna's eyes widened. She didn't expect her mother to ask that kind of question. "Mum, can we not talk about this?"

Mrs. Carter paid no heed to her and went on to pull out two of her travel boxes so they could be chatting and packing. There was still a young man waiting for them.

"Since your career is more important right now, you should focus on getting back to the National team and I believe that Roy is aware of it. There are a few methods to prevent pregnancy I will share with you."

"Mum, please don't go there. This conversation is so awkward," Anna tried to talk her mother out of the pregnancy topic but failed.

"Then you shouldn't have gotten married," her mother countered. "You and Roy can discuss and make your choice. But make sure that as a start, you don't have unprotected sex."

At this point, Anna felt like blocking her ears. She wished that she didn't have to pack her clothes so there would be no reason for her mother to talk about sex with her.

"Mum, as you already pointed out, Roy and I are still getting to know each other so sleeping together is a far-fetched topic."

"Who are you kidding?" Mrs. Carter almost rolled her eyes. "I will tell you the truth as your mother cut that bullshit. And can you not everyone know how innocent you are cause you are just exposing the fact that you don't know anything."

Anna refused to listen to her mother because she could not see anything happening between her and Roy. Already, the latter had warned her never to climb his bed. If they were going to be sleeping in different rooms, where was the temptation going to come from?

"Mum, although I am innocent in that area, I am not stupid. I still know a lot of things."

Hearing that, Mrs. Carter turned to face her and put her hands on her waist. "Who taught you? She asked with a serious expression on her face.

Anna watched her mother speechlessly. She was wondering if her mother knew how ridiculous she looked and sounded.

"You taught me as a teenager, the teachers in my junior high school and the internet."

Having answered her mother, Anna continued to pick out clothes from her closet and folded each one before passing them to her mother who would, in turn, lay them neatly inside her luggage. 

"I don't trust the internet," Mrs. Carter frowned. 

"Well, you can't teach me everything," Anna retorted.

The mother and daughter grew quiet for a few moments before the former started to talk about family planning. 

"You are not too young to start having children, but I would hate for you to end your career this way. You only represented Danastan once at the Olympic level before your accident, you need a comeback. You are still young to retire."

"Mum, I have heard you." Anna decided to listen to her mother if she wanted the conversation to end. 

She knew that if she didn't say 'yes' to her mother, they were not going to move away from that topic which was already very embarrassing.

After the mother came to an agreement, the packing became faster. And half an hour later, they emerged from the bedroom.

Roy smiled at them when they finally stepped out of the room. He hadn't seen himself sitting for so long and now, he could leave. 

"We apologize for taking so much time." Mrs. Carter was more kind this time around and Roy liked her so much better than when they had met earlier. 

"It's nothing," he said, rising to his feet. 

"I expect you to take better care of my daughter, she is all I have," Mrs. Carter said as she led the way out of the apartment. She wanted to see the car her daughter was getting into.

Roy nodded and assured her with a smile then turning to Anna who was rolling the two luggage, he reached out a hand to her. "Let me have one."

Anna did not immediately pass the luggage to him. She first glanced at her mother's back and then back to his face as if to ask if he was sure about it.

If he wanted to keep up appearances, he didn't need to do so by helping her roll her luggage because she could not afford it.

She was still a little bit afraid of his kindness since she was conversant and still preferred his aloofness. 

"Don't make me look like a bad person, I still want to be married to you for a longer while," Roy leaned over to whisper before snatching of the luggage from her. And before she could protest, he had already forged ahead to match her mother's step.

Anna could only let out a sigh and follow behind them.

Outside, Zane opened the trunk of the jeep and put the two luggage inside before stepping aside. 

"Aunty, Anna and I will leave first to settle into the house and soon, we will invite you over," Roy said to his mother-in-law who had no problem with that.

"Don't forget to arrange a meeting with your family as well. Both families need to meet," Mrs. Carter added.

It would be only right that she met the family her daughter was married into not only for courtesy sake but for other reasons best known to her.

"I will," Roy said before climbing into the car since the woman looked like she still had something else to say to her daughter.

Mrs. Carter turned to Anna and instructed, "I will set up an appointment with your manager next week. Be home by then."