Better as a rogue.

As she leaves the market, she turns down a narrow street that leads towards the library. The street is lined with tall, narrow houses that leans precariously towards each other. The cobblestones are wet and slick, and the air is damp and musty. Marianne shoes splashed through puddles as she hurries along, trying to avoid the carts and carriages that rumbles by.

"Shit." She says as she dust the dirt off. The library loomes ahead, its ancient stone walls covers in ivy. It is a haven of knowledge and learning, and Marianne can hardly wait to step inside.

As she pushes open the heavy wooden door of the library, she immediately strike by the quiet and stillness. The air is cool and dry, and the shelves are lined with thousands of books. The room is dimly lit, with only a few candles flickering on the walls. Marianne make her way towards the circulation desk, where an elderly man seat reading a large book.

"Excuse me, sir," Marianne says, "I am looking for a book on the criminology, do you have any recommendations?"

The old man behind the desk take off his spectacles and polishes them with a cloth. "Of course, my young friend," he says, "we have a number of excellent texts on the subject. May I ask what you are interested in specifically?"

She clears her throat, "I am interested in the psychology of criminals," She says, "how and why they commit crimes."

The old man's eyes lit up. "Ah, you are interested in the study of criminal minds," he saya, "we have several excellent works that may interest you." He pulls a few books from the shelves and lays them out on the desk.

"These should provide you with a good introduction to the subject," he says. "If you have any questions or would like more recommendations, please let me know."

Marianne eyes widens as she looks at the books before her. She takes the books and make her way to a small table in the corner of the library. She sits down on the floor and opens the first book, and is soon lost in a world of criminal psychology. As she read, she found herself fascinated by the theories and research presents in the text.

"So, what if those that were killed two years ago, were killed because they knew what they shouldn't have known. So that means, the baron's knows a secret that he shouldn't have known. And he's definitely gonna die next week because of it." She thinks in her mind to stop those murderers no matter what.

Just as she is about to open the last page of the first book, she feels a hand grab it from her grasp. She turns around and see a very good-looking man standing behind her, a playful smile on his face.

"You read that type of books?" He says and he is shocked to find the book the young boy is reading. "Why are you reading this."

"It's mine, give it to me." Marianne says and tries to collect the book.

"Hold on. I am a constable. I came to research on the murder case that happens two years ago." He smiles at her and she calm too. That's when she studies his outfit.

He wears a coat of fine velvet, with a shirt of white silk underneath. His breeches are well-tailored and his boots are polished to a high shine. His hair is dark and styled in the latest fashion, and his features are sharp and aristocratic. He looks every inch the rogue, with a devil-may-care grin on his face.

"You look more like a rogue than a constable." She glares at him and the older boy grins.

"Can you tell me about what you know?" He says and she looks at the window to see that it's getting dark.

"I don't know anything. But be rest assured that another murder case is going to take place next week. You can catch the murderer if you get there early." She says and tries to leave.

"Hold on. How do I know you are not tricking me?" He says and she throws a murder glare at him.

"If you don't believe me, then bye." She says and twist his wrist and escapes,.not without wondering why she told the guy about the secret.

The guy watches her in disbelief and stares at his hand he twisted.

"Why is he so strong that way? He didn't even let me introduce myself or probably give me his name." He scoffs and someone comes out of the shadow, signals to him and they both leaves together