Everything is still the same.

"You're too smart to be an idle layabout," Louis says, changing the topic, his tone teasing. "Why don't you join the constable force? You could do some real good, and put your smarts to good use."

Marianne laughs. "Oh, you want me to work for free now?" he asks, winking.

"For free? I don't catch criminal for money. I do that to help the society." Louis says.

"That's you. I am very different. Don't you know that I'm all about the money?"

"You scoundrel!" Louis says, playfully punching Marianne on the shoulder. "Don't you know that people can work for other reasons, like a sense of purpose or altruism?"

"I don't know that." Marianne feign ignorant.

"Surely you must know that people can work for more than just a paycheck," Louis says, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "What about working for the greater good, or to make the world a better place?"