A Case From The Past

With all the evidence in his hands to take out Anna's former manager, Roy had just one person to discuss with before handing the matter to the police. Ms. Carter. And after, he can speak to Anna.

Even though he would rather not let her disturb herself over a serious matter likely to break her, he still had to let her know because Christy would soon be on the news.

From the office, Roy went straight to his mother-in-law's home after texting Anna that he would be late and unable to have dinner with her.

"You said you have something on Christy?" Ms. Carter inquired after exchanging all pleasantries and receiving the gifts from Roy.

´Yes." Immediately, Roy rolled open the sealed envelope, brought out every sheet of paper in there and handed them to her. "I also have some video shreds of evidence, but you can go ahead and take a look at these first."