"But I was wondering, why were you being mean to me earlier?" Rebecca inquired with a smile that was not a smile while peering directly into his eyes. "I mean, we haven't seen each other in some months, I landed in Danastan and tried to reach you but you ignored me. Why is that?"
She was completely ready to confront him after playing through the corners after all, that was the real reason she was adamant about meeting him.
Roy took in her expressions and exhibitions before responding in a clear firm tone. "We don't have any business together, and I am not accountable to you for anything, so I can choose to take your calls or not whenever I want. Do you have a problem with that?"
Rebecca was stunned. Her breathing hitched. She wasn't expecting that he was going to be mean to her once again, but here he was giving her a thousand and one reasons for that to be justified.
"Are you for real?" she scoffed, still looking dumbfounded.