A Romantic Dinner

Roy was joking the first time. Seeing that his pretty hardworking wife wanted to save the memory of their romantic dining in her phone, he asked someone to bring her phone from the house.

Anna was excited to receive it, so she just went on to unlock it before passing it to the butler to help them take pictures and record a few clips. 

"My body feels like a log of wood," Anna moaned as she bit into the juicy steak. That was the first thing she wanted to eat.

"You have worked so hard these past several days. You need a break. How about a massage after?" Roy suggested and gestured for the butler to serve them the champagne.

Hearing that, Anna lifted her head. "I could really use a massage this night if it were possible. Are you going to take me to the spa this late?"

Roy looked amused at her thinking. "What are my hands for?" he asked, flicking his fingers at her. She could barely control her laughter.